"What Ukraine is asking be done with closing the Bosporus Strait to Russian vessels, could -- if Turkey applies an incorrect interpretation of the Treaty -- result in a fight between Russia and Turkey; with Istanbul (formerly called Constantinople) directly at the center of such trouble."
This has to be monitored.

the horse’s mouth
of Bosphorus Strait for Russian ships discussed at NATO HQ

November, 2018
closing of the Bosphorus Strait for Russian ships could be an
adequate response to Russia's violation of international maritime law
in the Sea of Azov, Ukraine's Naval Forces Commander Ihor
Voronchenko has said.
Montreux Convention clearly states: if a conflict occurs between two
countries, and one of them is the aggressor, then the Bosphorus
automatically closes for ships flying its flag," said
Voronchenko told the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency during
the 2nd international conference on maritime security in in Kyiv on
commander of the Naval Forces of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine noted
that the topic had already been raised previously in the fall at NATO
September, at NATO's office in Naples, I asked the commander of the
Turkish Navy: if there is Russian aggression against Ukraine, will
you close the Bosphorus for the aggressor country. The commander
replied: we will comply with the convention," Voronchenko said.
to Turkish media, Turkish President Erdogan on Wednesday expressed
willingness to act as a mediator to resolve the situation in the
Azov-Black Sea basin in connection with Russia's shelling and the
seizure of Ukrainian warships. .
earlier said Ukraine intends to ask for the closure of the Bosphorus
Strait for passage by Russian ships in connection with the Russian
aggression against the Ukrainian military vessels in the Kerch Strait
P.S. Is this the SAME David Willcox?
Oh! Ukraine Asks Turkey To BAR Russian Military Vessels From
Bosphorus Strait "Time of War"
November, 2018
closing of the Bosphorus Strait for Russian ships could be an
adequate response to Russia's violation of international maritime law
in the Sea of Azov, Ukraine's Naval Forces Commander Ihor
Voronchenko has said.
Montreux Convention clearly states: if a conflict occurs between two
countries, and one of them is the aggressor, then the Bosphorus
automatically closes for ships flying its flag," said
Voronchenko told the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency during
the 2nd international conference on maritime security in in Kyiv on
Thursday. (HT
Remark: That
is NOT what the Convention says, as shown below.)
commander of the Naval Forces of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine noted
that the topic had already been raised previously in the fall at NATO
September, at NATO's office in Naples, I asked the commander of the
Turkish Navy: if there is Russian aggression against Ukraine, will
you close the Bosphorus for the aggressor country. The commander
replied: we will comply with the convention," Voronchenko said.
to Turkish media, Turkish President Erdogan on Wednesday expressed
willingness to act as a mediator to resolve the situation in the
Azov-Black Sea basin in connection with Russia's shelling and the
seizure of Ukrainian warships.
earlier said Ukraine
intends to ask for the closure of the Bosphorus Strait for passage by
Russian ships in
connection with the Russian aggression against the Ukrainian military
vessels in the Kerch Strait area.
The Bosporus Strait
is a scalable map showing the Bosporus Strait. The strait
allows vessels to travel to/from the Black Sea from the Mediterranean
Sea and the Aegean Sea.
Bosphorus (and the Dardanelles) are two straits leading to/from the
Black Sea from the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. They are
absolutely vital access points for ocean-going shipping. They
are so important, they are governed by an International Treaty.
is the Treaty governing the Bosphorous Straits. Article 19 of
that Treaty is what Ukraine is looking to invoke:
Article 19. In time of war, Turkey not being belligerent, warships shall enjoy complete freedom of transit and navigation through the Straits under the same conditions as those laid down in Article 10 to 18.
Vessels of war belonging to belligerent Powers shall not however, pass through the Straits except in cases arising out of the application of Article 25 of the present Convention, and in cases of assistance rendered to a State victim of aggression in virtue of a treaty of mutual assistance binding-Turkey, concluded within the framework of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and registered and published in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Covenant.
In the exceptional cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, the limitations laid down in Article 10 to 18 of the present Convention shall not be applicable.
Notwithstanding the prohibition of passage laid down in paragraph 2 above, vessels of war belonging to belligerent Powers, whether they are Black Sea Powers or not, which have become separated from their bases, may return thereto.
Vessels of war belonging to belligerent Powers shall not make any capture, exercise the right of visit and search, or carry out any hostile act in the Straits.
highlighted portion above shows the apparent ERROR of Ukraine's Naval
Forces Commander Ihor Voronchenko. The Commander says ".
