Wednesday 7 November 2018

Electoral fraud in the elections

Each side will pretend that it is only the OTHER side that cheats. The answer is that corruption and fraud is everywhere.

Here are two examples from both sides.

I give prominence to the Project Veritas video because it won't get any coverage compared to the MSM story.

Citizens Voting in Texas? "We got TONS of them" Says Election Official on Undercover Video

Project Veritas has released undercover video of elections officials in Texas explain how non-citizens can vote in the November 6th 2018 Election. 

Device can be seen selecting wrong name three times

A video filmed inside an Indiana polling booth appears to show a voting machine repeatedly selecting a Republican candidate despite the user trying to vote for a Democrat in the Midterm elections.

The footage, which was sent to The Independent, shows a man, who didn't want to be named due to the "volatile" nature of the US political landscape, pressing his finger on the Democratic congressional candidate Tobi Beck's name. However the touchscreen on the voting machine selects the option above Beck on the list, Republican Jim Baird.

The man who filmed the video posted further footage on Reddit. In the second clip he can be seen attempting to vote for three Democratic candidates for the Wabash township board.

"Every time I would try to select candidates in that part of the screen it would choose the person above them. It was really frustrating so I took a video of it to show the poll workers" the man told The Independent.

By contrast, in New Zealand there are paper ballots and there are no queues to vote.

As Americans head out to cast their ballots in Tuesday's midterm elections, reports have been rolling in across the country of broken voting machines, long wait times and incompetent poll workers.

Voters in Jersey City waited in a seemingly endless line for up to two hours after reports that only two voting booths were functional:

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