Sunday 9 September 2018

Battle for Idlib begins as Syrian, Russian forces unleash massive attack

Joaquin Flores

Pentagon to present its own plan of ‘effective war on terror’ in Syria – without Russia
8 September, 2018

Midnight, GMT+3, September 9th – The liberation of Idlib from US backed terrorists, has now begun. With weeks of preparation, on the tactical, strategic, infowar, and diplomatic fronts, the Russian and Syrian air forces launched their first sorties tonight, with bombers and assault planes attacking terrorist held positions between Hama and Idlib. So far there have been over 70 airstrikes recorded above several jihadist sites in northwest Syria in just the last several hours alone.

Previously the Syrian government confirmed that Russian and Syrian air forces successfully launched over 100 airstrikes in the last since yesterday, softening up peripheral targets and making impossible the possibility of any break-through or counter-attack, or other maneuver on the part of the terrorists.

It is expected, barring a major U.S counter-attack to protect their own assets, that the Syrian and Russian forces will heavily bombardment specific targets throughout the night, and into the early morning ours of September 9th.

SAA and allied forces have been making simultaneous preparations for the ground assault which will likely commence tomorrow. Syrian and Iranian intelligence operatives inside of Idlib had been successful, over the last few weeks, in documenting and noting the location of targets where terrorists had made their HQ. One such was a former hospital, fortunately that this premises was being used as a base of operations by terrorist groups was recorded on video, and presented to the international community via information war channels.

In the weeks leading up to today, both the US and Russia scrambled massive naval fleets into the Mediterranean, as a means to deter each other from any successful action. However, given the outcome of diplomatic efforts, in particular the events at the UN, it became apparent that the US’s plan to use a false flag or hoax attack as a pretext to attack Syria with a UN mandate-of-sorts (statements from the UN envoy to Syria, that is – there would never be a UNSC resolution to that effect).

After securing an international coalition to support the final liberation of Idlib, and after having fought with some success in the UN to preclude any prejudgment to the effect that only Syria could be capable of pulling off a chemical attack, Syria said it was committed to ‘liberate’ Idlib.

Jafari said “those who facilitated the entry of foreign terrorist fighters into my country, especially the Turkish government, still have a chance to remove them from Idlib province.”

With the United States, Britain and France all reportedly making final preparations on September 8th to launch a major offensive against Syria, and threatening use of force on a scale far larger than that of the attack carried out in April 2018, Russia has notably responded by moving naval assets to the Mediterranean and deploying its warships in defensive positions to deter a potential second Western attack.

Russian media said officially, on September 8th, that they were fully expecting a false flag or hoax chemical weapons attack to take place in Idlib, carried out by the US and MI6 primarily, in order to use this as a pretext to take military action against Syria.

While Russia has previously tolerated Western interventions against Damascus on a small scale, namely token missile strikes initiated with prior warning and with apparent coordination with Syria and Russia, which were further blunted by Syria’s own air defences, a larger strike which could have a significant impact on the outcome of the war – at a time when Damascus’ forces and those of its allies prepare for a major ground offensive against the Jihadist held province of Idlib – could well cross a red line which would lead to Russian intervention on the side of its Middle Eastern ally. To be able to deter a Western attack however, Russia will need to demonstrate that it has a credible chance of protecting Syria against the combined firepower of its adversaries despite the far smaller size of its forces in the country – which pale in comparison to the massive Western military forces deployed throughout the Middle East and the U.S. and possibly French carrier strike groups which are likely to participate in an attack.

