Saturday 30 June 2018

Putin-Trump Sunnit: Shock! Horror! Peacce might break out.

"I’ve said it already but i feel compelled to say it again.

I never used to be religious…but the older i get, the more evidence i see of a real “Anti Christ” existing, or at least his troops operating. These people are utterly depraved and lack any morality, let alone spirituality.

Even if you don’t accept any religious theory or actual evidence, then at least most people should at least see and understand the bipolar contrast of those who do good for humanity versus those who destroy humanity except for enriching their own clique.”

Times Headline: Fears Over Prospect of Peace

29 June, 2018

OffGuardian was founded on the idea that he media should be held to account, corrected, fact-checked and interpreted. A lot of the time that’s job that needs to be done.

But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes you just let them talk and their own words condemn them.

This is one of those times.

The Times is scare-mongering about peace.

Nothing more need be said

Listen to this!!

 Here is UK Column discussing this

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