Road to Manchester: the infiltation of Saudi Wahabism into Britain
and the failure of muticulturalism
Listen to "the road to Manchester: the infiltration of Saudi Wahhabism into Britain" on Spreaker.
With the wars waged against Muslim countries and the bombing campaigns Muslims of various backgrounds have become increasingly radicalised leading to the situation we have today.
However, as the following documentary makes clear we have a dfferent situation. One country, Saudi Arabia, has been building mosques all round the world and importing radical Wahabi preachers into countries like Britain preaching a message of tolerance and mult-faith dialogue in public whilst continuing to preach hatred and the spread of Sharia law to western countries.
What was a warning back in 2008 is now a reality and has become, not a problem, but a predicament.
To illustrate that it is impossible to say in 2017 what was still possible in 2008, in the wake of the London bombings, the documentary, made by Britain's Channel 4 has been removed from its website.

To illustrate that it is impossible to say in 2017 what was still possible in 2008, in the wake of the London bombings, the documentary, made by Britain's Channel 4 has been removed from its website.
Ten years ago I criticised a friend for expressing anti-Muslim opinions and called heran Islamophobe; twenty years ago I attended a multi-faith meeting.
I still do not believe in the "clash of civilisations" but I have had to rethink some of these earlier views in the light of the situation we find ourselves.
Please watch these few minutes from UK Column.
These are not the voices of right -wing extremists or racists, but of people doing serious analysis. What is made clear by the guest, David Scott, is that Muslims from countries like Pakistan are upset by the infilttration of Wahhabism into the mosques and the radicalisation of their children.
There are similar voices in the film.
With the wars waged against Muslim countries and the bombing campaigns Muslims of various backgrounds have become increasingly radicalised leading to the situation we have today.
However, as the following documentary makes clear we have a dfferent situation. One country, Saudi Arabia, has been building mosques all round the world and importing radical Wahabi preachers into countries like Britain preaching a message of tolerance and mult-faith dialogue in public whilst continuing to preach hatred and the spread of Sharia law to western countries.
What was a warning back in 2008 is now a reality and has become, not a problem, but a predicament.
To illustrate that it is impossible to say in 2017 what was still possible in 2008, in the wake of the London bombings, the documentary, made by Britain's Channel 4 has been removed from its website.

