Sunday 14 July 2019

Poverty and homelessness in New Zealand

I'm sick of the binary thinking that sees this as an 'either-or'.  This is a deep problem that inthe context of NZ's position in the world and economic collapse that has no solution.

The following report is from the John Key period. 

What has changed?


4 May, 2019

Isn’t it great how ‘they’ rename & reframe everything to fool the gullible? Remember how they called gutting our economy, ‘restructuring’?. In other countries it got called ‘structural adjustment’.
So now we have a ‘well’ being budget?

With 43K homeless? Dramatic increases in eating at the soup kitchens? Lining up at the food banks? Sleeping in cars? Tents? Third highest child poverty globally? Neo-lib ISN’T working so let’s stop pretending it is. Social Welfare was only ever a safety net that humanizes capitalism. Neo-lib? Forget the net. We had a woman living in a tent in Whanganui recently, while the corporately knighted Keys of the world swan around the world with several million dollar mansions to choose from.

Do they really care?

Jacinda told the World Economic Forum  “…that politics needed to be more altruistic, and more long-term, to address the deep-rooted challenges we’re grappling with as the economy changes…” but, nah,

… in spite of her fine toasts amongst royalty at Buckingham Palace, telling the world that PEOPLE MATTER, she is doing what neo-lib (closet globalists) do best …. dragging it out.
Let them eat cake”.

1. soup kitchen 

From tvnz (John Campbell reports)
VIDEO. “If it wasn’t for donations and volunteers, some people would go hungry without breakfast.
The Government is set to deliver its so-called “wellbeing budget” next month. Ahead of the announcement, John Campbell took a look at the state of welfare in New Zealand.
Ahead of the Government announcing its “wellbeing budget”, John Campbell looks at the state of welfare in New Zealand. Source: Breakfast”

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