CHAOS: The MI5’s ‘Known Wolf’ Preacher, Aleppo Agitprop &
NATO’s Mask

‘SCRIPTED REALITY’ – Western media dispenses Cointel narratives for public consumption. (Photo illustration Shawn Helton)
August, 2016
hyper-propagandized war image goes viral in the West, while a
preacher implicated in terror plots was ‘protected’ by MI5 –
two narratives, both reflecting the ‘humanitarian’ and
‘radicalization’ guises of NATO’s international security
we scratch away the mainstream surface version of the story, what we
discover underneath is a web of deep state actors, clandestine
deception and media manipulation that exceeds anything Robert
Ludlum’s pen could ever put to paper…
week, it was reported that
the radical preacher Anjem
another ‘known wolf’ to security services, had been protected by
MI5 according to Scotland Yard – even though he was connected to
over a dozen terror plots since 2001:
officers were repeatedly blocked by British security service MI5 from
pursuing criminal investigations against Britain’s highest-profile
radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, it has been claimed.
week, Choudary was found guilty of supporting Islamic State (IS,
formerly ISIS, ISIL), which seized territory in Iraq and Syria and
inspired terrorist attacks across Europe.
his conviction, it was revealed that the 49-year-old former lawyer
had been linked to at least 15 terrorist plots since 2001. Police
also believe he has connections to as many as 500 of the 850 young
British Muslims who have traveled abroad to join IS.”

‘MI5’s INSIDE MAN’ – Anjem Choudary has been linked to many high-profile terror events, as well as the terror mascot/avatar for ISIS, Jihadi John. (Image Source: twitter)
worth noting that the contemptible cleric Choudary, now facing jail
time for supporting ISIS,
crossed paths with Abu
another radical preacher who subsequently ran the Finsbury Park
mosque in North London – a known limited
hangout for
spooks, criminals and other informants.
2015, 21WIRE discussed the
dubious role of Hamza at Finsbury Park, as well as his long time
connection to MI5, while under the gaze of MI6:
role as a state instigator and secret custodian of the Finsbury
Park’s radical ‘honey pot’, now appears obvious. In a
typical honey pot operation, security chiefs will place an
outrageously radical character into position in order to attract “the
worst of the worst” and then inform on them to authorities. For
years Hamza openly preached his overtly radical,
over-the-top sermons at Finsbury Park, often praising Osama Bin Laden
and glorifying the attacks of 9/11, all the while mocking the

“…the Daily
Telegraph disclosed
how Abu Hamza had at least 12 secret meetings with MI5 and
police special branch over a six year period, starting in the late
1990’s. Other
testimonies also exist that
show both Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada – Britain’s two most
celebrated radical Islamists, were both informants.”
In May of 2015, the UK’s Independent discussed the almost two dozen terror attacks linked to the group known as “Al-Muhajiroun,” a banned terror-linked organization with ties to British intelligence, specifically MI5. In the passage below, many of the international attacks connected to Al-Muhajiroun had been ‘foiled’ by police prior to happening:
7/7 attacks, the murder of fusilier Lee Rigby, the plot to blow up
planes with liquid bombs and the plot to blow up the Ministry of
Sound nightclub are among the 23 planned terrorist attacks that have
been linked to one single radical group operating in the UK over the
past two decades: al Muhajiroun.
to a new book by terrorism expert Raffaello Pantucci, al Muhajiroun,
a banned network in the UK, has been linked to a number of plots and
attacks carried out both in Britain and abroad since 2000.
book, entitled We love death as you love life – which Pantucci said
is a “catchphrase” used by many of the attackers in their
propaganda – claims that 23 out of 51 of these terror plots either
carried out or foiled by police in the UK and abroad have been linked
to al-Muhajiroun.”