As the US prepares its last ditch effort to derail the final destruction of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, in their hopes to stop the liberation of Idlib, the Atlantic Council – the media wing of NATO – has instructed YouTube to shut-down the news channels of Syrian agencies.
In the lead-up, two days ago, Russian, Turkish, and Iranian leadership met to discuss an agreement to see this operation carried out with as few problems as possible. “Damascus has every right to take back all its territory,” Russian president Vladimir Putin told a summit on Friday the 7th, which decided how these countries would relate to the Syrian government during the last major terrorist stronghold, Idlib.
The legitimate Syrian government has a right and must eventually take under control all of its national territories,” Putin told Iran’s Hassan Rouhani and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the summit.
The Russian leader said it was important to begin work on a political settlement in Syria “as soon as possible” and urged Iran and Turkey to ramp up their coordination with Russia of their countries’ foreign and defence ministries and security services. Now the world waits in anticipation, whether the U.S will work with the UK as planned, to carry out a false flag or hoax ‘chemical attack’, which the U.S officials have already said in advance they would blame on the Syrian government. 
Putin said “terrorist elements” continued to “stage provocations” and use drones in Idlib. “We cannot ignore this,” the Russian president said. “We should solve this problem together.”
The three leaders determined the future of Idlib amid growing fears of a humanitarian disaster. The three countries are guarantors of the Astana process, a track of talks launched after Russia’s game-changing 2015 military intervention which has eclipsed the failed Western-backed Geneva negotiations led by the United Nations.
The only real foreseeable problem now is the US finding some last minute pretext to bring this final operation to a halt. While the US appears to have exhausted all options, the desperation may lead to a rash decision. It was previously reported that the US asked for Turkish assistance in removing some 200 US and UK military personnel that were in Idlib.
To connect the dots here clearly, it has been generally and publicly understood for some time that the US and its coalition, have been actively backing the ISIS and Al Qaeda efforts in Syria. This is despite the US’s intervention in the country being initially based on fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda, even though the intervention was started without the consent of the Syrian government, making the moves in fact an invasion against the sovereignty of the Syrian state and people.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 A.M.) – The Russian and Syrian air forces have been hard at work, tonight, as their fighter pilots carry several airstrikes across the Hama-Idlib axis.

Led by their Sukhoi jets, the Syrian and Russian air forces initially began their aerial campaign on Saturday morning, when they repeatedly bombarded the jihadist rebels in both the Idlib and Hama provinces.

The Syrian and Russian air forces would not stop there; they would since launch over 70 airstrikes above several jihadist sites in northwest Syria.

According to a military communique from the Hama Governorate, the Russian and Syrian air forces launched over 100 airstrikes in the last 24 hours, hitting jihadist trenches, bases, and hideouts in the process.

Among the several sites targeted by the Syrian and Russian air forces were the towns of Khan Sheikhoun, Taman’ah, Sukeek, Kafr Zita, Al-Lataminah, Zakat, Alayweh, Ma’arat Al-Nu’man, Jisr Al-Shughour, Qal’at Al-Madiq, and Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

The Syrian and Russian forces will likely continue their heavy bombardment throughout the night and early into tomorrow, as their ground troops make their final preparations before they launch their assault.

Battle for Idlib begins as Syrian, Russian forces unleash massive attack

8 September, 2018

 *** BULLETIN ***

(See 7:09 PM EDT Update at bottom of article)  A Chemical Weapons and Missile Specialist with the Terrorists SABOTAGED the missiles and fled into Turkey from Idlib.   The missiles are still loaded with chemicals and as soon as those in-possession can repair the sabotage, the chemical weapons will be launched.   
I intentionally delayed this reporting for several hours because the last time, things stopped almost immediately after starting.  This time, I waited for video, photos of dead bodies, and such.  I can now confirm . . . it has actually begun:  The battle for Idlib, Syria.
Officially code named  "Operation Idlib Dawn" missiles are flying.  Artillery is firing.  Aircraft are dropping bombs. The dead bodies are beginning to pile up.
The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) battle for Idlib has begun after several weeks of speculation and military buildup.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian and Russian air forces unleashed a massive assault across the Hama-Idlib axis, hitting a number of sites controlled by the jihadist rebels.
Artillery is firing:
GRAD Missile Barrages being fired:
The source added that the Syrian Arab Army has yet to storm any areas in the Idlib and Hama governorates; the ground attack is likely to commence in the next few day.
Russian aerospace forces and Syrian airpower mission objectives are the striking of Al-Qaeda affiliate Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) positions across Idlib province.
Rebel media published a video footage showing the latest airstrikes conducted on the northern countryside of Hama and southern Idlib.
These massive air-raids come prior to large, wide-scale offensive led by Syria's Tiger Forces, according to military sources.

The video includes moment of Russian warplane carrying out concentrated airstrikes against several rebel bunkers and hideouts, where they use it as main headquarter and a place to hide ammunition depots.

