intelligence warned the Belgian government before Tuesday’s attack
March, 2016
to Russia’s “Life News“, the Russian intelligence services
warned the Belgian government about a possible terrorist attack
during their visit in February.
a security source, Life News alleges that the Russian intelligence
services gave the Belgian government the names of the men involved in
Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took credit for Tuesday’s
terrorist attacks via their official news site “Al-Amaq”.
предполагаемых боевиков — Ивана и
Алексея Довбаш — к сегодняшним атакам
спецслужб РФ передавали властям Бельгии
информацию о подготовке атаки тремя
боевиками ИГИЛ*, среди которых двое
братьев из Белоруссии. По данным
источника, Иван и Алексей Довбаш в
сопровождении соотечественника Марата
Юнусова в конце февраля выехали в
что 27-летний Алексей Довбаш первый
принял ислам и начал общаться с радикалами.
Под влиянием старшего брата радикальными
течениями начал интересоваться и его
младший брат — 23-летний Иван, — отмечает
источник LifeNews.
данным силовиков, братья примкнули к
отряду террористов в Сирии и после
прохождения боевой подготовки вылетели
в ЕС.
серия терактов произошла в бельгийской
столице сегодня утром. О взрывах в
международном аэропорту Брюсселя
очевидцы сообщили около 10:20 утра по мск.
Первый из них прогремел в здании воздушной
гавани, а второй произошёл на взлётной
полосе. LifeNews публиковал видео с места
ЧП, снятое гражданским журналистом.
Официально сообщалось о 17 погибших в
результате терактов в аэропорту, счёт
пострадавших идёт на десятки. Есть ли
россияне среди раненых, пока неизвестно.
появились первые сообщения о взрывах
в метрополитене Брюсселя. ЧП произошло
у станции «Мальбек» возле здания
Европарламента. Второй взрыв прогремел
на станции «Шуман». Точное число погибших
и раненых до сих пор неизвестно.
Деятельность организации запрещена в
России решением Верховного суда.
to Russia’s “Life News“, the Russian intelligence services
warned the Belgian government about a possible terrorist attack
during their visit in February.
a security source, Life News alleges that the Russian intelligence
services gave the Belgian government the names of the men involved in
Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took credit for Tuesday’s
terrorist attacks via their official news site “Al-Amaq”.
предполагаемых боевиков — Ивана и
Алексея Довбаш — к сегодняшним атакам
спецслужб РФ передавали властям Бельгии
информацию о подготовке атаки тремя
боевиками ИГИЛ*, среди которых двое
братьев из Белоруссии. По данным
источника, Иван и Алексей Довбаш в
сопровождении соотечественника Марата
Юнусова в конце февраля выехали в
что 27-летний Алексей Довбаш первый
принял ислам и начал общаться с радикалами.
Под влиянием старшего брата радикальными
течениями начал интересоваться и его
младший брат — 23-летний Иван, — отмечает
источник LifeNews.
данным силовиков, братья примкнули к
отряду террористов в Сирии и после
прохождения боевой подготовки вылетели
в ЕС.
серия терактов произошла в бельгийской
столице сегодня утром. О взрывах в
международном аэропорту Брюсселя
очевидцы сообщили около 10:20 утра по мск.
Первый из них прогремел в здании воздушной
гавани, а второй произошёл на взлётной
полосе. LifeNews публиковал видео с места
ЧП, снятое гражданским журналистом.
Официально сообщалось о 17 погибших в
результате терактов в аэропорту, счёт
пострадавших идёт на десятки. Есть ли
россияне среди раненых, пока неизвестно.
появились первые сообщения о взрывах
в метрополитене Брюсселя. ЧП произошло
у станции «Мальбек» возле здания
Европарламента. Второй взрыв прогремел
на станции «Шуман». Точное число погибших
и раненых до сих пор неизвестно.
Деятельность организации запрещена в
России решением Верховного суда.
Russian Intelligence Warned Belgium About Terrorist Attacks
Russian intelligence services gave Belgian authorities information about the preparation of terrorist attack by three militants of the terrorist organization "Islamic state". This was reported by a source of TV channel LifeNews.
