Monday 14 December 2015

News from Syria - 12/13/2015

Latakia border cleansed of Turkish terrorists, downed Su-24 ejected pilot seat found

Originally posted at syrianfreepress.wordpress
*pilot seat photo from Social Media*

The Syrian Arab Army announced on Friday that its troops, alongside popular forces, have not left any safe place for the militants of al-Nusra Front in the mountainous regions in the Northern parts of Latakia province bordering Turkey after weeks of clashes and mop-up operations.
The army said that the Syrian government forces won all battles against the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front North of Latakia near the border with Turkey.
Al-Nusra as one of the strongest terrorist group in Syria has withdrawn from its strongholds near the border with Turkey,” the army source added.
The Syrian government forces’ anti-terrorism operations in Latakia have always been backed up by the Russian warplanes since September 30.
On Thursday, the Russian fighter jets intensified their airstrikes on positions of the Takfiri militants in the Coastal Province of Lattakia, leaving a group of terrorists dead.
A large group of terrorists were killed and injured in Russian airstrikes on militants’ positions in Jabal al-Turkman (Turkman Mountain) and Jabal al-Akrad (Al-Akrad Mountain) in the Northern part of Latakia. The Syrian Army and its allies are now in a good supplying position in the coastal province of Latakia after they brought the strategic Latakia-Kassab highway under their control, military sources said Saturday.
The sources said that after 3 years of closure the Syrian government forces reopened Lattakia-Kassab highway.

The recapture of Turkmen mountain (Jabal al-Turkmen) by the Syrian forces played a significant role in reopening the highway,” the military source further added.
[Read more about the Kessab highway here: Syrian Army unblocks the road to the Armenian region of Kessab]
Earlier reports said that the militant groups withdrew from one of the tops of al-Koz mountain and Height 713 in the Northern side of al-Khdra village after the Russian fighter jets bombed their positions and the government forces broke through their defense lines.
The militant groups left behind scores of dead and wounded members and fled the battlefields.

Does the FSA exist? Syrian citizens have their say (Video)

Fort Russ - 13th December, 2015
Video translated by ANA PRESS
"In a televised interview, Mohammad al Jolani said that there is no such thing as the Free Syrian Army. This was a video survey done randomly the following day on the 13th of December 2015. Citizens were asked their opinion or response to this claim."

From the BBC

'Thank you, Russia, Thank you, Putin' - BBC News

Russian forces are continuing a campaign of air strikes as they target IS-controlled areas in Syria. Military intervention from Russia has produced some local successes for the Syrian government forces in the fight against militant groups. Steven Rosenberg is in Syria and has been following how people there are reacting to the Russian military and political strategy.

Putin: 5,000 FSA militants fighting alongside Syrian army

Free Syrian Army fighters. Photo Reuters.

[…] 11:57
Here’s a translation of the full quote from Putin regarding his claim this morning that upward of 5,000 Free Syrian Army fighters are attacking “terrorist” positions along with Syrian government troops.

I emphasize that the work of our air group [in Syria] is facilitating the joint efforts of government forces and the Free Syrian Army. Now several of its parts totaling more than 5,000 men are, just like the regular forces, carrying out offensives against terrorists in Homs, Hama, Aleppo and Raqqa. Apart from that, we are supporting them from the air, just like the Syrian army, we are giving them assistance with weapons, ammunition and material resources,” Putin said.

Putin was speaking at an extended Defense Ministry meeting this morning.

And here’s a full translation of Putin’s comments about the Russian military’s “harsh response” if it is threatened in Syria.

I want to warn those who are again trying to organize any sort of provocation against our military personnel. We have already taken additonal measures to safeguard Russian military personnel and air bases [in Syria]. It is reinforced with new air squadrons and air defense assets,” Putin said.

All air strike operations are carried out with fighter cover. I order you to act in a very tough manner. Any targets that threaten the Russian [military] group or our ground infrastructure will be destroyed immediately.” […]


Thousands of poor Syrians tormented by years of "moderate rebel" rule, pour out to greet and cheer for the SAA who is parading through Homs after finaly liberating it, with the help of Russian air support.

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