before London’s 7/7 bombings in 2005, Al-Muhajiroun’s Omar Bakri
Mohammed (Anjem
Choudary’s co-founder) was outed as
an informant for MI5 after the Pulitzer Prize winning
investigative reporter Ron
Suskind spoke
to a senior MI5 official. Bakri later ‘conceded’ the
connection during an interview
in Beirut,
which was featured in Suskind’s controversial book, The
Way of the World.
an article written by Nafeez
Ahmed entitled,“The
circus: How British intelligence primed both sides of the ‘terror
war’,” the
larger role of Bakri and Choudary is revealed:
was regularly in touch with his deputy, Anjem Choudary, over the
internet and even delivered online speeches to his followers in
Britain instructing them to join IS and murder civilians. He has now
been detained and charged by Lebanese authorities for establishing
terror cells in the country.
was also deeply involved “with training the
mujahideen [fighters] in camps on the Syrian borders and
also on the Palestine side.” The trainees included four British
Islamists “with professional backgrounds” who would go on to join
the war in Syria. Bakri also claimed to have trained “many
fighters,” including people from Germany and France, since arriving
in Lebanon. Was Mohammed Emwazi among them? Last year, Bakri disciple
Mizanur Rahman confirmedthat at least five European Muslims who had
died fighting under IS in Syria had been Bakri acolytes.”
a UK think-tank called the Quilliam
that focuses on counter-extremism, has functioned alongside the MI5’s
counter insurgent programs. Many critics
of Quilliam have
suggested the foundation has some
controversial bedfellows,
in addition to their close affiliation with the Council
on Foreign Relations and
their connection to the Henry
Jackson Society which
has been associated with other neoconservative think-tanks.
the US, many neoconservative republicans have been in favor of
escalating the conflict in Syria and Quilliam’s involvement could
be seen as another group behind the scenes designing a particular
outcome for Western interests.

‘UNMASKED’ – Mohammed Emwazi, on the left, had long been known to British security services prior to being named as the ISIS video villain Jihadi John. (Image Source: skynews)
In February
of 2015,
many blanks were being filled in with regards to the apparent
identity of‘Jihadi
John’ and
the intelligence community had been sitting on the information for at
least 6
fact that security agencies withheld the identity for so long,
meant that the secrecy could have also cost the lives of many
purported hostages purported to be in the clutches of the ISIS terror
actor Jihadi
‘conspiracy of silence’ by those in the intelligence community
according to the official narrative and timeline of events related to
the infamous videos associated with Jihadi John, led to the
alleged deaths of at least four victims,
along with another suspected 21 Syrian soldiers.
public should still be concerned about the cover-up of the duel
identity of Mohammad
Emwazi/Jihadi John and
the initial lack of transparency regarding his ties to British
intelligence and the whitewashing of
that relationship.
Lib Dem leader Sir
Menzies Campbell,
who sat on the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament
(ISC), said that the case of Emwazi was reminiscent of the jailed
Woolwich slashers, Michael
Adebolajo and Michael
Adebowale, who
also had ties
to security services prior
to their apparent violent attack in the streets of London in
on on BBC’s Newsnight, a friend of Adebolajo, Abu
revealed that the so-called Woolwich slasher was in Kenya and
had been recruited
by the British intelligence services, which
led to Nusaybah’s arrest by the British Anti-Terror agency shortly
after the show.