Mosque -
What is Really Happening in Mosques in UK?
What is Really Happening in Mosques in UK?
year-and-a-half after the critically acclaimed film Undercover Mosque
was first screened, Dispatches goes undercover again to see whether
extremist beliefs continue to be promoted in certain key British
Muslim institutions.
Mosque: The Return
year-and-a-half after the critically acclaimed film Undercover Mosque
was first screened, Dispatches goes undercover again to see whether
extremist beliefs continue to be promoted in certain key British
Muslim institutions. The film also investigates the role of the Saudi
Arabian religious establishment in spreading a hard-line,
fundamentalist Islamic ideology in the UK - the very ideology the
Government claims to be tackling.
female reporter attends prayer meetings at an important British
mosque which claims to be dedicated to moderation and dialogue with
other faiths. She secretly films shocking sermons given to the
women-only congregation in which female preachers recite extremist
and intolerant beliefs. As hundreds of women and some children come
to pray, a preacher calls for adulterers, homosexuals, women who act
like men and Muslim converts to other faiths to be killed, saying:
"Kill him, kill him. You have to kill him, you understand. This
is Islam."
are repeatedly told they must lead separate lives from non-believers
and not tolerate other religions. Christian teachings are described
as "vile and disgusting, an abomination." And at private,
invite-only prayer meetings linked to the mosque, the reporter films
the leading preacher from the women's prayer circle issuing strict
dictats on women's personal freedoms - decreeing they must not travel
far without a male member of the family to escort them, and
instructing them not to integrate with British society or work in a
non-Islamic environment.
the same mosque, the reporter visits the bookshop and discovers books
and DVDs still on sale, promoting extremist, anti-Semitic,
misogynistic and intolerant messages. Unbelievers ('kuffaars') are
described in one DVD as: "Evil, wicked, mischievous people - you
can see the evil in their face". Whilst Jews, "have
abominated, filthy, disgusting gross belief - their time will come
like every other evil person's time will come." Moderate Muslims
and Islamic academics tell Dispatches they reject and condemn these
teachings. Dispatches traces the links between the teachings and
materials at the mosque and the Saudi Arabian religious
establishment, and examines the extent to which Saudi Arabia exports
such teachings around the world through the funding of literature,
schools, mosques and other organisations.
also interviews a former teacher at a Saudi-run faith school who
describes how the official Saudi educational curriculum was taught in
the school. He shows Dispatches official Saudi textbooks from the
school which featured anti-Semitic and anti-Christian teachings.
part of the investigation, the undercover reporter also films inside
a key Saudi-funded Muslim organisation which claims to promote
tolerance and integration yet distributes literature which promotes
intolerance for non-Muslims, an extreme version of Sharia law and
teachings which support discrimination against women.
Government claims Saudi Arabia is its partner in tackling extremism,
but a former Foreign Office Minister tells Dispatches he believes the
Government should take a stronger line. The film also features
interviews with Islamic academics who condemn these messages of
intolerance and segregation and warn of the impact this version of
Islam is having on British society. One imam at a leading university
accuses the Saudi religious establishment of the: "distortion of
Islam itself, the abuse and misuse of this great faith of mine and
not only mine but of my children as well."
Part one - Men
Part two
is in jail but it turns out he has been protected by M15 and there is
a relationship between these preachers and the security services who
appear to be partially protecting them.
Anjem Choudary in his own words
on Anjem Choudary
5 August 2015, Choudary was charged with one offence under section 12
of the Terrorism
Act 2000 for
inviting support of a proscribed organisation, namely Islamic State,
between June 2014 and March 2015.[78][79] An
expected trial date of 7 March 2016 was given,[80] but
the trial was postponed to 27 June 2016, and was expected to last no
more than four weeks.[81] Choudary
was convicted on 28 July 2016.[9][82] On
6 September 2016, he was sentenced to five years and six months'
imprisonment, the trial judge telling him that he had "crossed
the line between the legitimate expression of your own views and a
criminal act"
March 30, 2017, Choudary was declared a Specially
Designated Global Terrorist by
the United
States Department of State.[84] The
designation blocks his assets and prohibits him from engaging in
trade or financial transactions with U.S. Persons."
UK hate preacher 'Anjem Choudary' agrees, validates and backs up the terrorist actions of ISIS
22 August, 2016
Counterterrorism officers were repeatedly blocked by British security service MI5 from pursuing criminal investigations against Britain’s highest-profile radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, it has been claimed.
Counterterrorism officers were repeatedly blocked by British security service MI5 from pursuing criminal investigations against Britain’s highest-profile radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, it has been claimed.
week, Choudary was found guilty of supporting Islamic State (IS,
formerly ISIS, ISIL), which seized territory in Iraq and Syria and
inspired terrorist attacks across Europe.
his conviction, it was revealed that the 49-year-old former lawyer
had been linked to at least 15 terrorist plots since 2001. Police
also believe he has connections to as many as 500 of the 850 young
British Muslims who have traveled abroad to join IS.
to the Telegraph, counter-terrorism officers often felt they had
enough evidence to build a case against the cleric, only to be told
to hang fire by MI5 because he was crucial to one of their ongoing
situation led to a build-up of tension between the two sides, with
police feeling “frustrated” that Choudary was not being brought
to justice, a source told the newspaper.
was eventually prosecuted after swearing an oath of allegiance to IS
and posting YouTube videos in which he praised the group.
counterterrorism source says the decision not to prosecute him
earlier came from MI5.
am gobsmacked that we allowed him to carry on as long as he did. He
was up to his neck in it, but the police can’t do full
investigations on people if the security service say they are working
on a really big job, because they have the priority,” he told the
is what they did constantly. While the police might have had lots of
evidence, they were pulled back by the security service because he
[Choudary] was one of the people they were monitoring.
was very frustrating and did cause some tension, but we were told we
had to consider the bigger picture.”
expert Will Geddes said while police and security services had a good
record of working together, there was often a difficult balance to
strike between prosecuting evidence and gathering intelligence.
the cops always want the collars the spooks want the information and
it is a challenge getting the right balance.
was certainly clever and knew where the line was, and that was part
of the reason it took so long to get him. But it was certainly
possible that MI5 wanted to continue to monitor him because he was
the focal point of so much,” Geddes told the Telegraph.
how influential he was in terms of setting up the forums for those
guys to get inspired, it made perfect sense for the intelligence
agencies to say ‘we haven’t exhausted this yet.’
the end though he got caught because he believed his press too much
and he got carried away by his own media profile."
faces up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced on September 6.
Another whole aspect of this is the support of the destruction of Gadaffi's Libya and the blowback - Britain is seeing the consequences of its past actions.

hyper-propagandized war image goes viral in the West, while a
preacher implicated in terror plots was ‘protected’ by MI5 –
two narratives, both reflecting the ‘humanitarian’ and
‘radicalization’ guises of NATO’s international security
Another whole aspect of this is the support of the destruction of Gadaffi's Libya and the blowback - Britain is seeing the consequences of its past actions.
Terror attack puts focus on failed state whose troubles have been overshadowed by Syria
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