Tuesday 2 July 2019

The Guardian article takes me back to this RNZ item

In May, 2017, at the very time major headlines were coming out about record low sea ice levels in Antarctica Radio New Zealand was asking, "why is Antarctic sea ice not decreasing like Arctic sea ice?

No kidding!

In 2017, as the world was annoucing record low Antarctic sea ice Radio NZ was asking “why the Antarctic is not melting like the Arctic”

As the Guardian publishes an article saying there has been a precipitous melting of Antarctic ice my mind goes back to this.

The headline at the time was "Breaking through the Mysteries of Antarctic Sea Ice" but their basic premise was that “THE ANTARCTIC IS NOT MELTING LIKE THE ARCTIC".

The woman inteviewed from Otago University not only says that Antarctic sea ice is expanding at the very time that world headlines was indicating record sea ice LOWS.

She also said some other pretty hair-raising stuff.


She also contended that it is impossible to measure sea ice thickness and they need NZ’S DC3 to do so.

I look at the US Navy data regularly and they measure sea ice thickness (presumably by satellite). Are they lying?, I have to ask.

Kathryn Ryan, who gave a disgraceful interview (no doubt following RNZ's editorial policy) seemed most interested in getting the sea ice out of the way and ask what it was like being a woman scientist amongst men - yet another way of trivialalising an exceedingly- important topic.

I have said it before and I will repeat it:

Radio NZ are a special kind of OFFICIAL climate change DENIAL organisation while being two-faced about the whole thing.

This is borne out by their responses to any comments or complaints.

I wonder if they will even publish this information

Here is a repost of my 2017 item with the original item...


Radio New Zealand claims Antarctic ice is not melting like the Arctic

"Temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula have increased by 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit (2.5 degrees Celsius) over the past 50 years — five times the rate of the rest of the planet. And scientists think that warm ocean waters could be melting Antarctica's glaciers as they flow under the floating tongues of ice."

Sometimes when I switch on Radio New Zealand I have to pinch myself and ask whether they (or I) exist in some parallel universe.

I have been covering news from Antarctica for five years and so you can imagine my surprise when I heard an item advertised on “why the Arctic ice is melting and Antarctica is not”

My surprise disappeared when I heard the academic describe how she gets all her information from computer models inputting all the information.

No wonder she seems so out of touch and allows Radio New Zealand give the impression that sea ice in Antarctica is melting. She must have been so busy in front of her computer that she has not noticed the information about disappearing sea ice from NASA and others over the summer.

One thing that struck me is Antarctica has no Peter Wadhams who has been observing the thickness of Arctic ice from a submarine over many years.

They do not appear to have a reliable method of measuring Antarctic ice thickness – so they are attempting to catch up – using a DC3!

Of course going back 3 years the Arctic ice extent was at a record. That was when the Russian ship got stuck in the ice in the middle of summer,something that delighted the deniers.

She seems to have missed out on research that indicates that Antarctic ice is melting from below.

We all know what she points out about the differences between the Arctic and Antarctica - that Antarctica is and surrounded by sea while the Arctic is sea surrounded by land, so the sea ice behaves quite different.

Image of antarctic sea ice

On Sept. 19, 2014, the five-day average of Antarctic sea ice extent exceeded 20 million square kilometers for the first time since 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The red line shows the average maximum extent from 1979-2014.
Credits: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio/Cindy Starr

Antarctic sea ice drops by 10 per cent, wiping out highs set in 2014

Here is the item from Radio NZ

Breaking through the mysteries of Antarctic sea-ice

Nine to Noon, Radio NZ

Kathryn Ryan talks to the University of Otago's sea-ice expert Professor Pat Langhorne. Sea-ice physics is a relatively new discipline, and there are many important questions that are still unanswered, such as: why is Antarctic sea ice not decreasing like Arctic sea ice? The answers to these questions are believed to be crucial to understanding the effects climate change is having on different parts of the continent.

To listen to podcast GO HERE

These are some of the items that seem to have eluded Professor Pat Langhorne and Kathryn Ryan of Radio New Zealand who I have learned are the biggest ABRUPT climate change deniers anywhere.


I checked to see what else RNZ have done on Antarctica since and found this, from 2018.

RNZ are so fixated on sea level rise (as if that was the only result of rapid warming!) that they ignore the sea ice.

That is called an agenda.

Listen to the podcast HERE

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