Sunday 31 August 2014

Protect democracy in New Zealand!

Please sign this AVAAZ petition HERE!

It is about the future of democracy in this country. If this is not acknowledged and faced full-on by responsible citizens we will HAVE NO DEMOCRACY.

Governor General of New Zealand: Investigate all the allegations of corruption in the National government
This petition is awaiting approval by the Avaaz Community
Governor General of New Zealand: Investigate all the allegations of corruption in the National government
281 signers. Let's reach 10,000

Why this is important to me

People at all levels of the National Government of New Zealand, including the Prime Minister, have been reported to be undermining the democracy of New Zealand by using their power to sway justice, influence the media and compromise the privacy laws of New Zealand. Conspiring to defeat justice is a very serious crime.

We, the people of New Zealand, would like an immediate official Royal Commission run by the Crown. As the results will influence the pending election it is essential that this inquiry takes place before the election. We demand that the investigation be completely independent and without any Political interference.

We would like all the allegations of corruption including those in the book 'Dirty Politics', written by world-renowned investigative journalist Nicky Hager, and any other allegations that have been raised that relate to the National Party and opposition parties in New Zealand to be thoroughly investigated. We want democracy to reign in New Zealand. We want our government to be free of corruption.

Please sign this AVAAZ petition HERE!

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