. . if a conflict occurs between two countries, and one of them
is the aggressor, then the Bosphorus automatically closes for ships
flying its flag, . . ." This
is incorrect.
As shown above, the specific wording of the Treaty says ".
. . vessels of war . . ."
So at best, any closure of the Bosporus would be applicable to
Russian WARSHIPS; not commercial vessels.
is essential to all nations and Ukraine seems to be relying upon an
incorrect interpretation (possibly deliberately incorrect) to
seemingly try to cut off Commerce to/from Russia.
before his death in 1797, an exceedingly well-respected Jewish sage
known as the Vilna
Gaon (the
genius of Vilna) left his followers with a prophetic statement about
two specific events that would happen just before the appearance of
the Messiah.
being held as “a
closely guarded secret”
for over 200 years, Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, a great-grandson of the
Vilna Gaon, shared the full prophecy publicly for the first time in
2014. The text of the Vilna Gaon’s prophecy was reported by
Rabbi Lazer Brody, an American-born Hasidic rabbi and teacher from
Ashdod, Israel in March, 2014.
you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you
should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his
steps are being heard. And
when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of
Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat (Sabbath) clothes and
don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to
come any minute.”
this prophecy, the Vilna Gaon mentioned two signs of the imminent
arrival of the Messiah – Russia capturing Crimea and Russia
invading the Turkish city of Constantinople (now Istanbul).
Ukraine is asking be done with closing the Bosporus Strait to Russian
vessels, could -- if Turkey applies an incorrect interpretation of
the Treaty -- result in a fight between Russia and Turkey; with
Istanbul (formerly called Constantinople) directly at the center of
such trouble.
the Turks apply an incorrect interpretation of the Treaty, and close
the Bosporus to Russia- then Russia would have cause to TAKE
Instanbul to gain control of the Bosphorus and thus would have
fulfilled the second part of the prophecy by ". . . reach(ing)
the city of Constantinople. . ."
and dangerous time we're living in.
Listen to the podcast HERE
Below is a Copy and Paste of part of an article allegedly submitted by a Ukrainian Blogger and translated by someone called ‘no hope ’. I am just copying and pasting!!!!
>No Hope<
November 27 2018
New member post
At the weekend Russia was the target of a very sophisticated false flag attack. It was created to put Ukraine in the frame for serious crimes against the Russian Federation and illicit a massive military response from Russia.
It has now been confirmed that only a few key individuals within the Ukrainian Regime had any knowledge of the exact nature of the provocations.
All evidence currently points to this being a genuine false flag attempt to initiate a conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
What we know for sure so far -
1) THE CRIMEA BRIDGE was targeted.
Contractors aboard a Ukrainian cargo boat (being used as a NATO spy vessel) in the Black Sea were involved in a highly sophisticated and coordinated attack - a false flag event - against the Russian Federation, to be blamed on Ukraine.
The Ukrainian cargo boat was carrying at least 2 teams of Contractors, one of whom were divers. They were attached to Ukrainian Forces and other NATO advisors and trainers.
The Contractors on this vessel were monitoring a team of patsies that were sent in to the Kerch Strait on an intelligence boat poorly disquised as an old tug boat, and which was escorted by two modern river patrol boats.
These patsies were used simply as fodder to create a staged and well planned distraction to the main event to follow.
Once the planned distraction was in play, including some very sophisted EW in the form of signals control and a second distraction in Donbass, the Contractors on the Ukrainian cargo boat were to go live and carry out the main event.
The main event was the targeting of the Crimea Bridge, actually just a specific section of one particular foundation near the Kerch Strait which would take many months to repair.
A major second element to this false flag was for Ukrainian forces facing Donbas to send munitions towards the Russian border whilst other units advanced on Donbas at the same time. This was to be done during the opening minutes of the opening sequence of the Kerch Strait incident.
EW and fake comms signals would simulate a major offensive beginning on the Russian border.
The distraction in the Kerch Strait would then be amplified by real and spoof comms and signals traffic. This was intended to confuse and temporarily blind the local civil authorities in Kerch (Coastguard and Police) leading to the military to be put on further high alert, generating further signals traffic and confusion. Then with more fake signals transmitted, further confusion, and so on, creating a positive feedback loop of confusion and actual and spoof comms chatter.
Further Details and updates to follow