Militants Underground tunnels where Russian aircraft bombed

Here is video of the Russian air strike:


There are more than 30 terrorist factions in Idlib, most notably the Nasra Front, The number of terrorists estimated to more than 50,000”, The Russian delegate to the Security Council.

Sources tell the Hal Turner Radio Show that Syrian helicopters kicked-off the offensive this morning by targeting militant positions in Hama and Idlib provinces. The air attack was backed by shelling from Syrian Army rocket and howitzer units.

Here is video of one such helicopter attack:

Russian airpower is also taking part in the attack alongside Syrian helicopters and artillery forces by bombing positions and movements of Nusra Front terrorists in the towns of Khan Sheikhun, Al-Latamanah, Ghernaz, Skik, Tel Skek and surrounding villages and hamlets.

Sources added that the ground assault, when it does come, will take place on several fronts at once. The immense air and artillery bombardment currently taking place is being done to soften up insurgent positions for infantry and armored storming forces.

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN Security Council has confirmed Damascus’ willingness to secure safe passage for civilians in Idlib, if terrorist groups allow them to leave.


While things in Syria are breaking loose into widespread fighting, Iran upped-the-ante by launching barrages of Ballistic Missiles into . . . IRAQ!

BREAKING: Iran targets Saudi-sponsored KDPI terrorists in Northern Iraq with precision-guided ballistic missiles.

US Chased-Away from Russian Fleet


While this is taking place, A #USAF RC-135 got too close to the Russian Navy exercises zone near the Syrian Coast and it was "forced to retreat."
(HT Note: It's things like THIS that open the door to a direct confrontation between the US and Russia which would explode like mad once a single mistake takes place.   We are literally on the doorstep of actual military fighting between the US and Russia, right now, TODAY.)  
America’s top general on Saturday said he was involved in “routine dialogue” with the White House about military options should Syria ignore U.S. warnings against using chemical weapons in an expected assault on the enclave of Idlib.
Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said no decision had been made by the United States to employ military force in response to a future chemical attack in Syria.
But we are in a dialogue, a routine dialogue, with the president to make sure he knows where we are with regard to planning in the event that chemical weapons are used,” he told a small group of reporters during a trip to India. Dunford later added: “He expects us to have military options and we have provided updates to him on the development of those military options.”
This story will be updated throughout today.  Updates to appear below.  



The video below shows exactly who the Syrian Army is trying to oust from Idlib and other areas of their country.  This Syrian Army security convoy was brutally attacked, with numerous Syrian soldiers killed.  This video shows ACTUAL DEAD SOLDIERS and readers are cautioned the scenes are very disturbing to see.

MORE: Huge bombardment in Idlib right now, over 60 different locations targeted. Shelling all along the front lines of North Hama also. 



The Russian Defense Ministry says terrorists in the rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib have almost completed their preparations for a provocation involving chemical weapons.
The US is ready to put forward its own plan to effectively fight terrorism in Syria and it is not going to cooperate with Russia on the issue, the Pentagon said in a statement.
"US military officials believe there is a more effective way to do counter-terrorism operations than major conventional operations in Idlib. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the United States was not talking about cooperating, but about using US capabilities to spot the terrorists — even in an urban environment — and take them out with a minimum of civilian casualties," the US Department of Defense said, citing Gen. Joseph Dunford.



 US-led hostile strike against the SYRIAN ARAB ARMY (SAA) is highly expected within the next 48 hours.

**** BULLETIN  4:07 PM EDT ***

Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) says "White Helmets" from US/UK/France moving now to carry-out FALSE FLAG CHEMICAL ATTACK to provide excuse for US/UK/FRANCE attacks upon Syrian Army.  Russia MoD says American-led attacks expected within 48 Hours.  "Such attacks will not go undefended or unanswered."

(HT Note: This could be "it" folks.  The moment when US and Russian military forces commence direct battle against each other.  Pray for peace.)



