smugness of an English man who went to Charterhouse School, and then
on to Oxford, is possibly one of the most toxic things in the world.
So much evil has been done by men who are taught their own effortless
superiority. Blood has been spilled by such men, oceans of it, evils
done beyond imagining, all with a soft chuckle and clear conscience,
because they come from a system that tells them their very existence
MAKES them RIGHT. They do the “right thing” as a matter of course
because of who they are and what they think. They are right, and the
vast swamps of Other are wrong, and that’s just the way it is.”
article is spot-on and essential reading if you want to understand
the British propaganda campaign against Russia.
Parallel Universe of BBC Panorama
June, 2018
BBC flag-ship documentary series “Panorama” has long been a
stalwart of state-funded television propaganda. They can always be
relied upon to tell us what we’re supposed to think. In 2013, just
days before the Commons vote on military intervention in Syria, BBC
aired “Panorama: Saving Syria’s Children”, a shambolic piece
fiction designed to outrage the public into war.
Stuart has done truly
exceptional work in
deconstructing the fakery and propaganda on which the BBC sees fit to
spend taxpayer’s money.
just the last year they’ve had two documentaries about North Korea
being evil (“North
Korea’s Secret Slave Camps” and “North
Korea’s Nuclear Trump Card”).
it’s not just foreign “enemies” that end up in Panorama’s
crosshairs either – it’s also domestic ones.
2015, just a few days before Jeremy Corbyn’s first Labour
leadership victory, the BBC aired “Panorama:
Jeremy Corbyn – Labour’s Earthquake”,
a documentary which prompted Corbyn’s team to file an official
complaint, labelling it a “hatchet
in 2016, on the eve of Corbyns second (larger)
Labour leadership victory, the BBC aired “Panorama:
Labour – Is the Party over?”,
a documentary full of doom and gloom, featuring anecdotes about
abuse, and various (predictable) Blairite MPs bemoaning the
“unelectability” of their leader.
the 2017 General Election, Jeremy Corbyn’s resurgent Labour defied
the polls, the pundits and the BBC to knock-off the Tory majority and
come within 2% of winning. Could the BBC’s, and Panorama’s,
relentlessly negative slanted coverage be responsible for keeping
Corbyn out of No.10? It would be foolish to deny the possibility.
there, neatly demonstrated in those three paragraphs, you see the
value and purpose of state-sponsored propaganda. Panorama is the
spirit of the BBC, a pretense of faux objectivity, shrouded in cuddly
familiarity, employed exclusively and decisively against anything the
establishment sees as a threat.
folks at Panorama LOVE Putin, or at least love to hate him. In the
last two years there have been no less than five (five!) episodes
devoted to the man, and indeed the myth.
2016 brought us “Putin’s
Secret Riches”,
January 2017 “Trump:
The Kremlin Candidate”,
March of this year brought us two inside a week, “Putin:
The New Tsar” and “Taking
On Putin!”.
As the titles suggest, none of them were especially objective or
open-minded. That’s not in the BBC’s remit.
most recent Putin-hit piece aired just last week – in the run up to
the World Cup – its rather more mundane title simply: “Putin’s
Russia with David Dimbleby”.
The documentary, for want of a better word, opens on David Dimbleby
wandering through a Moscow market looking at sigh Russian
nesting dolls, and it doesn’t get less predictable from there on
long time ago, I was taught you construct an argument in three steps
– “Statement, Evidence, Conclusion”. Instead Panorama opted to
go for the unorthodox “Conclusion, Anecdote, Stock Footage of
Nesting Dolls” approach.

second problem, is the smugness. Forget the factual inaccuracies re:
the Russian economy, forget the totally evidence-free assertions, and
just focus on the smugness.
smugness of an English man who went to Charterhouse School, and then
on to Oxford, is possibly one of the most toxic things in the world.
So much evil has been done by men who are taught their own effortless
superiority. Blood has been spilled by such men, oceans of it, evils
done beyond imagining, all with a soft chuckle and clear conscience,
because they come from a system that tells them their very existence
MAKES them RIGHT. They do the “right thing” as a matter of course
because of who they are and what they think. They are right,
and the vast swamps of Other are wrong,
and that’s just the way it is.
are the people who spread the British Empire over a quarter of the
globe, all the time telling themselves that they were doing the
savages a favour by giving them civilisation. The same men, the same
minds, in suits that change with time and with methods that shift
with the ages, have run the country for centuries…and run the BBC
since its inception. Men who believe morality is a function of their
very existence. A path that rises up to meet their feet.
is the British version of what the Americans call “exceptionalism”.
