Stewart Destroys CNN On Excessive MH370 Airline coverage
They Tried Looking for MH370 ‘Up Their Own A**holes’?
Jon Stewart is getting tired of CNN’s near-total obsession with the MH370 hunt, and followed up his initial criticism with another tirade Tuesday night, saying the cable network is “using every part of the tragedy” and going in any conceivable direction possible to find ways of covering the plane, even literally just “pointing at shit and wondering what it is.”
the past week, CNN has been able to report that there is a ton of
waste in the ocean and that heavy things sink while lighter things
float. In other words, as Stewart put it, “There was a lot of non
Malaysian airliner garbage in the ocean, the heavier of which sinks,
the lighter of which floats. Let us go now to Wolf Blitzer in the DUH
suggested CNN look “up their own assholes” for the plane, and
despaired that even when the network moved on to other stories, they
can’t resist wildly speculating, which led Stewart to wonder if CNN
is just “bored with the idea of reporting things” now.
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