Tuesday 13 November 2018

Israel commences its mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza

An “Arabic spokesperson on Facebook threatening similar devastation & destruction in Gaza to that of 2014 (where at least 2,251 Palestinians were killed) - this is essentially a prelude to war crimes being espoused by an Israeli spox”
Israel Begins Mass Slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza
 Israeli forces kill two Palestinians during Gaza protest: Gaza health officials - bdnews24.com

I spent much of yesterday following events in Gaza.  Throughout the day there was NOTHING about this in the western media which couldn't go beyond Trump in Paris.

The only outlets that covered this were Hal Turner and Jake Morphonious of Blackstone News and the domestic propaganda in Israeli media.

Turner is a big time supporter of Israel with a "might is right" approach to the question.  So why do I continue to use his website to cover this?

When information is sparse and no one is covering this he comes out with in-depth (but biased) coverage a full 24 hours before anyone else.

Most people react to news sources along the line that "does this square with my prejudices". This is herd thinking. My approach, when I am able to do it, is to use a wide range of sources - especially regional media -to get the bigger picture.

When it comes to the Middle East, however, western mainstream media is useless. When it does actually cover a story (often 24 hours after I have picked it up) it is usually so full of distortions and omissions that it is of no early use to anyone who is either bone lazy or has a desire to be manipulated and lied to.

Jake Morphonious gave excellent coverage yesterday and pointed out some important points:

He pointed out that in 2014 (when 2,000 Gazans, one third of whom were children were killed as against 12-14 Israelis) the Israelis, who are sensitive enough to world opinion to NOT bomb schools directly warned the Palestinians to send their children home from school. The onset of the airstrikes were timed to the minute to coincide with the moment when large numbers of children would be out of school and on the move - all to maximise the causalities among children.

This is why I think the Israelis can best be compared to the nazis rather than anyone else.

The following screenshot of a tweet from the official Israeli organisation, COGAT which has since been REMOVED was captured on Jake's livestream this morning and THREATENS the Gazans and provides a picture of the 2014 destruction as  a warning. 

And from elsewhere on Twitter

  1. deleted its threat to kill thousands of Palestinians. Here are screenshots.

Here is ’s Arabic spokesperson on Facebook threatening similar devastation & destruction in Gaza to that of 2014 (where at least 2,251 Palestinians were killed) - this is essentially a prelude to war crimes being espoused by an Israeli spox

COGAT head to Gazans: Hamas has crossed a red line

Israel’s liaison to the Palestinians says Hamas has crossed a “red line” in its indiscriminate rocket fire at Israeli towns.
“The State of Israel will dial up its response against [Hamas],” writes COGAT head Kamil Abu Rukun.
He also discussed the mechanism the zionists use. Every time the Gazans or the Palestinians move towards compromise and peace the Israelis choose this as a time to strike hard.  

Nazi,Netanyanhu, almost simultaneously made two statements, one saying negotiations and peace with Hamas is a good idea,the other saying it was impossible to negotiate with them. Meanwhile they were sending a group of disguised assassins to murder a Hamas leader.

As  usual Israeli practice the inevitable Palestinian response is used to justify a genocidal response.

One Israeli is killed (or gets a scratch) and that is justification to slaughter one thousand Gazas.

Something tells me that although the Israelis will reign terror and destruction on Gazans who have no bomb shelters or anywhere to go these actions will not go unanswered as they have before.  For one, Hamas has access to much better missiles which can inflict damage than in 2014.

If this escalates further - and I may be wrong about this - we will need to keep our eye on Hezbollah who were responsible for delivering Israel with their first major defeat.

There are two good sources for up-to-date news from a pro-Palestinian point-of view.

They are Gaza News and Gaza TV News

In the meantime here is Jake Morphonious’ EXCELLENT livestream, up-to the minute coverage 

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