Saturday 27 July 2019

Wildfire in Vanavara village, Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia

This information on the wildfires in Siberia was kindly provided to me via comments

Wildfires in Vanavara village, Evenki District, Krasnoyarsk region 

The situation in Krasnoyarsk region is real. A woman from Vanavara village (Evenki district) posted some photos on her Instagram account (@tatoo_kolibri) asking everyone to share them and her comments

The photo was taken a few hours ago. Krasnoyarsk region, Evenki district, Vanavara village. (my native village) a real photo, no filters. The photo was taken in color, not BW.

People including children and the elderly people have been breathing this air for several weeks now.

Please, everyone who is reading this, spread the word, let everyone know how people are being poisoned while fat guys are stuffing money in their pockets.

The fires are not being extinguished. 

The Taiga is burning around the village, the nearest fire is 15 km from Vanavara.

At the same time, the residents are told that there is no danger for them. If the fire gets to the Sobinsky pier, which is a kilometer from the village, where there are huge barrels of fuel, the village will be simply levelled to the ground.

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