It’s less brash, and less obvious, but no less poisonous for that.
worst actions of mankind flow from minds who never question their own
moral position, and this documentary can be counted as small, septic,
addition to that list.
so we begin…
I’ve come to see how Putin has managed to hold on to power for so long, and what the Russians see in the Putin that We, in the West, don’t.”
introduction is immediately partisan and dishonest – referring to
“we” in the West as if there is a consensus, when clearly that is
not the case, is a variation on the argumentum
ad populum,
the argument to common knowledge. “Everybody knows that”, or “We
all agree on this”. It is deceptive language, being used to paint a
false picture.
saying Putin “held on” to power for so long, makes it seem like
his Presidency was an act of force, when all the evidence is to the
contrary. Dimbleby says so himself just a few minutes later.
When Dimbleby says “so long”, he means 18 years. The classic
mainstream media trick of ignoring Medvedev’s term as president is
employed here. As is every other, long discredited, anti-Putin
rhetorical device.)
In a democracy if you failed to deliver on your economic promises, if you surrounded yourself with cronies, and if you used the law to oppress opposition, well you’d be thrown out on your ear…but this is Russia, and they do things differently here.”
lays out, in one broad stroke, that Russia is backwards, and silly,
and he’s going to come along and point out to us sensible
Westerners just how they went wrong.
aside the hypocrisy (this is, let’s be honest, a pretty accurate
summary of what every single British government has done since
Margaret Thatcher), it’s also simply insulting. I find
it insulting, and I’m British. If I was Russian and heard that? I
would vomit blood.
sickening…and we’re only 2 minutes in.
first port of call on David’s whistle-stop tour of everything
that’s shit about Russia is the birth rate. He tells us that it
fell sharply in the years following the collapse of the USSR, and
this is true, he doesn’t say WHY this happened. As a matter of
policy this programme avoids, at all costs, mentioning what Russia
was like in the 1990s.
when Putin came to power the birth rate was declining, and what did
he do about this? Well, in a masterstroke, decided to encourage
people to have babies.
Well by increasing state benefits to mothers with more than 2
children, and further increasing them for families with more than 3
children. Families with multiple children are also entitled to free
school meals, tax breaks and get discounts on family holidays.
Medvedev also introduced a medal in 2008 – “The Order of Glorious
Motherhood” – for mothers with 7 or more children, based on the
“Mother Heroine” medal from World War 2.
It’s worth noting here that we, in lovely hugs-and-flowers Britain
with our nice fluffy democracy, DON’T have free school meals…for
anyone. At all. Ever. The government that proposed this bill was not
“thrown out on their ear”, but DID have to spend £1.4 BILLION
pounds bribing a minority party to vote it through.)
measures worked, and under Putin/Medvedev the birthrate has increased
almost every year since 2000. In 2011 the birthrate moved ahead of
the death rate for the first time since 1992, and Russia’s
population started growing.
if this is all sounding very sensible and not at all bad to you, then
well done for paying attention.
here the film reaches its first hurdle…and goes into it face first.
Russia is supposed to
be backwards and Putin is supposed to
be a brutal corrupt dictator with no concern for the country he
runs…but the facts on the ground don’t jive with this at all, at
least in the birthrate example. Not only did he try to improve his
country, but he did via perfectly reasonable methods, and they
film makers decide to simply leave an ellipsis on this one, just a
long pause that’s obviously designed to make us ruminate on how bad
Russia is, but doesn’t really work. Partly because it doesn’t
make any sense, but mostly because – for some reason – David
thinks the best way to hammer this point home is show us the
Cherenkovas. A very happy family with lots of healthy children. He
refers to them as “Putin’s ideal family”, as if the term itself
is insulting.
Cherenkova proudly displays her medals for motherhood in a leather
case, explaining she wears them on public holidays. The family sing
as they sit down for dinner, talk about the Church and how life has
improved under Putin compared to the 1990s. (David, staying true to
his brief, doesn’t ask how bad things were in the 1990s. In 58
minutes it’s not mentioned once.)
Cherenkovas praying as they sit down to dinner provides a neat segue
for David to discuss something really terrible – the growing
influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.
see, the ROC was suppressed under Communism, which was bad, and now
it’s not…which is apparently, also bad. I don’t fully
understand the point David is trying to make, but that’s OK since
I’m pretty sure he doesn’t either.
are presented with a Bishop, who tells us that it’s now easier for
the Church to interface with the state than it was during the 1990s.
We don’t know what he means by that, because he’s cut off and
David never asks.
implication, backed by stock footage of Putin lighting candles in a
church and David’s narration about “conservative values”, is
that Russia is becoming a kind of quasi-theocracy. It’s never
stated out-loud, because the position is so ridiculous as to be
indefensible, but it is quite clearly the implication.
to see “how widely [the Cherenkovas’] views are shared”, David
goes in search of a broad opinion, but meets an apparent problem:
It’s all very well to say “I’ve come to Russia to find out what the Russians really think”, but it’s not actually that easy in a country where the press, radio and television are all strictly controlled by an authoritarian government.”
