Monday 2 January 2012

The view from Teheran

US Warmongering-News Analysis
Seeing there is so much concerning Iran in the news and we are inundated with a certain point-of-view it may be worthwhie looking at how the’other side’ views the year 2011

Press TV

It's the end of the year but it seems as 2012 begins, remnants of devastation caused on 2011 and prior to that year do not appear to be going away.

As the American troops have on the surface pulled out of Iraq, they have left behind a million Iraqi fatalities and a wrecked infrastructure.

In Afghanistan, a country that the US and its allies have waged a war on for more than a decade, Washington said that the US has gone to war with the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and now ten years later the US Vice President Joe Biden says Taliban militants aren't even Washington's enemy.

It seems the more time changes, the more they remain the same with a word of double speak contradiction and violence.

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