Wednesday 18 December 2019

Global headlines - 18 December, 2019

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US Official Gold Reserves Auditor Caught Lying
More false statements by the auditor have appeared, further eroding its credibility.

## War on cash/cashless society/cryptocurrencies ##
As Brazilian payment apps multiply, some warn of a shakeout
Bitcoin Viability Strengthened by New Cash Limits in Italy

## Airline death spiral ##
Boeing crisis escalates as planemaker halts 737 production after two crashes

## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##
Turkey: S-400 system 'vital'; will retaliate to any US sanctions

The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil
The outsized role of U.S. Israel lobby operatives in abetting the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil reveals how this powerful lobby also facilitates more covert aspects of U.S.-Israeli cooperation and the implementation of policies that favor Israel.

## Solutions ##
Solar Dehydrator: A Very Appropriate Technology

## Environment/health ##

## Intelligence/security/internet/cyberwar ##
'I Slept With My Gun': What It's Like to Get Your Ring Camera Hacked
Pentagon Dismisses Afghanistan Papers: Look Forward, Not Back
Pentagon officials are continuing to react dismissively to questions about the Afghanistan Papers, and the revelation that the Pentagon systematically lied about the state of the war. This is leading the experts to conclude that the Pentagon does not intend to change its policies.

Japan to launch intelligence-gathering satellite in January
The device will join Japan’s seven other reconnaissance satellites believed to be utilized for such purposes as monitoring developments at North Korean missile sites.
Head of UK Israel Lobby Group Announces Gov’t Plan To Ban Boycotting Israel
After an election dogged by the weaponization of anti-Semitism, the victorious UK conservative party has announced a new legislative push that would prevent the public sector from working with any individual or organization that supports a boycott of Israel’s government.

## US ##
Failing U.S. Pension System May Need Federal Bailout to Survive
The Military’s Sci-Fi Fantasy for the Super Bowl of Wars
The Marines are emulating 'Ender’s Game' and the Army is dreaming of 'Starship Troopers.' The taxpayer should be looking for an exit.
OK Boomer, OK Fed
Eventually the younger generations will connect all the economic injustices implicit in 'OK Boomer' with the Fed.
China’s Dangerous Chokehold on Our Medicines
How bad is it? If Beijing turned off the spigot today, pharmacy shelves would be empty within months.

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