Friday 1 January 2016

The Powers-that-be

This comment from Jeff appeared on my blog - for interest -

An inside insight on the ruling elite

"Here's what I know about our elected officials, having been married to the sister of a prominent US congressman. I have attended many many political events as family, behind the scenes access, group retreats, small dinners, drinking sessions, with numerous politicos from local, state, and national including high ranking senators.

First off if you really want to piss them off and get them to scream in your face, spittle flying, try and remind them that they work for the people. They do not in any way look at it that way. I can’t count how many times and how many ways they disparage the average citizen. At best they believe they are doing what THEY think is best for the masses. At worst they believe that the masses are a ignorant, dangerous externality that needs to be managed.

They also are generally very well informed. I consider myself an extreme autodidact with well above average research skills, have been since 8th grade. There was nothing that I could talk about that my bro inlaw didn’t have total knowlege plus some.

Point is they understand that the instant that it is understood that there is no shinning future for the masses to project themselves into it will be mass pandemonium. The Occupy movements have done nothing but confirm this for them.

They firmly believe they need to stay ahead of this situation or run the risk of collapse in the worst possible way which they all have been well briefed on.

In this light I can certainly see where what Mark (Austin) talks about can be very real."

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