He hasn’t gone there to find out what Russians think. He knows what
Russians “really think”. He’s there to tell US why THEY are
wrong. He’s there, at our expense, to make sure we hate who we’re
told to hate.
The press, radio and television are not all “strictly controlled”,
that’s a lie, and he knows it’s a lie because he proves it
himself less than 10 minutes later.
that’s beside the point. How does David get around the problem of
finding out what Russian’s “really think” under such an
authoritarian regime? Well, he goes to the one of the biggest public
opinion polling companies in Russia, the Levada Centre.
irony of rambling on about Russia’s repressive controlling
government as you take a gentle stroll down to the partly-American
funded NGO, just minutes from Red Square, is apparently lost on
if you can, a Russian-funded “polling centre” operating within
walking distance of Westminster or Pennsylvania Avenue. That not only
calls the government-run polls inaccurate, but claims that the CIA
forces people to vote and that the President is corrupt.
would never be allowed to happen, but in “authoritarian” Russia,
with its “strictly controlled” media, this is the current
the Levada Centre (Russia’s only “independent” polling centre),
David finds out that around 80% of Russian’s support Putin as
President. Which everyone in the world already knew.
fact the “independent” Levada’s centre polls almost perfectly
align with the apparently unreliable government polls doesn’t cause
anyone to question their assertions about corruption or dishonesty.
It’s one of the many inconvenient truths the Panorama team feel the
need to brush over as quickly as possible.
the head of the Levada Centre claims a President with an 80% approval
rating had to “force” people to vote, David doesn’t ask why, or
state that it doesn’t make any sense. No, he just makes concerned
faces at the camera.
discuss the “annexation” of Crimea as Russia “taking back”
what is theirs, with no reference to the polls that show huge Crimean
support for the move, going all the way back
to 1992,
including those done both
the American and German governments.
Crimea it’s a steady flow to “propaganda” – theirs, not ours
– Dimbleby narrates in solemn tones:
For most Russians, state-run television remains the main source of television news.”
passing over that this statement is being made on a state-run
television station, that is the main source of television news for
most people in Britain.
goes from Russian domestic television to RT, saying they are “accused
of spreading conspiracy theories”, he doesn’t say who accuses
them, or ask his audience to consider the possible reason behind such
accusations. He doesn’t even throw the weight of conviction behind
it enough to make declarative statement. No, just sends out the
little accusation, evidence free and with no reply or counter, and
hopes the implication does its job.
interviews a British anchor for RT, who says that they aren’t told
what to say, and he’s “answerable to no one but his own
conscience”. To which David replies, “And that’s clear is it?”
The anchor explains the structure of RT, but David isn’t listening.
He’s too busy making a documentary demonising a designated “enemy”
for a state-funded broadcaster.
doesn’t pose the same questions about his own conscience.
always worth remembering that the BBC, formerly the British
Broadcasting Corporation, is not “independent”, even though
they’ve spent decades pretending otherwise. We’re encouraged to
think of the BBC as a friendly presence, our shared “Auntie Beeb”,
cosy and reassuring and honest. It’s none of those things, it’s a
state backed broadcaster with a history of launching pro-government,
pro-war propaganda, for which it never faces censure or punishment.
It’s a much a less “friendly auntie”, more a threatening “big
truly Orwellian posters intimidating us into paying for it.
Dimbleby can stand under the banner of one of the biggest
state-funded media organizations in the world, and pontificate about
“media control” from an “authoritarian government” demands
levels of cognitive dissonance few would think possible. It’s
marvelously without irony.
David seeks out a human rights lawyer to discuss Russia’s legal
system. David tells us that Russian judges convict in 99% of cases.
This is apparently shockingly high. It does sound high, but
deliberately left without context to make it seem worse than it is.
the 99% refers only to Judge cases. Jury trials are relatively new to
Russian law – in fact Putin, in one of his desperate power grabs,
introduced them nationwide in 2003 – and they have a conviction
rate of roughly 80%, right in line with the UK’s own courts.
high conviction rate is not unheard of, especially in systems that
run “special
procedure court hearings”,
a slightly complex system of what amounts to plea bargaining.
runs a similar system and has a conviction rate of nearly
as does Israel.
The US federal courts had a conviction
rate of 93% in 2012.
Will we be seeing documentaries about that? No.
not a lawyer, I’m in no position to launch a full defense of the
Russian legal system – for all I know it is corrupt and/or unfair.
But there’s no evidence in this film that shows it to be the case,
outside of some anecdotal evidence from one lawyer.
they move on to Putin’s “online crackdown”.
Russia is starting to try to censor the internet. How? We don’t
know, they don’t tell us. They cite no laws and name no Acts. It is
just anecdote after anecdote. There’s no body to any part of it.
We’re told Putin wants more control of the internet, as if this is
shockingly tyrannical and when Dimbleby says there is…
…a crackdown on what the security services call “online extremism”.”
thinks his scare quotes show some desperately dystopian alternative
universe, but doesn’t seem to know, or at least acknowledge, that
WE call it that too, or that our very own dear Theresa May called for
a “crackdown
in online extremism” in
a speech just last year.
