Wednesday 28 December 2016

More on the TU-154 crash

From a couple of days ago.

I believe it is quite on the cards that the Russian authorities will not reveal the entire truth behind the downing of the Tu-154 airliner.

CIA “Burst Transmission” From Ukraine Precedes Catastrophic Russian Military Plane Crash

25 December, 2016

A grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report released in the Kremlin today by the Security Council (SC) on the catastrophic crash into the Black Sea of an Aerospace Forces (AF) Tupolev Tu-154 airliner at 02:40 (GMT+3) while 1.5 kilometers (.9 miles) from its takeoff from Sochi International Airport was preceded by an as yet unexplained American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) encrypted “burst transmission” occurring prior to this disaster by 23 minutes—and that “strangely/coincidentally” immediately redirected a US Air Force C-130 cargo plane from its original path over the Black Sea to the Romanian Air Forces 90th Airlift Base from NATO’s Incirlik Air Base in the Republic of Turkey. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, at 02:17 (GMT+3), a Coastal Troops (CT’s) electronic-intelligence station of the Black Sea Fleet, located in the Republic of Crimea, detected an encrypted “burst transmission” originating from Odessa, Ukraine, whose electronic technology was based on United States MIL-STD-188 military standards—that MoD experts in this report state combines a very high data signaling rate with very short transmission times, to compress messages, and that is widely used by various US military and CIA spies, who both wish to minimize the chance of their radio transmissions being detected.

Most concerning, however, to MoD analysts tasked with the “investigation/examination” of this “burst transmission”, this report continues, was that its originating location in Odessa had previously been “targeted/marked” by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being a CIA electronic listening post—but had “gone silent” after the election of President-elect Donald Trump when President Obama ordered the “urgent withdrawal” (РУС) of all CIA and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) personal from Ukraine for reasons still not explained.

With the United States having become under the Obama regime a rogue superpower that considers itself above the law, and since 1953 has sought the Nazification of Ukraine, this report notes, the American threat earlier this month to flood the Black Sea with NATO warships earned a grave rebuke from President Putin who promised war with the West should they dare to engage in such militaristic folly.

Equally as worse as Obama creating a Ukrainian Nazi regime on the very belly of the Federation to now protect with NATO might and power, this report continues, the present American administration has, also, called Russia their number one threat in their bid to pave the way towards perpetual war—and who became incensed this past week when a memo was leaked showing that President-elect Trump didn’t even list Russia as one his nations top priorities at all. "


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