According to him, brothers Ivan and Alexey Dabbashi at the end of February went from Belarus to the territory of Belgium. They were accompanied by their compatriot Marat Yunusov.
27-year-old Alex Dovbish first converted to Islam and started hanging out with radicals. Under the influence of the older brother, 23-year-old Ivan also converted, said a source. According to intelligence information, brothers Dabbashi went to a terrorist camp in Syria, received military training, and went on to the territory of the European Union.
Russian intelligence services gave Belgian authorities information about the preparation of terrorist attack by three militants of the terrorist organization "Islamic state". This was reported by a source of TV channel LifeNews.
According to him, brothers Ivan and Alexey Dabbashi at the end of February went from Belarus to the territory of Belgium. They were accompanied by their compatriot Marat Yunusov.
27-year-old Alex Dovbish first converted to Islam and started hanging out with radicals. Under the influence of the older brother, 23-year-old Ivan also converted, said a source. According to intelligence information, brothers Dabbashi went to a terrorist camp in Syria, received military training, and went on to the territory of the European Union.
Head of Ukrainian Security Service Blames Russia for Brussels Attacks
22, 2016
by Kristina Kharlova
Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev called the head of Security
Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Gritsak "a moron", after
he announced a Russian trace in Brussels explosions.
head of SBU Gritsak, who announced the involvement of Russia in the
terrorist attacks in Brussels, - is a moron," - wrote the
Prime Minister on his page in Facebook in the comments under the
post with condolences to the relatives of attack victims.
March 22, 2016
PolitRussiaTranslated by Kristina Kharlova
Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev called the head of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Gritsak "a moron", after he announced a Russian trace in Brussels explosions.
"The head of SBU Gritsak, who announced the involvement of Russia in the terrorist attacks in Brussels, - is a moron," - wrote the Prime Minister on his page in Facebook in the comments under the post with condolences to the relatives of attack victims.
Erdogan Mentions Brussels Bombing Days Before Attacks
than a week before the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of possible bombings in
European cities, including Brussels.
"There is no
reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara could not explode in
Brussels, or in any other European city," Erdogan declared
during a ceremony commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Battle
of Gallipoli in the coastal town of Canakkale on March 18.
should be noted that Erdogan’s statement followed the deadly
terrorist act of March 13, when a car bomb exploded at a bus stop
near Ankara’s central Kizilay Square, leaving 37 dead and over
120 injured. The Turkish head of state blamed Kurdish radicals for
the attack and berated European leaders for their refusal to
recognize certain Kurdish organizations as terrorist groups.
snakes you are sleeping with can bite you at any time,"
Erdogan added.
Less than a week before the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of possible bombings in European cities, including Brussels.
"There is no reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara could not explode in Brussels, or in any other European city," Erdogan declared during a ceremony commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli in the coastal town of Canakkale on March 18.
It should be noted that Erdogan’s statement followed the deadly terrorist act of March 13, when a car bomb exploded at a bus stop near Ankara’s central Kizilay Square, leaving 37 dead and over 120 injured. The Turkish head of state blamed Kurdish radicals for the attack and berated European leaders for their refusal to recognize certain Kurdish organizations as terrorist groups.
"The snakes you are sleeping with can bite you at any time," Erdogan added.
Israeli minister blames Brussels attack on EU labelling of settlement goods

EU’s labelling of goods from illegal Israeli settlements led to the bombing in Belgium, Brussels, today, The New Arab reported an Israeli minister saying.
of Science, Technology and Space, Ofir Akunis, said Europeans lost
sight of "terrorism of extremist Islam" by focusing on
boycotting Israeli goods instead allowing the attacks to take place.
in Europe have preferred to occupy themselves with the folly of
condemning Israel, labelling products, and boycotts. In this time,
underneath the nose of the continent's citizens, thousands of
extremist Islamic terror cells have grown," Akunis wrote on
were those who repressed and mocked whoever tried to give warning.
There were those who underestimated. To our sorrow, the reality has
struck the lives of dozens of innocent people."
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