The most extreme surveillance in the history of western democracy.”
Is Panorama asking
questions about that? Of course not.
the BBC call our government authoritarian? Not once.
they offer just a talking-head, making a scary statement that
“thousands” of innocent Russians could be
in prison, with again no evidence to back it up at all.
you actually dig into the numbers they tell a completely different
The New
York Post,
not known for its pro-Russia bias, reported
that 233 Russians were
convicted of “hate speech” in 2015, “most of them for online
in happy bunny funland Britain, 2015 saw 857 people arrested for
“offensive” tweets or Facebook posts…in
London alone.
sounds like we’re more “authoritarian” than the Russians on the
internet front at least. A fact which takes maybe 30 seconds of
research to find.
David goes to Echo
of Moscow Radio to
talk to one of the completely non-existent members of the independent
media in Russia. She claims that the entire country is actually run
by the KGB. As per usual, she produces no evidence for this
statement, she just says it. But that’s good enough for David who
asks her to “explain how the KGB dominates society”, underlining
that the KGB and MI6 are not at all similar:
Explain to our UK viewers, who might think of the KGB as just like our MI5 or MI6…how the KGB dominates society?”
that everyone? There’s their
and our
and they are completely
This attitude was ridiculous enough to be used as satire
in Blackadder,
but now is being seriously repeated by one the BBC’s most respected
“explanation” involves simply repeating the same sentiment she
already expressed, only in slightly different words, and David is too
polite to press for more, or too lazy to be bothered, or too smug to
notice. It’s really getting hard to say at this point.
Of course one of the most prominent ways that MI6 and the KGB differ
is that the KGB doesn’t exist anymore, where as MI6 are very much
still going.)
at this point the documentary seems to realise the rather confusing
contradiction of its own existence. They are there to talk about how
autocratic and terrible Russia is, and yet they seems to talk to
human rights lawyers, anti-government television hosts and the head
of anti-Putin radio stations. If Putin has all dissidents and
protestors locked up and/or murdered…how do these people exist?
get around this in one, short sentence:
By allowing a few independent outlets, a few dissident voices, Putin can claim freedom of expression.”
logic. Unfailing reason. Yes there’s SOME freedom of speech, but
only so Putin can say there’s freedom of speech, it’s not REAL
freedom of expression.
just looks like it.
like that old expression:
it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then
it’s not really a duck because Putin doesn’t allow ducks. He’s
just letting that duck exist so he can pretend he’s got a duck.”
Russian Orthodox Church seems to be a real bugbear of David’s,
because fresh from announcing that “there IS free-speech in Russia,
it just doesn’t count”, David goes back to talk to a member of
the Church…and asks him if he approves of the lack of free speech
in Russia. David narrates:
When it comes to political repression, the one place not to look for support is the Orthodox Church.”
sentence implies we’re about to hear a Church spokesman defending
political repression…which is not the case. Instead we see the same
bemused Bishop as before, being asked:
You know there’s a lot of criticism of Putin’s encroachment on human rights: People in prison for speaking out against the state, internet communications closed down, the state spying on people’s communications, do you approve of all that?”
he’s asking “do you approve of…”, not “is this the case…”.
Leading questions predicated upon unproven assumptions have no place
in honest discourse…but if you took them out the documentary would
only be 3 or 4 minutes of stock footage of nesting dolls and onion
bishop, who seems slightly perturbed by the rudeness of the question,
evidently wasn’t provided with a script because he doesn’t launch
into a fascistic diatribe about values, or verbal attacks on traitors
and dissidents…he simply says:
This is your point of view, and we do not always agree. With all due respect.”
can see his Russian politeness straining, but not breaking. And
that’s it.
much for Russia the conservative theocracy.
documentary just gets less coherent and more confusing from here on
in. The facts they present never align with the way the spin they try
to put on them. They point out eminently reasonable realities of
Russian life, with a weight of sinister implication that defies all
reason. (In the trade, we refer to this maneuver as “The Harding”).
perfect example is the story of a women’s rights campaigner Alena
Popova, protesting about the allegations of sexual harassment made
against the Russian MP Leonid Slutsky.
see her standing outside the State Duma with cardboard cut-out of
Slutsky. I don’t read Russian, but I can’t imagine the slogans on
the cut-out are especially complimentary. She is briefly detained by
the police who ask her who she is and what she’s doing…she
explains and is released. Then she returns to the Duma, and does her
protest unmolested.
this seems perfectly fine, despite David’s chuntering narration.
is standing literally right outside the door of the parliament
building, with a cut-out of Slutsky covered in protest slogans. She
requires no permit to do this under Russian law, which states that
solo protests are allowed anywhere at any time without a permit. You
do need permission to hold group protests.
