State encourages followers to target and attack buy and sell websites

May, 2017
latest issue of the extremist group's English language propaganda
magazine Rumiyah suggests
several ways IS followers can take as many people as possible hostage
and slaughter them.
suggests posting fake ads for items for sale on auction websites to
trick people into meeting them at a certain location so they can pay
and collect the items, which IS suggests should be large and/or

magazine encourages IS followers to post fake adverts of items to
lure out victims and meet in person.
sales by way of buy and sell websites such as Craigslist, Gumtree,
eBay, the Loot, and others are an alternative means to luring one's
victims," an article titled Just Terror Tactics suggests.
"The viewing and collecting of the item should be arranged to be at the location where one seeks to carry out his operation. Upon the target's arrival, one can then proceed to initiate his attack."
is urging users of its online classifieds to report anything
safety of our community is our main priority and we urge anyone who
thinks they've come across anything suspicious or concerning to
report it to us," a spokesman said in a statement to AAP.
encourage all users to visit our Help section for tips on how to have
a safe and successful experience and to be vigilant when using any
online marketplace."
article also suggests using online ads for fake jobs or properties
for rent as another way to lure people and details how to subdue and
restrain them before killing them.
terrorists including Lindt Cafe gunman Man Haron Monis, Victorian
police killer Numan Haider, and radicalised teen Farhad Khalil
Mohammad Jabar along with a string of others who have committed
atrocities in France and Britain and the United States are all
praised in the article for setting "heroic examples".
of the extremist jihadist group are urged to take as many hostages as
possible in busy, enclosed locations such as nightclubs, cinemas and
shopping malls before killing them as quickly as possible, rather
than holding them for ransom.
article explains that it can be "very simple" to obtain
guns to use in their attacks and suggests raiding gun shops in order
to steal weapons and ammunition.
method is applicable in most western countries such as the US,
Europe, the UK, Canada, Australia, and anywhere else the Crusaders
and mushrikin can be found," the article says.
supporters are urged to exploit days when police and security forces
are pre-occupied with major events to carry out their attacks.
killing those present one should keep a few of his victims alive as
hostages to be used as human shields against the anticipated response
of the kafir armed forces," the article says.
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