Saturday 26 March 2016

Climate change on Radio New Zealand - 03/26/2016

Climate change discussed on Radio New Zealand
Finally climate change is discussed on New Zealand’s public broadcaster which acknowledges the IPPC version but either ignores the true situation or tells anything BUT the truth.

Now, of course the true situation is becoming impossible to deny so listen to the incredulous abrupt climate change denier, Kim Hill call the world’s most eminent climate scientist an “alarmist”.

Jonathan Bamber: ice sheets and sea level rise

Jonathan Bamber is Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Bristol, President Elect of the European Geo Sciences Union, and an international expert on the thinning polar ice sheets and projections on sea level rise. He is visiting New Zealand as a guest of The Antarctic Report, and is keynote conference speaker at Managing the Impact of Sea Level Rise in New Zealand - Implementing Adaptation Strategies (8 April, AUT University). During the interview Professor Bamber refers to the work of New Zealand scientist Tim Naish - Kim Hill spoke with him last year.


or listen HERE

James Hansen on sea level rise

Or listen HERE

Compare the sophisticated, but agressive denial of Kim Hill with the unsophisticated response of Paul Henry on TV3 a few weeks ago

Climate Denier Paul Henry shocked at climate change – laughs it off anyway
Our total denial of the realities we face if we do not make significant changes now is as bewildering as our blind ignorance. We deserve political leaders who will lead, not make excuses. The very existence of us as a species demands it.

To watch the Paul Henry interview GO HERE

Guy McPherson was interviewed by the very same Paul Henry back in October, 2014 on his visit to New Zealand.

To watch an October, 2014 interview with Guy McPherson GO HERE


  1. Finally climate change is discussed on New Zealand’s public broadcaster ????
    You missed Guy in 2012 then ?

    Search Results
    guy mcpherson
    Displaying page 1 of 1 out of 2 results
    Guy McPherson: agrarian anarchy
    Conservation biologist who lives off the grid in a straw bale house in New Mexico, raising small livestock and interacting with his rural community.
    From Saturday Morning on 07 Jul 2012
    Listen (duration 1h 1′ :35″)PlaylistDownload: Ogg  |  MP3
    Saturday Morning for Saturday, 7 July 2012
    Oliver Burkeman on happiness and self-help, Arnie Gundersen on Fukushima, Vincent Ward on art and movies, Dan Salmon on his new documentary Pictures of Susan, Playing Favourites with writer, musician and publisher Nigel Beckford, and Guy McPherson on the decline of civilization, and agrarian anarchy.
    11:05 Guy McPherson
    Conservation biologist Guy R. McPherson is Emeritus Professor, Natural Resources and the Environment, at the University of Arizona, and lives off the grid in a straw bale house in New Mexico, raising small livestock and interacting with his rural community. He is the author of a number of books, including Walking Away From Empire: a Personal Journey (PublishAmerica, ISBN: 9781462638871), and is visiting New Zealand as keynote speaker for the School Executive Officers’ Conference 2012 (4-6 July).

    1. I've only posted Guys interview twice, once with this post.

    2. Kim Hill didn't ask Guy about climate change - only about his mud hut. She studiously avoided the topic.

    3. How could I forget! I organised the interview


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