way of comparison, let’s imagine Alena were British, not Russian:
If she attempted the same exact protest in the UK…she would not be
allowed to. At all. Ever.
you would never get to stand within inches of the doors of Parliament
without getting halted by armed police. Secondly, you’re not
allowed to protest in Parliament Square – even alone – without
getting prior permission. This law was passed by Blair’s
government in 2006,
in order to shift anti-war protester Brian Haw.
one point a young man approaches David and Alena and asks what’s
going on, David’s voice-over claims the young man works for state
security, and intones the words with foreboding. We have no way of
knowing if this is true, if it even matters. I’m fairly sure a
Russian camera crew standing outside the Houses of Parliament would
attract the attention of special branch. He asks them two questions
and then leaves.
there’s a counter-protest. Four people appear with signs in support
of Slutsky. David claims they’re there to cause trouble for Alena,
and even implies they are working for the state. A claim which is
rather shot-down when the counter-protest group – who support the
government – are escorted away by the police because they don’t
have permission for their group protest.
pro-government protesters are gone, the anti-government protester
remains. David doesn’t see this as, in any way, challenging his
position on government oppression of dissent. He asks Alena:
If they control protest, if they’re against protest, why do they let it happen at all?”
fantastic question, the only really cogent thing he’s said for the
last half an hour. She replies:
Because we have a constitution.”
Britain, of course, has no written constitution at all.)
next episode in this bizarre saga opens with the director of the
Levada Centre claiming the Kremlin is “paranoid” about a
revolution, referencing the 2012 protests (the aborted “Snow
Revolution”). To which David adds some rather incongruous
Putin prepares to go to almost any lengths to prevent a popular uprising against him.”
never says what they these “lengths” are. In fact, we have no
idea what the Russian government has done to prevent a Revolution. If
anything. But breaking away from the specific facts, which the
documentary forces us to do, maybe we should ask a simple question.
would the Russian government be paranoid about revolution?
we should look at other countries that have had “revolutions”
recently for an answer to this question.
is a disaster. Libya is possibly the only country in the world worse
off than Ukraine and the only reason Syria isn’t just as bad those
two is that Russia stepped in to help. David talks about revolutions
as if they are organic, almost accidental, occurrences. But we all
know that’s not true, we’ve all seen “Colour Revolutions” be
fomented by the Western powers to overthrow governments that the USA
has deemed to not have “American interests” at heart.
in recent years, are Imperial acts of aggression carried out by proxy
armies with the aim of removing an “enemy” of the West. And they
have left nothing in their wake but blood and destruction. The
Kremlin has every right to be concerned about possible Western
attempts at a coup against their government. Such a move could
destroy everything they have built.
you think a Western-backed coup government will keep up free school
meals and medals for motherhood? Do they have a constitutional right
to protest in Libya right now? How about the birthrate vs death rate
in Syria, is that going up?
all governments fear revolution and hope for stability?
would David feel about a revolution in Britain? Would it be welcomed?
Would Theresa May like seeing violent unrest in the streets of
London? Or being replaced by a Russian-backed, unelected leader?
the chaos that has been left in the wake of “revolutions” the
world over in recent years, the documentary gives no credence to
Russian fears. Russia is never “afraid”, and always “paranoid”.
talks to an Sergei Markov, a “political consultant who has worked
with Putin”. We have no way of knowing if this is true, and this
being Panorama taking it in faith is an unearned act of trust, but
let’s assume that they’re telling the truth.
highlights that Russia has good reason to fear Western aggression.
Pointing out, reasonably enough, that no Russian soldier has ever set foot on British soil in the name of conquest, whereas Britain has invaded Russia every several times since the 19th Century:
Pointing out, reasonably enough, that no Russian soldier has ever set foot on British soil in the name of conquest, whereas Britain has invaded Russia every several times since the 19th Century:
Now, you are preparing to invade Russian territory again, to establish your control of Russian political, social and economic constitution, for us it is absolutely clear.”
are encouraged to see Markov was crazy-eyed lunatic, and David’s
response is to laugh in his face:
You don’t seriously think an invasion of Russia is planned by the West? I mean, you’ll have me laughing in a moment.”

doesn’t mention these facts.
as he doesn’t go into any recent history of Western military
interventions. How America has, in the last 20 years alone, carried
out coups in Venezuela, Ukraine and Honduras. Or how, when covert
means did not work, they simply declared all out war in Afghanistan,
Iraq and Libya.
impartial viewing of world history – especially recent history –
would explain every country in the world having a fear of falling
into NATO’s crosshairs.
than acknowledging this, the documentary remains resolutely in its
own little world. Insisting, in the face of all evidence to the
contrary, that Russia has nothing to fear from the West.
from telling us that Putin’s Russia is a “paranoid place”,
where the leader with 80% approval is constantly worried about
revolution and is prepared to go any lengths to stop it – even so
far as having laws regulating protests that are almost identical to
our own – David goes to talk to all the young people about their
views on Putin.
all like him, apparently:
One of the most fascinating aspects of today’s Russia, is that the under 25s, who might be expected to rebel, are Putin’s strongest supporters.”
talking to a group called Set (Russian
for Network), a collection of “young artists, writers and
designers” who consider Putin a role-model. David asks them a
series of questions.
