dioxide is gushing into Earth’s atmosphere at record pace

look at a screen showing a world map with climate anomalies during
the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Le Bourget, near Paris, on Dec.
8, 2015. (Stephane Mahe/Reuters)
October, 2017
concentration of CO2, a planet-warming greenhouse gas, set a new
record in 2016, according to a report by the U.N. World
Meteorological Organization. The year-to-year spike in CO2, from 400
ppm in 2015 to 403.3 ppm in 2016, also represents the biggest annual
jump on record, some of which can be attributed to the 2015-2016 El
atmosphere has as much CO2 in it as it did 3 to 5 million years ago,
the report states, when “the Greenland and West Antarctic ice
sheets melted and even some of the East Antarctic ice was lost,
leading to sea levels that were [33 to 66 feet] higher than those
report starts out:
rate of increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) over the past 70
years is nearly 100 times larger than that at the end of the last ice
in itself is alarming. But here’s the kicker — and the thing that
may end up being more important than the total amount of CO2 in the
far as direct and proxy observations can tell, such abrupt changes in
the atmospheric levels of CO2 have never before been seen.
overwhelming majority of relevant scientists agree that’s a
to the industrial revolution, when fossil-fuel-burning technologies
started to come online, global concentration of CO2 was around 280
ppm. In just 100 short years — the blink of an eye, geologically —
that level surged above 400 ppm. Burning fossil fuels takes carbon
out of the ground and injects it into the atmosphere, where it
prevents Earth’s heat from radiating back into space. It’s led to
a 40 percent increase in the radiative forcing, or “warming
effect,” of our climate.
simply don’t know how Earth is going to respond to such a rapid
increase in temperature. There is no precedent we can look to that
could provide insight on how ecosystems will or won’t adapt. The
closest analog we have is something that
happened 55 million years ago: an era scientists call the PETM —
paleo-eocene thermal maximum — in which CO2 climbed to record
levels over tens of thousands of years. You can see, it doesn’t
hold a candle to the rate we’re witnessing in the 20th and 21st

Fritz for
Evolution. It seems small, but
it’s significant. The Paris Agreement pointed to 2 degrees as the
point at which Earth’s climate may become truly inhospitable for
current life — with heat waves, drought, sea-level rise and
catastrophic flooding as the main impacts. The agreement basically
says staying below that threshold is how we can avoid the most harm.
rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, we will be
heading for dangerous temperature increases by the end of this
century, well above the target set by the Paris climate change
agreement,” WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said in a
statement. “Future generations will inherit a much more
inhospitable planet.”

methane emissions worldwide
to Harold Hensell

are scary pictures for real.
methane 10 30 2017,
America and Global.

demand more tankers to put the fires out. The same goes for Canada.
This is one thing that can be done.
ppb is the energy balance for methane. Anything over this and the
atmosphere continues to heat up. The consequences eventually make the
earth unlivable.…/nrt_fields_ghg!Methane!Sur…/

Daily volume: 6,354 km³ (2nd lowest for the date) Δ +82/day
+558/week, 1,319/month, –89/year, +74/5year (+1.2%)
–10,754 (–63% 80s), –9,124 (90s), –5,089 (00s), –1,317 (2010–16)
Daily extent: 7,882,757 km² (3rd lowest for the date) Δ +66k/day
+608k/week, 2,835k/month, +962k/year, +365k/5year (+4.9%)
Annual volume: 12,596 km³ (*record* low) Δ –0.2/day
–3.3/week, +12/month, –1,435/year, –1,076/5year (–7.9%)
Annual extent: 9,864,441 km² (2nd lowest) Δ +2.63k/day
+16k/week, +53k/month, +10k/year, –136k/5year (–1.4%)
ice thickness – 2012 and

wonder what the experts would make of the seahorse–shaped feature
(blue colour) of relatively shallow winds, running from Moscow to
Hudson Bay.
is on the Jet Stream view of Earth Nullschool.

the geeks, these are the best figures we get for daily ice.
Daily volume: 6,354 km³ (2nd lowest for the date) Δ +82/day
+558/week, 1,319/month, –89/year, +74/5year (+1.2%)
–10,754 (–63% 80s), –9,124 (90s), –5,089 (00s), –1,317 (2010–16)
Daily extent: 7,882,757 km² (3rd lowest for the date) Δ +66k/day
+608k/week, 2,835k/month, +962k/year, +365k/5year (+4.9%)
volume maximum 20,756 km³ on April 18th (*lowest*)
2017 volume minimum 4,539 km³ on September 11th (4th lowest)
2017 extent maximum 13,878,287 km² on March 6th (*lowest*)
2017 extent minimum 4,472,225 km² on September 9th (6th lowest)
2017 volume minimum 4,539 km³ on September 11th (4th lowest)
2017 extent maximum 13,878,287 km² on March 6th (*lowest*)
2017 extent minimum 4,472,225 km² on September 9th (6th lowest)
the above daily numbers carry a taste of
If you don’t want to cherry–pick your data to make a point, you
may want to look at the latest, updated, running annual average. The
ice, after all, has to be out there and survive those waves 24/7, 365
days of the year.
Annual volume: 12,596 km³ (*record* low) Δ –0.2/day
–3.3/week, +12/month, –1,435/year, –1,076/5year (–7.9%)
Annual extent: 9,864,441 km² (2nd lowest) Δ +2.63k/day
+16k/week, +53k/month, +10k/year, –136k/5year (–1.4%)
average volume has currently been more than 1,000 km³ lower than the
previous record low for 100 consecutive days.
JAXA / PIOMAS (app estimate) for October 30th 2017.

The graph is worth a 1000 words.