21WIRE has
documented a number of other terror ‘informant’ cases, along with
a few classic COINTEL patsies:
Tsarnaev (see
his story here)
Naji Mansour (see his story here)
Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here)
Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here)
Timothy McVeigh (see his story here)
Elton Simpson (see his story here)
Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here)
Man Haron ‘Sheikh’ Monis (see his story here)
Abu Hamza (see his story here)
Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here)
Michael Adebolajo (see his story here)
Mahdi Hashi (see his story here)
Mohammad Emwazi/Jihadi John (see his story here)
Omar Mateen (see his story here)
Tashfeen Malik (see her story here)
Salah Abdeslam (see his story here)
Amedi Coulibaby (see his story here)
Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here)
Kouachi Brothers (see their story here)
Yassine Labidi (see his story here)
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here)
Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here)
Glen Rodgers (see his story here)
Jerad Miller (see his story here)
Buford Rogers (see his story here)
Naji Mansour (see his story here)
Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here)
Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here)
Timothy McVeigh (see his story here)
Elton Simpson (see his story here)
Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here)
Man Haron ‘Sheikh’ Monis (see his story here)
Abu Hamza (see his story here)
Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here)
Michael Adebolajo (see his story here)
Mahdi Hashi (see his story here)
Mohammad Emwazi/Jihadi John (see his story here)
Omar Mateen (see his story here)
Tashfeen Malik (see her story here)
Salah Abdeslam (see his story here)
Amedi Coulibaby (see his story here)
Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here)
Kouachi Brothers (see their story here)
Yassine Labidi (see his story here)
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here)
Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here)
Glen Rodgers (see his story here)
Jerad Miller (see his story here)
Buford Rogers (see his story here)
political leaders and their media often discuss the dangers of
so-called terror ‘sleeper
cells’ residing
in a nation near you, but none of them acknowledge or attempt to
explain the historical fact that for decades, they themselves have
helped to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through
their own clandestine ‘counter-terrorism’ operations.
of these operations have directly implicated security agencies (and
military alliances) such as the FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6 and NATO –
in the production of real terror.
most of these counter intelligence operations have fallen under
the umbrella of the so-calledWar
On Terror, the
suspicious relationship between security agencies and those the
‘known wolves’ who carry out attacks should be questioned.
in America, the FBI
created the counter-intelligence program known
as COINTELPRO, to influence, disrupt and coerce political factions
from the inside out, infiltrating countless political groups and
movements. According to reports these
included the following,
“The Black Panther Party, The Communist Party of America, the Ku
Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, the New Left, the Students
for a Democratic Society, the American Indian Movement, the Chicano
Movement, the Puerto Rican Liberation Movement, Communist groups,
anti-war organizations, Hollywood stars sympathetic to these groups,
and civil rights leaders.”
1956 and 1971 the FBI’s controversial
program influenced
and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to
control and neutralize political dissidents across America.
during the 1960’s and the 1970’s the CIA’s Operation
CHAOS “collected
substantial amounts of information on domestic dissidents from 1967
to 1973,” as admitted
by the CIA.
It was also related to the overseas Phoenix
Program (Operation
which was used in Vietnam to tear apart the political infrastructure
through the use of informants, agent
and targeted assassinations.
though, the prototype for modern deep state intelligence
programs goes
back to the formation of the Office
of the Coordinator of Information (COI)
an intelligence propaganda agency in 1941 that was succeeded
by Office
of Strategic Services (OSS)
a wartime intelligence apparatus created in 1942 that focused on
psychological warfare. OSS agents also worked closely with
Security Coordination (BSC).

‘RISING FROM THE ASHES’ – The official Phoenix Program patch from the Vietnam era that depicts the mythological Phoenix motif. (Photo
on a global scale, NATO’s
paramilitary-style stay-behind-armies have
been implicated inOperation
a wave of terror attacks across Europe
from the 1950’s into the 1980’s,
something which also served to steer public perception over war as
well aid in the growth of security operations.
nations of course, have disclosed that Western intelligence
agencies regularly dispense double agents and informants under the
proud banner of security, yet they are always careful to obfuscate
the true nature of such programs and their potential role in foreign
policy aims.
