I was very interested to receive the following article from someone's blog.
Note that it asks the question (although I had to add the question mark) and does not make any assertions.
This seems to come from a "claim" from the Progressive Party although we'll never know because the site is down and the link goes here

When I read it I remembered that Julian Assange when asked said that the most interesting documents were to be found in the spreadsheets.
Note that it asks the question (although I had to add the question mark) and does not make any assertions.
This seems to come from a "claim" from the Progressive Party although we'll never know because the site is down and the link goes here

When I read it I remembered that Julian Assange when asked said that the most interesting documents were to be found in the spreadsheets.
No controlled release through the NYT or Guardian this time but a dump of documents which anyone can examine.
DNC is going to be having a hard time explaining this one, how did
Donald J. Trump and his son, Trump Jr., end up on a DNC spreadsheet
of expenses?
July, 2016

file was downloaded from Wikileaks and is available here for you to
examine for yourself
If you go to the properties section of the spreadsheet you will
see it was created “05/21/2016, 02:48:09, Miller, Lindsey”.
Lindsey Miller is a representative of the DNC and
keeps spreadsheets of fundraising and expenditures for them.
Her name is very prevalent when searching the leaked DNC
expenses range from payment for office supplies to travel expenses
for Trump Jr..
Party News reached out to Lindsey Miller, MillerL@dnc.org, and asked
her to explain why why Donald Trumps name appears so many times. We
are holding our breath and waiting on a response.
I am getting several reports that state that the xls spreadsheet from
is just from the FEC about Donald Trumps expenses.
question is why is it so detailed? This is not something parties
share. They may have to report what they spent to the FEC, but I find
it hard to believe that the other party can see such detailed
information like that “x dollars was spent for a rental car”. If
there was a discrepancy that would be for the FEC to take action on
not the other party.
why did the DNC name the file so poorly? It is a horrible naming
convention “Trump May 2016.xlsx”, it should be
FEC_Report_Trump_May_2016.xlsx so they can identify it. The
properties should have been filled out and they are not.
addition if it was an FEC file it would say FECfile in the header of
the spreadsheet. Check it out for
http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/efile_search.shtml and
it would not contain this much detailed information. This is not an
FEC download.
is something really fishy here
There is more on this from the Brooklyn Culture Jam
But one of the documents I was intrigued by was an Excel spreadsheet, allegedly about the hum-drum topic of Hillary’s disbursements for the campaign. It was leaked on a site called Progressive Party,and the site was down for much of Saturday and Sunday. The site make the claim that one of the Excel attachments shows disbursements to several individuals in the Trump campaign, implying that Clinton was paying for Trump’s campaign in some way. There’s a series of disbursements for ‘in kind’ services made to seven people who are identifiably part of Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns. For example, there are some seven checks for in-kind services paid out to one Matthew Ciepielowski. If you check out Mr. Ciepielowski’s LinkedIn profile, he is currently NH State Director at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. Prior to that, he worked for Americans for Prosperity, a Koch Brothers-funded Tea Party Group; before that, he worked for Ron Paul 2012. The spreadsheet shows a total of $18,667.18 paid to Mr. Cielielowski during the month of May 2016......
Read more HERE
It didn't take long for a "debunk" to come.
The problem is that the original source quickly became unavailable so we can't check that.
We DO have the Wikileaks emails whereas what our blog is saying is an explanation, not prima facie evidence.
So perhaps the question still remains?
Did The DNC Pay Donald Trump?
spreadsheet in question, listing May donations to the Trump campaign,
was an attachment to an email from Lindsey Miller to the Democratic
National Committee, discussing the financial status of each of the
campaigns for the presidency of such diverse candidates as Chris
Christie, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and
organizations such as the Great America PAC and the RNC Convention
great bulk of leaked emails is full of not-very-surprising facts that
are not so secret after all. So did the DNC pay Donald Trump to run
against Hillary? There is not a shred of evidence to support such an
accusation. But it would make a good story!"
In the meantime Julian Assange is promising more
27 July, 2016
possesses “a lot more” documents to surprise American voters
ahead of the upcoming presidential elections - and will not hesitate
to make them public.
leak of 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic National Committee
(DNC), published by the whistleblowing website on July 22 “is
having so much political impact in the United States,” Julian
Assange acknowledged to CNN in a Skype interview on Tuesday.
Julian Assange's CNN interview
Here is his interview with Democracy Now!
Further feedback on Facebook
Petraitis Robin what
it looks like to me, and Dan
Kinch and I discussed this on
another thread, is that someone in the Clinton Campaign has access to
the Trump campaign's spreadsheets. I suspect a Clinton mole in the
Trump campaign. Since they planted them in the Bernie campaign why
not in Trump's too?
Kinch I
went through about ten of the donors in the list--pulled them up on
Facebook. These are TRUMP donors. There's no reason that the DNC
would have this kind of detailed info on what they gave. And the two
columns are for current donation and total per cycle (to catch folks
Of interest perhaps? More coincidence?
Of interest perhaps? More coincidence?
Democratic National Committee (DNC) official who worked on exposing
recent election fraud during the Democratic primaries was found
murdered this week.
Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had
been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter
suppression during the recent primaries around the country.
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