MH370: Who has means & motive to take a plane full of people?
April, 2014
in the way of misstatements, contradictions and other evidence has
emerged from the developing story of ‘lost’ Malaysian Airlines
flight 370 to form a case for its disappearance being orchestrated by
the West's Military Industrial Complex.
initial possibility that the airliner ‘crashed into the sea and
disappeared’ is fading away. The 'Bermuda
Triangle' scenario
of bewildering disappearances will not wash in the modern world.
the benefit of hindsight, that Caribbean 'mystery' popularized
in the 1970s now looks to have been rolled out to a credulous press
and public as a convenient cover story for skullduggery in CIA and
related drug-running operations by sea and air between Florida
markets and South American cocaine producers.
Military secrets are not for civilian TV news
Malaysian government does not have the most sophisticated satellite
and radar surveillance systems and it took several days for them to
admit that they had indeed tracked MH370 back in a westerly direction
across the Malay Peninsula.
that last point of contact on, the Malaysian authorities have been
entirely reliant on 'help' from countries with powerful military
radar systems and, more importantly, the top of the technocratic food
chain, satellites.
there we are faced with a dilemma. Does the military alliance that
controls these systems see Malaysia as an ally? Are they willing to
reveal the peacetime capabilities of their systems to a foreign
power? Ultimately do they have the technical capability to 'hack' an
airliner's controls and disable avionics, even steer the plane
rendering the pilot? If they can do that do they want to release that
information to the world?
seem to be two main theories emerging as to why, and by far the
simplest is the demonstrated by hacker Hugo Teso who is also a
commercial pilot. At the 'Hack
in the Box' conference
in April 2013, Teso demonstrated the ability to change speed,
altitude and direction of a virtual airplane by sending radio signals
to its flight-management system. He has also developed an Android app
which demonstrates the vulnerability of modern computer-controlled
airliners and business jets called PlaneSploit.
US has several airbases around the Indian Ocean and South China Sea
from which they operate the most advanced electronic warfare gadgetry
in the world. Both from specialist warships and electronic warfare
pods and installations on a variety of aircraft from the lumbering
AWACS battle control planes to fighter jets.
Australian Navy ship HMAS Toowoomba is
seen from the Japan Coast Guard Gulfstream V aircraft as it flies
over the southern Indian Ocean as they look for debris from missing
Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 April 1, 2014. (Reuters)
Malaysia is a relatively low-tech country and not in a position to
know for sure whether this happened or not. Codes of humility in the
region also mitigate against the Malaysian authorities being prepared
to admit they are out of their depth and lose face.
second is that MH370’s pilot was simply called by the military on a
frequency not being recorded by Air Traffic Control and told
something along the lines of, “Vietnamese
and other unspecified airspace is suddenly unsafe to fly in due to a
military incident so please change frequency and follow instructions
to a distant airstrip where we can put you down safely." The
was followed by something like, "Please
do not inform passengers as this may alarm them.” The
pilot would then be likely to simply comply and passengers may never
know that anything was wrong. So if one of these is the means, what
about the motive?
The geopolitics of Malaysia & China
a constant stream of invasions and interventions and by constantly
ratcheting up the arms race ever since the Second World War the USA
has marked itself out, as US writer William Blum puts it, as
the ‘Rogue
State’ of
the modern era. As a once great superpower's economy disintegrates,
US behavior in world affairs with illegal 'adventures' into
Iraq, Libya etc. is becoming shameless. They believe with a bit
of 'soft
power' news
management to their domestic populations they can get away with
has been almost fully co-opted under US domination over decades by
multinational corporations, IMF loans and the NATO military alliance.
They appear to be forming a single market under the proposed
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) too now, which
will weld EU and the Euro Currency to the Dollar in what will
effectively be one country.
China and Malaysia are independently strong and that rankles in
Washington. Malaysia refuses to do what it is told by the IMF and
China is staunchly independent of the US 'vision' for the world in a
way that has proved impossible for nations like Britain or, most
recently, Ukraine to be.
week after MH370 disappeared, China refused to back a US resolution
at the UN Security Council condemning the Russian referendum in
Crimea. Post-coup NATO is already signing co-operation deals with
Kiev’s junta, the new ‘allies’ of
the ‘free’ West, who have placed neo-Nazis in many of the
nation’s key security and policing posts.
deaths of 80 or so police and protesters in Kiev may simply have been
an extension of NATO’s 1970s and 1980s ‘Operation
In this top secret operation, exposed in a 1992 BBC Timewatch series,
NATO armed fascist ‘irregulars’ took the role of terrorists and
murdered countless innocent European civilians. The atrocities were
blamed on leftist groups and ultimately the Soviet Union and Gladio
was exposed by parliamentary enquiries in Italy, Belgium and
Switzerland. Like the February 22 coup in Kiev, similar killing of
protesters and police/army before the coup attempt happened in
Venezuela and, more recently, Syria.