it was revealed that a social science program directed
by Minerva Research
Initiative and
the Department of Defense (DoD), was to study the behavior of
peaceful activism and how political ideology shapes protest movements
throughout the world at large. Resuscitating and partially
reconstituting a 1960’s Cold War-era (Project
Camelot) social
science program used to detect, infiltrate and steer political
‘DARK CLOUD’ – The Finsbury Park Mosque – a haven for security linked radicals. (Image Source: the guardian)
& Security
Glazebrook of
the UK’s Guardian and Middle
East Eye, outlined
the often unsavory link between security and terror in an RT
Op-Edge report from
January of 2016. Here’s a passage below linking the so-called new
Jihadi John as
a member (Siddhartha
aka Abu
of Choudary’s ‘Al-Muhajiroun’ – who later joined ISIS. It
also details MI5’s ties to 2013’s Woolwich slasher Adebolajo:
Dhar, a Hindu-born Muslim convert, made front page news as the latest
British citizen to turn up in Syria draped in ISIS imagery and toting
an AK.
may or may not be the masked Brit who starred in a recent ISIS snuff
movie, but, like pretty much all those who preceded him, he was well
known to the British security services.
member of Al-Muhajiroun, a ‘proscribed organization’ under the
2000 Terrorism Act, he was on bail for terrorism offenses at the time
he left the country, and had been asked to hand over his passport to
the police (he didn’t bother, it turned out). Indeed, according to
Andy Burnham, shadow British Home Secretary, “He was well-known to
the authorities having been arrested six times on terrorism related
stating the obvious, Burnham added that “people will be shocked
that a man detained on a series of counts of terrorism-related
activity could be allowed to walk out of the country, unimpeded.”
Glazbrook dded:
fact, it seems that pretty much every time a British ISIS or Al Qaeda
recruit is unearthed, they turn out to have deep ties to the
intelligence services. The story of Michael Adebalajo is a case in
parliamentary committee on intelligence and security conducted
hearings on the murder later that year, and its report makes
fascinating reading. It revealed that, prior to the murder, Adebolajo
had been identified as a Subject
of Interest (SoI)
in no less five separate MI5 investigations, including one which was
focused specifically on him.
surveillance had revealed that he was in contact with “a high
profile and senior AQAP [Al
Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula]
extremist” as well as two “Tier 1 SoIs being investigated… due
to their possible links with AQAP in Yemen”. At one point in 2011,
this particular investigation was “MI5’s highest priority
operation” and it led MI5 to conclude that “Adebolajo was a
primary contact of BRAVO and CHARLIE”, code names for the two
suspected AQAP members under investigation.”
the theatrical Paris Shootings in 2015, in and around the offices of
the salacious periodical Charlie
we were told by the western media outlet CNN,
that AQAP had taken responsibility for the attacks.
that note, it was revealed that Amedy Coulibaly had
professed his allegiance to ISIS, while supposedly working with
the Cherif Kouachi and Said
who claimed they were ‘financed by AQAP’ to carry out their part
in the attack.
the Paris shooting saga – we can see a clear attachment between
terror brands AQAP
and ISIS.
This was the exact narrative that shaped up out of Yemen – while
Saudi airstrikes provided cover.
Penn Lane
the aftermath of 9/11 until 2006, the CIA operated a facility
called Penny
Lane to
train terrorists to be double agents, meant to infiltrate Al Qaeda
terror cells.
Lane was
named after the Beatles tune and was connected to another secret
facility calledStrawberry
Fields, a name also
taken from the British rock group.
told that operation had been successful in its scope – but that the
CIA had ‘lost touch’ with many of its newly trained double
The Penny
Lane facility
was unlike any other building in the Guantanamo Bay prison area,
as it was said to have beds, kitchens and a patio for its prisoners.
The money to pay informants and double agents was also provided for
by the CIA under the codename ‘Pledge.’
Pakistani terror group Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP), are said to have ties
to the CIA facility Penny
Lane, a
group that reportedly issued threats against DC and New York –
via a propaganda video produced by Umar
Media a
few years ago.
May of 2010, an SUV bought by Faisal
Shahzad began suspiciously
smoldering while parked in Times Square but did not explode – in
what was later called a failed terror plot.