A notorious commander of Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) terrorist group was KILLED BY A HIT TEAM OF ASSASSINS in Idlib amid increased tensions and insecurities in the province.
Field sources in Northern Syria reported on Saturday that a group of unknown assailants killed Tahrir al-Sham’s security commander Abu Hajar al-Ansari in a gun attack in Jabal al-Zawiyeh region in Idlib.
They added that al-Ansari was responsible for protecting Tahrir al-Sham’s Mufti Abu al-Yaqzan al-Misri.
Meantime, a bomb was detonated in the town of Ma’arat al-No’eman in Southern Idlib, killing several militants.
Also, explosion of a bomb near a court building in the town of Salqayn in Northwestern Idlib killed and wounded a number of terrorists.
In a relevant development last Sunday, at least five senior commanders of Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at were killed in a chain of blasts in the Northwestern province of Idlib, local sources reported.
Ahmad Fo’ad Dayb, a commander of Tahrir al-Sham, was killed after a bomb, planted in his vehicle, went off in the town of Saraqib in Idlib.
In the meantime, local sources reported that four blasts in the towns of Samin, Salqin, Qah and al-Dana near the border with Turkey killed at least five commanders of Tahrir al-Sham.
Also, a number of terrorists were killed after a bomb-laden vehicle went off in Tahrir al-Sham’s base near al-Ehsan Hospital in the Southern part of the town of Saraqib that is one of the most crucial strongholds of Tahrir al-Sham in Southeastern Idlib.
SAA units commenced a sweeping OP from Zilaqiat northwards & from Tal Milih towards Wadi Hasmin in northern Hama in response to militants targeting w/ mach8ne guns & artillery.

***** URGENT ***** 7:09 PM EDT --


Sources in jisr al-shouhor say a CHEMICAL WEAPONS & MISSILE SPECIALIST escaped from the town to Turkey after disarming the missiles!      
This fits perfectly with earlier declarations by the Russian Ministry of Defense that it is TERRORISTS planning to use chemical weapons and have it blamed on Syria! !  ! ! 
SOURCES REPORT THE MISSILES ARE STILL LOADED WITH TOXIC GAS and as soon as the groups in-possession can repair the sabotage, the chemical weapons will be launched! ! ! ! !
Russia and Syria are moving teams in to try to capture the missiles before they are launched in order to track who made the missiles and who supplied them.  This would potentially reveal who has ACTUALLY been responsible for the so-called "Chemical Weapons" in Syria.


Russian and Syrian air forces launched over 100 airstrikes in the last 24 hours, hitting jihadist trenches, bases, and hideouts in the process.
Among the several sites targeted by the Syrian and Russian air forces were the towns of Khan Sheikhoun, Taman’ah, Sukeek, Kafr Zita, Al-Lataminah, Zakat, Alayweh, Ma’arat Al-Nu’man, Jisr Al-Shughour, Qal’at Al-Madiq, and Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.
The Syrian and Russian forces will continue their heavy bombardment throughout the night and early into tomorrow, as their ground troops make their final preparations before launching a ground assault.
Turkish Military Convoys on the move in Idlib:



A massive Turkish military convoy entered the Idlib Governorate from the Hatay Province, tonight, opposition activists reported.
According to the Syrian opposition activists, the Turkish military convoy consisted of more than 300 vehicles, including tanks, MLRS launchers, and BMPs.
The Turkish military convoy reportedly entered Syria through the Kafr Losen Crossing; it was heading towards the rebel front-lines in the Idlib and Hama governorates.
Some opposition activists have claimed that the Turkish military was heading to the Idlib Governorate with manpads, which are man-carried, surface-to-air missiles.  The ONLY entities using aircraft over Idlib are the Syrian government and its ally, Russia.  So why is Turkey bringing shoulder-launched anti-aircraft weaponry into Idlib???? The only possible answer would be that they are preparing to down aircraft flying over their positions.  The only aircraft they would be able to fire on are Syrian and Russian and if Turkish forces fired upon those, it would mean instant war.
Turkey appears to not be backing down from the Syrian government forces, despite the fact that the latter is backed by Ankara’s allies: Iran and Russia.
We are looking at a scenario now, where  elements of the Turkish Army are inside Syria without permission, and may now use weaponry to defend the terrorists in Idlib against the ongoing Syria/Russian offensive TO CLEAN OUT THOSE SAME TERRORISTS!  This would put Turkey (NATO) in direct confrontation with Russia and Syria ----  WORLD WAR 3 MAY BEGIN WITHIN HOURS !

UPDATE 10:40 PM EDT --

United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Nicki Haley says:
"We consider any assault on Idlib to be a dangerous escalation of the conflict in Syria. If Assad, Russia & Iran continue, the consequences will be dire."

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