Tuesday 9 August 2011

More from Britain

This is the third night of riots organised by social media throughout London but also in Manchester.

The latest news is that PM Cameron is returning from holiday in Italy.

London riots escalate as 
police battle for control

• Full-scale alert as violence spreads across capital
• Disorder breaks out in Birmingham city centre 
• Mayor and home secretary return, PM still on holiday

London's emergency services were on full-scale alert on Monday night as rioting, fires and pitched battles with police erupted around the city from late afternoon.

The Metropolitan police poured hundreds of extra officers on to the streets as trouble flared in the north, south and east of the capital.

For article GO HERE

More coverage at www.guardian.co.uk

Here are Michael Ruppert's comments.
Lets see if he is right about censorship and if other areas of the UK are affected.  I think he is right about  withdrawing from financial investment.

"It is clear to me that news of rapidly spreading civil unrest in Britain is being censored or repressed. I am receiving multiple reports -- not all as yet confirmed -- that other areas in Britain are affected as well. It looks like all of England is going up and by the end of the week it might be the whole world. More on today's economic events later. 
I repeat, if you have any investments in financial markets you must pull them out now. If you do not, you risk everything and you also commit to serving the infinite-growth monster over your fellow man or your planet. We are being pushed to civil unrest because that is what they want. Don't give in. Fight the way that hurts them, withdraw every penny you have in ANY financial instrument. Bank deposits are OK for now, but I'd seriously look to increase your cash on hand. -- MCR"

Update - a friend in Britain has emailed me saying he has heard they are rioting in Liverpool now.

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