SUV was allegedly filled with gas tanks and fireworks, as Shahzad was
eventually picked up by authorities at John F. Kennedy Airport on a
flight headed for Dubai. McClatchy noted
a contradiction in the Times Square plot narrative:
“The U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials, however, said that the bungled nature of the bombing and the trail of clues that led the FBI to him suggest that he never received even rudimentary terrorist training or instructions on how to evade arrest.”
was questioned for two days following the apparent foiled plot. Law
enforcement initially linked him to the Pakistani group known as the
More recently, US officials stated that 15 detainees had been transferred out of Guantanamo Bay and were shipped to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The focus of this event has been centered around a half-hearted theatrical attempt by the White House to ‘shutdown’ the facility.
one does wonder why would the US has sent jailed radicals (all
potential assets – informants and double agents) to an area of the
world known for financing
terror and
implicated in the transfer of militant money.

‘PSYOP?’ – This suspiciously timed war image sparked controversy for its choreographed appearance. (Image Source: 21WIRE)
ISIS, ‘Dust Boy’ Agitprop & NATO’s Humanitarian Mask
February 2015, 21WIRE reported how
British journalist John Cantlie’s
video message ‘From
Inside Aleppo‘
was part of an elaborate PR effort to ‘humanize’ ISIS and its
future generation of fighters. The decidedly pro-ISIS video was
heavily promoted by the intelligence group SITE as
well as the ISIS media arm, Al
Hayat Media Center.
pundits and broadcast journalists maintain that ‘Cantlie’ is and
was under duress, having been forced into operating as a crack
reporter for the ISIS terror brand. The narrative borders on the
ridiculous, yet it has been totally accepted without question.
prominent role in the YouTube video series “Lend
Me Your Ears,”
prompted some in new media circles to question the British journo,
along with his links to USAID
connected reporter, James
Foley –
one of the as of yet, forensically unproven deaths at the hands of
the estranged terror persona ‘Jihadi
in the video appeared to be authentic, as Cantlie fails to disclose
the true nature of the West’s role in inciting terror in the
region, through its various arms trafficking and “Train and
Equip” programs linked to so-called “moderate” rebels in Syria.
John Cantlie’s uncanny ability to stay alive “inside ISIS
territory” and his close affiliation to western elites who also
completely support
the West and GCC’s fraudulent proxy war against Syria – one
might pose the question of whether or not this is a stage-managed
media persona, or possibly a British intelligence operative who very
well could be working in some capacity with counter intelligence
and involved in pushing Western policy objectives.
Given the historical precedence involving Cointel programs and their role in shifting attitudes politically, it is possible that Cantlie’s utterly absurd tale could be designed to sway the public perceptions in a high tech version of the old propaganda ‘leaflet drops’ used during the Cold War era.
new forms of subliminally arresting and deceptive propaganda
have appeared recently in Western media and more broadly, over the
past year from NGOs linked to the military alliance NATO and to known
Islamist terrorist groups.
the last week, an emotionally charged scene supposedly depicting
a Syrian child rescued after an airstrike became a polarizing story
exploited by Western media.
we see Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis discuss the dust boy propaganda…
watching the entire video footage of the event, the dust-covered boy
who appears to be bleeding after an apparent airstrike (yet the blood
has already coagulated) is left unattended, as he is oddly propped up
in an ambulance seat while being photographed by Mahmoud
Raslan –
an alleged ‘media activist’ who has been seen “fraternizing
with terrorist groups in Aleppo.”
has prompted some critics to
charge that Raslan may actually be linked to the White
a group funded largely by NATO and an NGO embedded with Al-Qaeda
members, who regularly dispense staged humanitarian media images and
video for public consumption.
Sterling provides
a bit of background information about the White Helmets via
a 21WIREreport by Vanessa
Helmets is the newly minted name for ‘Syrian Civil Defence.’
