Monday 8 August 2011

Shock Wave Coming: 'Gold & currencies basket to substitute US dollar'

From RT - a pretty good asessment of where things are going for the United States.  Bad as things are it's looking somewhat better than in Europe.

What we are seeing is the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the middle of economic collapse - no doubt in my mind.

Higher borrowing costs, weakening business and consumer confidence as well as slimmer chances of recovery - it's the potential ripple effect for the United States, after its top-tier AAA credit rating was cut by one notch. 

Standard & Poor's took the unprecedented move of dropping America's ranking to AA+ in its outlook. White House officials are on the defensive - saying there's a two-trillion-dollar mistake. S&P admitted that, but is sticking with its decision, which it says is objective. It's despite the last-minute debt deal which narrowly rescued the country from default. 

But the damage was already done, as the political haggling undermined investors trust. Economist Max Fraad Wolff says brace yourself for a stock market rollercoaster on Monday.

Meanwhile the US may have to choose between running a declining empire or feeding its people.  Any guesses which way it might go in this?

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