Monday 28 January 2019

A resource for studying methane in the Arctic

Unexpected Boost of Methane, Permafrost is Warming at a Global Scale

Climate State

Rapid changes in the long-frozen soil are raising concerns about a surge of planet-warming greenhouse gases as the permafrost thaws.

Permafrost is warming at a global scale
How Nitrogen Contributes to Permafrost Carbon Dynamics Adding Depth to Our Understanding of Nitrogen Dynamics in Permafrost Soils
Unexpected future boost of methane possible from Arctic permafrost

Rapid changes in the long-frozen soil are raising concerns about a surge of planet-warming greenhouse gases as the permafrost thaws. 

Permafrost is warming at a global scale 

How Nitrogen Contributes to Permafrost Carbon Dynamics 

Adding Depth to Our Understanding of Nitrogen 

Dynamics in Permafrost Soils 

Unexpected future boost of methane possible from Arctic permafrost 

PAGE21 educational images 

Siberia: The Melting Permafrost – ARTE Documentary 

Some Arctic ground no longer freezing—even in winter 

The permafrost is dying’: Bethel sees increased shifting of roads and buildings 

Melting Permafrost Could Damage Infrastructure For 3.6 Million People 

France 24: Could thawing permafrost unleash long-gone …

Impact of Climate Change on Permafrost with Special Reference to Ladakh- Dr 
Joseph Thsetan Gergan 

The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow: Dr. Katey Walter Anthony: What’s Happening to the Permafrost?

NASA’s 2018 Permafrost Special “All Hell Breaks Lose” 

Additional sources, NASA, Pixabay, USGS,
Further reading, Pleistocene Park

Narrated by Bren Cormac
Climate State Patreon

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