Thursday 8 November 2018

To-be-confirmed reprots that the Trump-Putin summit in Paris has been cancelled

To be confirmed. I shall listen through his anti-Democrat diatribe on his show to try and divine what he is saying

Trump - Putin Summit in Paris CANCELLED

7 November, 2018
When the leaders of the two most powerful nations on earth arrive in Paris on November 11 with leaders of multiple other nations, they will NOT meet with each other.
Official word now that the Trump-Putin Summit previously scheduled for Nov. 11 is cancelled.
There is MUCH background intel on this, and it is all bad.   Very bad.
I cannot divulge what I have been told, yet.
I can tell you that the two leaders MAY meet in Argentina later in November, but that is still up in the air.
A LOT can happen between now and then, and in some circles, the talk of what MAY happen is centering on direct conflict.
Please, PleasePLEASE, America, make preps. 
I implore you in the strongest manner I can, to make certain you have Emergency food for at least ONE MONTH.  Emergency water.  Emergency heat with spare fuel. A way to generate emergency electric power and spare fuel for that method of power generation.  Make sure you have emergency medicines of any kind that you take TO LIVE in case supply chains get "disrupted."  Have a First Aid Kit (Trauma).  Have Emergency Communications gear, CB or HAM radio for home (with antenna on the roof) and mobile CB or HAM radios in each car with mobile antennas to operate those radios. 
Most of all, have a "Bug-Out" plan.  A place you can go on a moment's notice, several hundred miles away from where you live.  Make sure your family knows this plan and knows what to do and how to do it so as to all get to that Bug-out location.
Things are in-play now that could go very bad, very fast.  Uncontrollably fast.
We've not lived in times like this since . . . the Cuban Missile Crisis.  It's all being kept hush hush from the public.
If this goes bad, it will happen with lightning speed and be utterly devastating.

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