Monday, 9 October 2017

Reflections on America's gun culture and collapse

These are the personal reflections of an outsiderwho has never set foot in the United States of America.

Of Guns and Men

The events in Las Vegas bring the whole issue of guns and gun control to the fore once more. Every Clinton-voting liberal on social media are getting on the bandwagon placing the need of gun control (perhaps right up there with various obsessions like rights for transgenders).

They seem particularly riled by the following infographic.

Well, I come from a country that (relative to the U.S.) we have both relatively strict gun control and of statistics for deaths by gunshots.

I have been aware for a long time – going back before Bowling for Columbine – that America has a gun problem and in the past would definitely have agreed that something needed to be done about it.

Personally I’ve never handled a firearm since my time at school when I was forced to in school cadets and I have a lifelong aversion to the gun culture.

If guns have been around since the War of Independence and Americans have been shooting each other since I have been alive then what has changed so radically and so quickly?

It is assumed by these same liberals that if you take guns away from the nasty Trump-voting “deplorables” then all problems will be solved.

Is this really true?

Perhaps there are other factors that need to be taken into account?

First among these is the incontrovertible fact that millions of Americans are on drugs - whether narcotics or prescribed drugs such as antidepressants, antipsychotics and of course there are the opioids.

I’ve never heard that argument used by the Left. I have to assume that they are all in favour of the huge profits of the pharmaceutical industry – certainly those who run the Democrat Party are. We couldn’t solve the problem by coming down hard on the drug problem.

Instead America fights wars (such as in Afghanistan) to keep the whole things going.

I wouldn’t mind wagering that prescription medication accounts for a large part of the problem

I read a quote from someone saying that America has a mental health problem rather than a gun problem.

Certainly in the case of Stephen Paddock IF he is behind the shooting at all had a problem.

It has just been revealed that the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was on psychotropic medications infamous for causing aggression and delusions.

And this is no conspiracy theory directed at Big Pharma—the warning labels on the back of the bottles openly warn of the dangerous side effects.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Paddock was on diazepam, which is more known by its commercial name Valium.

The report states:

Records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program obtained Tuesday show Paddock was prescribed 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets by Henderson physician Dr. Steven Winkler on June 21.

A woman who answered the phone at Winkler’s office would not make him available to answer questions and would neither confirm nor deny that Paddock was ever a patient.

Paddock purchased the drug — its brand name is Valium — without insurance at a Walgreens store in Reno on the same day it was prescribed. He was supposed to take one pill a day.”

Scientific American seems to agree even if they are not saying as much.

Antidepressants were most common, followed by anxiety relievers and antipsychotics

One in six U.S. adults reported taking a psychiatric drug, such as an antidepressant or a sedative, in 2013, a new study found.

The new data comes from an analysis of the 2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), which gathered information on the cost and use of health care in the United States.

An earlier government report, from 2011, found that just over one in 10 adults reported taking prescription drugs for "problems with emotions, nerves or mental health," the authors wrote in a research letter published today (Dec. 12) in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine

And never mind the abortions and deaths from obesity, diabetes and the like – the statistics show that drug overdoses (and that certainly means opioids) are responsible for more deaths than people with guns are.

Americans died from drug overdoses. This is a staggering number, especially when compared to traffic accidents, which claimed 37,757 lives in the same year. Drug overdose deaths also outpaced the 36,252 people who died due to gun-related injuries in 2015

This data comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the analysis was conducted by reporters with access to the database. According to the findings, “Heroin deaths rose 23 percent in one year, to 12,989,” while “[a]buse of drugs like Oxycontin and Vicodin killed 17,536,” CBS reports.

The high rate of overdose-related deaths has largely been attributed to heroin and prescription painkiller abuse. Heroin is an illicit drug, and law enforcement efforts to crack down on its use have increased in recent years, with the National Seizure System confirming there has been an “80 percent increase in heroin seizures in the past five years.”


And then there is the big question of America itself.It is a country on the verge of social, economic and political breakdown and people (to the extent they are aware of what is going on around them) seem to recognise this – except for the ideologically-driven Looney Left,

Except for the Loony Left if we can call them that. They are faux-Left because these people are coming out as pro-war, pro-CIA, pro-corporate which goes against everything the real Left stands for.

I believe that reasonable Americans are being manipulated through events like that in Las Vegas to abandon the middle ground and support either the extreme Right (KKK and neo-nazis) or the extreme Left (Antifa),

Everyone associated with governance is equally to blame. Obama and his Democrats want to take away people’s guns while Trump and the Republicans want to further the police surveillance state.

It is time for Americans to come to the realisation that no-one in government is a friend.

We do live in an era where the State is violent and more than capable of killing its own citizens in False Flag attacks.

Would I want to surrender my guns to a State that is armed to the teeth?

I suspect not.

Even al-Jazeera recognises the problem in this documentary

Here is the trailer for a new documentary “Do Not Resist”

John Whitehouse is not, I believe, a raging white-supremacist, nazi conspiracy theory but accurately identifies the growth of the surveillance police state

I do not believe that you have to be a raving Alex Jones fan insisting on Americans’ God-given right to bear arms and carry them in public to see the problem

Taking the guns away at this particular junction will mark the enslavement of Americans.

I would rather part Americans away from all their meds.

But that is not going to happen and the further collapse of American society is going to be very, very ugly and will make an event like the collapse of the Soviet Union seem like a walk in the park

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