In this context the kidnapping of 239 passengers and crew could be just another example of NATO Intelligence’s disregard for human life, seeing people as pawns in a much more important geopolitical‘game’.
NATO countries’ answer to economic disaster, just like in the
run-up to World Wars I and II, is aggression and war. As we saw with
the leaked phone call in Turkey last week they are even prepared to
stage events to justify an attack on an innocent neighbor. The fact
that we are now in the nuclear age seems to have passed them by, but
one imagines they believe, as US Strategic Air Command General Curtis
LeMay said after the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 that, "
any point the Soviet Union could have been obliterated without more
than expectable losses on our side."
China and Malaysia have been set against each other to a certain
extent in a 'blame
game' and
severely humiliated over the loss of MH370. Some may see this as
‘payback time’ for making bad decisions at the UNSC, suiting the
all-powerful IMF as well as their affiliated, if twisted, and
increasingly belligerent NATO military alliance very well.
Psychological warfare – news management
on Thursday, March 13, came Rolls Royce’s surprise announcement
that the Boeing 777’s two Trent engines had been running for five
or so hours after the plane was ‘lost’.
Then on Tuesday, March 18, came reports from a small Maldives
newspaper 'Haveeru' that
half a dozen islanders had first heard and then seen a ‘jumbo
jet’ flying
very low. To quote the paper: “They
said that it was a white aircraft, with red stripes across it –
which is what the Malaysia Airlines flights typically look like, and
it was heading in a southerly direction.”
these stories were greeted in the international press by an avalanche
of denials from government, military and other ‘expert’ sources,
none of whom could possibly have known whether or not the Rolls Royce
or the Maldives Islanders were correct or not. This massive and
instantaneous reaction is the clear signature of an Information
Operations campaign to stop publication and broadcasting of those
stories to the world’s public and it largely worked.
the case of Rolls Royce, a retraction was even extracted from the
engine manufacturers which the next day was forgotten, because the
evidence Rolls Royce had was so robust and watertight. Far fewer
individuals are killed, so the military argue, by the use of lies to
win over a population than with guns, bombs and tanks. Quite right
they are too.
what happens when journalists who are better at telling the truth
than they are at lying are surreptitiously assassinated, as is widely
believed to be the case with Rolling Stone journalist Michael
Hastings? He had told the truth about US Afghan General Stanley
McChrystal and got him sacked from the top post.
was about to expose the new head of the CIA director John Brennan who
is an advocate for using US Army Information Operations (I-Ops)
Psychological Warfare cells against domestic US journalists and
politicians. It’s widely believed, including by former White House
cyber-security adviser Richard Clarke said that Michael’s Mercedes
was ‘consistent
with a car cyber attack’,
or hacked. Accelerated to breakneck speed then steered into a tree
where it exploded and he died.
With MH370 we have two clear examples of hard evidence where military style 'news management' or information warfare' appears to be the only explanation for cascades of malicious news stories spreading at the speed of light around the worlds news-wires designed to kill what may well be the truth stone dead.
Similarities to the 9/11 attacks and Britain's role
bizarre zigzag routes followed by MH370 are exactly the sort of
flight path demonstrated during the September 11 attacks. On 9/11 we
saw the same mysterious switching off, whether remotely or by the
pilots, of transponders which should have been reporting the planes’
speed, altitude and position to air traffic control. If anything, the
777 is even more liable to cyber hijacking than the 767s involved in
the 9/11 attacks. It was the first production aircraft to have no
controls by which the pilot has direct influence over any part of the
aircraft. It's all via the flight management system.
role too has not been entirely as an honest broker. Private military
connected firm Inmarsat have given impressive looking maps
instructing rescuers where to search, but consistently failed to
reveal the raw data which, they say, led to those conclusions. The UK
Air Accident Investigation Branch too has given expert advice without
fleshing out the full reasons for its conclusions.
the other hand, Rolls Royce is the star of the piece, exposing an
enormous flaw in the initial ‘lost
plane’ theory:
that MH370 flew on for over five hours. Airliners in trouble simply
do not fly on for five hours and then plunge into the sea.
the land where, as of last week, friends and family are prohibited
from sending Bibles to their loved ones in prison, nothing in the way
of barbarism from our real leaders across the Atlantic, now entirely
contemptuous of the world and citizenry they are supposed to serve,
would surprise me.
Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist.
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