Sunday 27 January 2019

Devastating testimony from Marzieh Hashemi

This is essential viewing to get first-hand reporting on the most ugly side of the American state. There is no doubt that this was a failed attempt to disappear an American citizen living and working in Iran.

Why did they not allow her contact with family or lawyer?; why did they transfer her in Washington on a private plane?; why was she put on suicide watch?

I have no doubt Marzieh Hashemi will have more to say once she is safely out of America.

EXCLUSIVE: "They Placed me on SUICIDE WATCH!" PRESSTV's Marzieh Hashemi Speaks After FBI Detention

We speak to PRESS TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi, an exclusive first internationally broadcast interview, who was detained without charge by the FBI, about her ordeal. Including being forced to remove her hijab, being put on suicide watch and more.

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