What do you like about Putin?”
of the young men says that before Putin is was “uncomfortable”,
even “shameful”, to be associated with Russia. David doesn’t
ask a follow-up question, putting paid to his earlier claims about
wanting to know what Russians “really think” and staying true to
the programmes aim of never, ever mentioning the 1990s. Instead he
skips back to leading questions based on false assumptions:
You feel happy with one person controlling the whole country?”
don’t know what they say to that, because it cuts off before anyone
Do you agree that he’s quite ruthless when it comes to opposition?”
say they don’t agree. In fact they say quite the opposite. Which
cues in a snide narration:
This generation of Russians are internet savvy, globally connected, but they prefer Putin’s authoritarian rule to democracy.”
of the people on camera ever express this opinion. Which makes this
one of the most egregious lies in the whole 58 minutes. To appreciate
what a statement that is, you really need to watch the film.
None of these young people “prefer authoritarianism to democracy”, they make it quite clear – in their opinion, they live in a democracy. Is there an effort to understand their position? None whatsoever. Instead we get treated to the head of the Levada Centre (again), this time dismissing all the young people who like Putin as being either stupid or brainwashed:
They are very different to Western youth, their minds were formed at the same time Putin’s regime was established, and for them the rhetoric of a great power is a very important part of their collective identity.”
is, as far as we know, another unsupported statement. Not one of the
half-dozen young people David talked to said anything about Russia
being a great power. Not one thing. They talked about Putin
personally being relatable and they talked about improving conditions
from the Yeltsin era.
confronted with Dimbleby asking yet another offensively phrased
People in Britain look at Russia and say “this is a powerful autocrat who stops opposition, prevents anyone, if necessary puts them in jail to stop them opposing him” is that not how you see it?”
young man, far from claiming to “prefer authoritarian rule” or
praising the “rhetoric of a great power”, launches into a defense
of Russian democracy. Pointing out the sheer number of different
political parties (48), and that they had 8 different Presidential
candidates running against Putin.
isn’t listening. He’s nailed his colours to the mast on this one,
Russia isn’t a democracy. It doesn’t matter how popular the
leader is. It doesn’t matter how many elections they have, how many
candidates are on the ballots, or how much public support they have.
Russia is NOT a democracy, because David says so.
The film even references Navalny as “Putin’s biggest political opponent”, without mentioning that his party has ZERO seats in the Duma, and that he polls at less than 2% public support. Dimbleby doesn’t know these numbers, because his “researchers” either didn’t look them up, or pretended not to know them. Instead David solemnly declares:
Putin had him convicted of fraud.”
“he was found guilty”, no, “Putin HAD him convicted”. Is
there evidence produced that shows Navalny was framed? Nope. Is there
evidence produced that shows any corruption on behalf of the
judiciary? None. Is there any mention of Navalny being a right-wing
ultra-nationalist who
referred to Caucasians as “cockroaches”? Not even a little.
isn’t a democracy”,
and “Putin’s
main political opponent” is
an unpopular convicted criminal with a history of racism, who was
forbidden by the constitution from running in a Presidential election
in which he would have come ninth.
to:- Skyline of Moscow. Night. Synthy music plays, and the David lets
fly with this beauty:
As many autocrats have shown, just holding an election doesn’t make a democracy.”
Just as a free press doesn’t mean Russia has freedom of expression,
elections don’t mean they are a democracy. The documentary is
slowly becoming less an attack on Putin and Russia, than an attack on
the English language, and indeed logic itself.
doesn’t tell us what DOES make a democracy, but it certainly isn’t
elections. Following this logic, of course, you could have
a democracy without elections.
And if that sounds absurd, then remember that Margaret Thatcher
praised Pinochet for bringing “democratic
order” to
Elections that return the “wrong” result? They aren’t democratic. Rounding up dissidents in soccer stadiums and gunning them down? That is democratic.
means whatever the establishment wants it to mean.
Putin uses carefully orchestrated elections to legitimise his rule.”
