Jet Stream Changes Driving Extreme Weather Linked Again To Global Warming, Arctic Ice Loss
August, 2014
is suffering through its worst
drought on record,
while the East Coast sees off-the-charts flooding. Both types of
extremes are worsened by global warming as scientists have explained
for decades.
in recent years you may have noticed a disproportionate increase in
record-smashing extreme weather and suspected that’s also linked to
global warming. A new study from a team of scientists from the
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) says you’re
right. The PIK release explains:
extremes in the summer — such as the record heat wave in the United
States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 — have
reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Man-made global
warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but
the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is
not so easily explained. It has been linked to a recently discovered
mechanism: the trapping of giant waves in the atmosphere. A new data
analysis now shows that such wave-trapping events are indeed on the
number of studies in recent years have linked this quantum jump in
extreme weather to global warming and the warming-driven loss of
Arctic ice (see hereand here).
Francis of Rutgers University’s Institute of Marine and Coastal
Sciences has been at the forefront of this research. She explains her
findings in this video.
key point is that the path of the jet
stream “typically
has a meandering shape, and these meanders themselves propagate east,
at lower speeds than that of the actual wind within the flow. Each
large meander, or wave, within the jet stream is known as a Rossby
new PIK study offers a specific mechanism for why we’re seeing this
quantum leap in extreme weather — some Rossby waves are stalling
out for extended periods of time: “the study shows that in periods
with extreme weather, some of these waves become virtually stalled
and greatly amplified.”
is this happening? Here things get a little technical, as befits
a study
“Quasi-resonant circulation regimes and hemispheric synchronization
of extreme weather in boreal summer.” But read on — our emerging
understanding of why extreme weather has begun running amok may be
one of the most important and consequential scientific findings in
recent years:
show that high-amplitude quasi-stationary Rossby waves, associated
with resonance circulation regimes, lead to persistent surface
weather conditions and therefore to midlatitude synchronization of
extreme heat and rainfall events. Since the onset of rapid Arctic
amplification around 2000, a cluster of resonance circulation regimes
is observed involving wave numbers 7 and 8. This has resulted in a
statistically significant increase in the frequency of high-amplitude
quasi-stationary waves with these wave numbers.
that the study doesn’t merely find that stalling Rossby waves lead
to an increase in extreme weather events. It also leads to extreme
heat events and extreme rainfall events becoming synchronized (as,
for instance, has happened just last week).
what that increase since 2000 looks like:
The number of planetary wave resonance events is shown as grey bars for each 4-year interval. While there used to be one or two events in a 4-year period, 2004-2007 saw three such events and 2008-2011 even five events. For comparison the red curve shows the change in Arctic temperature relative to that in the remainder of the Northern Hemisphere. Since 2000, the Arctic has warmed much faster than other latitudes [aka Arctic amplification]. Graph: PIK
amplification is the accelerated warming that occurs in the Arctic
relative to the rest of the globe’s human-driven warming. A key
reason it occurs is that as the more reflective snow and ice melt in
the Arctic, darker land and ocean are exposed — and they absorb
more solar energy. Other elements of Arctic amplification are
discussed here.
regimes are associated with standing
which under the right condition can have a very large amplitude.
Quasi-resonant means “almost resonant,” as scientist-blogger Greg
Laden writes in his detailed
explanation of
the study, “and resonant means that instead of the meanders
meandering around, they sit in one place (almost).”
is the specific link between stalling Rossby waves and Arctic
amplification? The study concludes, “We argue that recent rapid
warming in the Arctic and associated changes in the zonal mean zonal
wind have created favorable conditions for double jet formation in
the extratropics, which promotes the development of resonant flow
a double jet stream formation? Wikipedia notes, “Jet streams can
split into two due to the formation of an upper-level closed low,
that diverts a portion of the jet stream under its base, while the
remainder of the jet moves by to its north.” Last year, Popular
Mechanics had a good discussion in its article, “How
the Dual Jet Stream Sparks This Weird Summer Weather.”
is the jet stream from May/June 2012:
here is the double jet stream from May/June 2013, a period of very
unusual weather in Europe and the U.S. — “McGrath, Alaska, hit 94
degrees on June 17, four degrees warmer than Miami, which sits 4200
miles closer to the equator.” In the graphic, the two jet-streams
are the (small) green band of wind surrounding the Arctic and the
(larger) one over the United States.
have much more to learn about “Recent Arctic amplification and
extreme mid-latitude weather,” as made clear in a recent Nature
Geoscience paper (with that title) written by several of the leading
researchers in the field, including Francis. But the evidence is
mounting that we have entered a new regime of extreme weather thanks
to our as-yet unrestricted emissions of greenhouse gas
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