Despite the name, Syria Civil Defence was not created by Syrians nor
does it serve Syria. Rather it was created
by the UK and USA in
2013. Civilians from rebel controlled territory were paid to go to
Turkey to receive some training in rescue operations. The program was
managed by James Le Mesurier, a former British soldier and private
contractor whose company is based
in Dubai.”
Beeley continues the analysis in her seminal report entitled, “WHO
White Helmets are perhaps being demonstrated to be the most crucial
component of the US and NATO shadow state building inside Syria.
Led by the US and UK this group is essential to the propaganda stream
that facilitates the continued media and political campaign against
the elected Syrian government and permits the US and NATO to justify
their regime of crippling economic and humanitarian sanctions against
the Syrian people.
this latest mechanised ‘NGO’ blueprint is successful then we
could see it being re-deployed as key to future neo-colonialist
projects. The White Helmets are a direct intra-venus line into the
terrorist enclaves within Syria, acting as a conduit for information,
equipment and medical support to maintain the US NATO forces.”
From this information, we might observe that the recent so-called rescue operation in Aleppo, was specifically produced for maximum emotional impact and internet viral capability, and always dovetailing with the West’s regime change plot in Syria – with the support of a so-called ‘first-responder’ or ‘human rights’ NGO.
strange and disembodied footage of a blood and dust-covered boy, was
also reminiscent of last year’s migrant
crisis image of
a child washed ashore – yet the mainstream media failed to question
the geopolitical angle behind the photograph as well as
the engineered
migrant crisis itself.
many ways, this type of drive-by ‘shock and awe’ imagery is
linked to past political staging in the Middle East.
October 10th, 1990, Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ,
the daughter
of Kuwaiti ambassador for the United States, Saud
provided a tearful testimony that turned
out to be false,
as she claimed to have witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies
out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital during the Iraq
invasion of Kuwait. This was the lie that Washington and its PR
strategists used as a pretext for the Gulf War in 1990,
pre-dating the WMD
lie that was used to invade Iraq in 2003.
is a UK Column report featuring Vanessa Beeley and Mike Robinson
discussing the hypocrisy of the White Helmet NGO…
comes in many forms. It is often cloaked and embedded within
NGO’s, Cointel programs and Gladio-style operations
– all looking to preserve a particular narrative and in an age
of manufactured terror, social engineering narratives dominate
Western media.
a look at a compelling documentary discussing the details of NATO’s
secret army used to redirect political interests..
21WIRE‘s Patrick
Henningsen analyzes
the “Smart
Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex,” used
to push campaigns of war, politicize a crisis of migrants and so much
more rigorous inspection, however, a number of uncomfortable
realities emerge regarding the 21st century international human
rights concern. Though many human rights charities still market
themselves as ‘neutral’ and ‘nonpartisan’, the reality is
something very different.”
to increased funding from corporate interests and direct links to
government and defense policy think tanks in recent years, these
organisations have become even more politicised, and more closely
connected with western ‘agents of influence.’ As a result, an
argument can be made that, on many levels, these ‘human rights’
organizations may be contributing to the very problem they profess to
be working to abate: causing more suffering, death and instability
worldwide through their co-marketing of the foreign policy objectives
of Washington, London, Paris and Brussels.”
video below by Hands Off Syria analyzes the NATO-backed White Helmets
in Syria…

called it the ‘Sydney Siege’, suggesting it was something much
bigger than it actually was.
cleric Abu Hamza admits he was injured in road project not fighting

of the contact came a day after the fanatic said he was secretly
working with British intelligence and acted as an intermediary in the
late 1990s – at the height of his notoriety....
British court documents, relating to an older case and seen by the
Daily Telegraph, show that Hamza met with MI5 seven times between
1997 and 2000 and met Special Branch five times between 1997 and
fresh questions over his role with them
Wednesday, his lawyers told the New York court that he cooperated
with MI5 and police between 1997 and 2000 and claimed they had 50
pages of Scotland Yard reports proving it.
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