“orchestrates” the elections? How do they do it? How does David
know this? We’re not told. We’re now 40 minutes in, and we’ve
yet to have any single accusation or anecdote backed up with anything
even approaching evidence. We’re not even provided basic logical
more pressing is: Why would a President with 80% popularity NEED to
“orchestrate” elections?
never explain.
next port-of-call on his tour of Bizzarro World is the Russian
economy. Having been told that the Russian economy is “struggling”
we get some more stock footage – this time of factories and oil
wells – with David narrating:
Russia is one of the largest countries on Earth, with a population of 144 million, but its economy is much smaller – not even two-thirds the size of Britain, and even smaller than Italy.”
a lot to unpack here.
it’s absolutely hilarious that dear little David can’t even bring
himself to acknowledge the simple fact that Russia is not “one of
the largest countries on Earth”, it is the largest. It’s nearly
double the size of China. It’s European portion is the largest
country in Europe, its Asian portion is the largest country in Asia
and if you cut it evenly in half the two new countries would still be
4th and 5th largest countries in the world.
is very big.
would ever dispute that, so why not just say it? It goes to show the
pettiness of the mindset behind this programme. They simply cannot
give Russia any credit, even so far as acknowledging its size.
the language is again very deceptive. When he says “much smaller
than Britain” and “EVEN smaller than Italy”, he’s painting a
picture of small economy. He doesn’t mention that the UK has the
4th largest economy in the world, and Italy the 7th. Russia is 10th,
just behind Canada. He also doesn’t mention that the those figures
don’t include the economy of Crimea, which the World Bank refuses
to count as Russian.
would seriously claim that the 10th biggest economy in the world is
sits down with Russia’s former deputy-Prime Minister Arkady
Dvorkovich who says, when asked about the size of Russia’s economy:
If you look at other European economies, they have a long tradition of private entrepreneurship, we started this tradition only in the 1990s and need to accumulate experience.”
a fair point, considering they’ve only been capitalist for 28 years
or so, the 10th biggest economy in the world isn’t bad at all.
David is unmoved. We don’t see his answer to that point, I would
suggest because he couldn’t make one.
he changes the subject, in voice-over, to corruption. Calling it a
“tradition” in Russia.
talks to Vladimir Pozner, a member of the allegedly “strictly
controlled” Russian media, who apparently feels free to say
corruption is endemic, giving yet more anecdotal evidence. This time
about entirely hypothetical traffic policeman being bribed. A
(strictly controlled?) anti-corruption campaigner points at a flat
and says a politician lives there and shouldn’t be able to afford
it. And David mentions an (unnamed) survey which ranks Russia 135th
in the world in terms of corruption.
is it established that Russia has a terrible corruption problem.
this point the documentary devolves into a series of complete lies.
Not mistakes, not exaggerations, lies. Lies so simple and so easy to
refute with only a few google searches, that we’ll just go ahead
and work through them one at a time:
Corruption is widespread, according to one survey it’s one of the worst countries in the world – it ranks 135 out of 180.”
almost certainly referring to the famous “corruption
perception index”,
which is NOT a measure of corruption, but a measure of how corrupt
some (unnamed) people THINK something MIGHT BE. It is a nonsense
stat, discussed in more detail here.
“Russia has one of the most unequal economies in the world….20 million people live in poverty.”
is technically true, there are 20 million people living under the
poverty line in Russia, or 13.8% of the population. Before the
sanctions it
was less than 12%.
course, where these numbers differ is that Russia’s number is
coming down from 35%, and ours is going up. The makers of this
programme know this, because the numbers were published on the BBC’s
own website.
Putin’s failure to diversify the economy means that half the Russian budget comes from oil and gas, so when the price of oil fell after the annexation of Crimea, Russia was plunged into crisis.”
price of oil did not “fall”, it was deliberately
sabotaged by
the gulf monarchies flooding the market. This was done to try to hurt
the Russian economy, we can tell David knows this because he
references the “annexation of Crimea” as the cause, he just
doesn’t explain the details.
Putin’s aggressive foreign policy, along with the West’s sanctions, made the situation worse.”
foreign policy – “aggressive” or otherwise – has no bearing
on the Russian economy. This is all about the sanctions. Sanctions
imposed by the West are not any reflection on the economic competence
of the Russian government, especially when they are put in place over
entirely false accusations, such as the Skripal poisoning or
“hacking” the US Presidential election.
is one of the oldest tricks in the US Imperial playbook, create a
pretext for action against a country which they see as an “enemy”.
Use this pretext to sanction a country with the aim of crippling
their economy, and then use the fact the economy is struggling to
criticise the government of the target country. The US have been
doing it to Cuba and North Korea for decades, to Venezuela for years
and Russia since 2014.
deliberate destruction of their economy by powers beyond their
control has no bearing on the competence or corruption of the Russian
fact, by any standards, the Russian government under both Putin and
Medvedev has been exceptionally competent.
- Since 2000, Russian national debt has reduced from 92.1% of GDP to 12.5%. But for the sanctions, it would be less than 10%.
- Since 2000, inflation has dropped from nearly 30% to less than 3%. It’s already recovered from the increased resulting from sanctions.
- Since 2000, Russian GDP has risen from $195bn to $1283bn. Prior to the sanctions, it was over $2230bn.
