Friday 1 January 2016

Dahr Jamail and Guy McPherson on abrupt climate change

Great comments from Forrest Palmer

Climate Change: Have We Reached the Point of No Return?

Real News Network

Good interview with Dahr Jamail and Guy McPherson on The Real News Network...I was shocked that I actually saw these two cats on TRNN discussing climate change...Regarding the interview, It always stuns me how interviewers can talk with people like this then go back to their daily lives while at the same time acknowledging what they say is true or at the very least needs to be investigated...I saw this same behavior with Thom Hartmann when he interviewed the good doctor...It is like admitting that they are correct, but a mental shrug in terms of a response...I mean damn the professionalism...Unless I can respond specifically that what they are saying is bullshit in terms of Near Term Human Extinction, then I would be totally fixated on this in every facet of my life and feel the need to to talk with people about it...

I mean that is where I am at now...Yet, since I both have that need to discuss these things while realizing that this is the last thing that people want to hear, I tend to just not interact with people anymore on a certain level and just stick to myself...But on the flip side, I am at my most jovial and light-hearted with people who have accepted the circumstances in which we reside presently and who DO speak on it because I know the vitriolic response they receive from the masses...So, any amount of pleasure and frivolity I can give them in our interactions is the least I can do in alleviating the heavy burden they carry in being isolated from family and even losing friends by simply being honest...

What stuns me more than anything else is not the people who can't accept this as a reality since I know how stupid people are, but the ones who do accept it, but still have the same ambivalent reaction as the ones who don't believe it...This isn't even an intellectual problem, it is a psychological one born of cultural indoctrination...

Anyhow, I won't say enjoy this interview since it is pretty brutally honest about how fucked we are...But I will say that we should all listen and respond by trying to enjoy each and everyday a little bit more since no matter how you slice it, our current relationship with the world will be coming to an end in a relatively short amount of time...

As I have a drink in my hand while I am writing this, cheers to one and all...

1 comment:

  1. I guess it's partly the old Upton Sinclair syndrome, the quote about getting someone to realize or admit to something when his paycheque depends on him not believing it. Partly that and partly the level of absurdity and cognitive dissonance that is so prevalent everywhere and in everything we "moderns" do.

    In Thom Hartmann's defence, he did produce a video with DiCaprio about the risks of abrupt climate change and mentioned the possibility of human extinction. Sort of a toned down, more palatable, babystep pablum approach. Which maybe makes sense. I have heard him referring to Dr. McPherson as his friend, and about Guy's dire message and that he's not quite ready or willing to go there. He acknowledges it as a possibility or probability perhaps, of course with the catch words/disclaimer "unless we act immediately." He's not ready or willing to promote Guy's timeline. After all, he still claims that the Democrats have all the answers. I think he suspects Guy is correct but is also aware his constituency isn't ready for it. Soon it will be obvious to everyone who's not totally enthralled by the CNN/Fox matrix.


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