Friday 1 January 2016

Terrorist threat in Munich

German police evacuate train stations in Munich, warn public over ISIS suicide attack threat

German police secure the main train station in Munich January 1, 2016. © Michael Dalder

German police on Thursday evacuated the central railway station of Munich, the capital of Bavaria, as well as another station in Pasing due to an imminent terror threat. On Twitter and Facebook, Munich police have asked people to avoid crowded places amid the ongoing New Year celebrations.

At 19:40 local time, the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) informed the Munich police that they had received information about 5-7 Islamic State (IS, ISIS / ISIL) suicide bombers preparing a terrorist attack on the city, Munich police chief Hubertus Andrä said at a press conference.

Andrä added that there are 550 officers deployed in Munich right now, but they have yet to find any indication of an imminent threat.

Bavaria's Minister Says Daesh Behind Planned Terrorist Attack in Munich

Daesh terrorist group is behind a planned terrorist attack in the German city of Munich the Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Munich Police Department said earlier they had information of a terrorist attack planned in the city for New Year's Eve, urging people to avoid crowds.

Later, police evacuated two train stations in Munich over high possibility of the attack.

The German Die Welt newspaper quoted Herrmann as saying that the information was obtained from a friendly intelligence service and it was necessary to immediately step up the security measures in the city.
In late December, Austrian police stated that several European capitals received a warning from a "friendly intelligence service" about possible terrorist attacks during the holiday season.

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