- Since 1998, Russia’s trade balance of trade has increased from -$203mn, to +$15.3bn. Prior to the sanctions it was over $20bn.
- Since 2000, Russia’s average wage has increased from ~2000 rubles/month, to over 44,000 RUB/m. It carried on increasing in spite of sanctions.
list could go on and on.
economy – under both Putin and Medvedev – has gone largely in the
right direction.
course, part of that is that there was only one direction to go.
of this comes back to the 1990s. When Russia, as a country, was
possibly within only months of ceasing to exist, collapsing into
Balkanisation and chaos.
government prevented that, and turned things around for ordinary
Russians in a quasi-miraculous fashion. That is why 80% of Russians
support the man.
It’s the most basic rule of governance, but its one we in the West are encouraged to ignore – the first priority of government is to make the country better. Do that, and the people will support you.
discuss the Russian economy, or the living standards of Russian
people, or popularity of Putin, without acknowledging these facts, is
just incredibly dishonest. Sickeningly so.
is a bad documentary. It’s not simply ethically bankrupt, it’s
also badly made. It’s badly paced, badly edited and incoherent.
It’s so dedicated to its agenda that it sacrifices all else to try
is a relentless war being waged here, not just at the BBC and not
just against Russia, but throughout the Western world…and against
reality itself.
the implications of this situation: One of the largest media
organizations in the world spent license fee-payers money to send a
man half-way around the globe, to convince their captive audience of
tax-payers that elections don’t equal democracy, that independent
media doesn’t equal free speech and that a $15bn trade surplus
means your economy is struggling.
recycles lies that have become terribly dull to refute, so must be
simply exhausting to repeat. It routinely accidentally steps on its
own argument, realises it has done so, and then performs logical
gymnastics to try to prove it knows what it’s talking about. It
makes no sense, and you can tell that they know it.
list of contradictions and unanswered questions goes on and on,
creating a world that cannot exist under the laws of reason. We’re
told that Putin is popular, but that people are forced to vote for
him. We’re told by Russian independent media organizations,
critical of the government, that Russia has
no independent media organizations critical of the government,
and we’re told by a protester standing right outside the Russian
parliament, that protests are practically illegal.
of this irrationality combines to put together a patchwork-Picasso
portrait of “Vladimir Putin”, the corrupt communist idealist, KGB
hardliner and devout christian ideologue, who forces all the devoted
members of his cult of personality to vote for him in elections he
rigs anyway. A man who stole all the money he also spent on
rebuilding Russia’s military, schools and hospitals, is
best-buddies with all the oligarchs he sent to jail for tax evasion,
and who – despite the size of the country – has “only” got
the 10th biggest economy in the world.
a documentary made by people at war with themselves, unable to
understand that their delusions are absurd and incomprehensible to
those of us struggling to live a reality-based life.
desperation in this film, a hysterical repetition of proven lies and
shrill fake news, screamed out by people who feel they’re losing
control of the narrative.
don’t know what they think except that Russia is bad and Putin is
worse, they don’t know why they think it except that they’ve got
to because they were told to, and they’re aghast. Unable to
understand why no ones listening when they’re making so much sense!
documentary, like so much of the MSM’s recent output, is a wail of
outrage at a world that refuses to listen to their nonsense. As
well-reasoned as a toddler’s tantrum, as well sourced as “Trevor
from the pub” and as well researched as toilet stall graffiti. A
limping, heaving, slime-ridden pile of self-defeating,
self-contradictory garbage that has no place in people’s hearts,
minds or homes.
I watched it five times to write this.
need a shower.
Excellent analysis of how desperate the UK and US have become in efforts to vilify a popular competent leader who has guided a dramatic improvement in quality of life, freedom and opportunity. Unfortunately for the west,quality of life continues to decline for all but the wealthy so the propaganda has ramped up to focus on fictional evil of other countries as a pretext to war. Russia is called an aggressive country for reasons no one can explain. It is called an authoritarian society despite haVing more open political systems with easier access to running for office,and called a failed economy yet with little or no national or personal debt, the highest percent of population with university degrees in the world, all free, and guaranteed paid vacation of 30 or more days and paid family leave for 2 years and 2 more unpaid. Depending on region, between 70 and 92% of the population live in homes they own free and clear. A poor person seems poor when measured by US dollars but they live by the Ruble and have a lot of value in the rubles they earn.Cost of living is low and most major expenses western familes have are free in Russia. A young college grad leaves school with no debt, loW cost effective public transport AND the majority have a free and clear debt free home. How; again, are Russians so oppressed? They have more rights and actual freedoms than Americans or Brits. Compare how many poor people have full access to university or cultural activities that only the wealthy in the west can afford. Russians have a lower stress more secure life with much more travel and leisure time....and little or no debt. Yet the propaganda gets louder and more detached from reality by the day.
ReplyDeleteThere is one more thing Russians can say about their leader that no citizen of the US or UK can say: their leader is honest with them