Thursday 5 October 2017

Antifa on the attack in Seattle

Who knows, you may think that young men who wear swastikas in public (or even private) deserve this and worse.

I have been defriended by one person known in these circles for disagreeing.

George Soros, who is known for funding real nazis in Ukraine has funded the far-Left (and probably the far-Right at the same time) in the Unisted States as an attempt to force people to the extremes and destabalise the country.

A You Tube video that suggested this was removed from You Tube pronto. Perhaps it got a bit close to the bone?

I have picked up rumours on social media of a Leftist Antifa “uprising” on 4 November. In any case these people are as much trouble as the folk on the Right in my mind.

Antifa Hunts Down And Punches Seattle Man Sporting A Nazi Armband

Group tracked down, cornered, and sucker punched unarmed man.

September 19, 2017

A group of Seattle men, claiming to be Antifa, say they hunted down a man wearing a Nazi armband using social media, and then attacked him on the street, leaving him unconscious.
According to the group's social media posts, a "submitter" sent them a photo of the apparent Nazi, sitting on a Seattle bus. A Twitter user affiliated with the Antifa group claimed the man, who was dressed in a black leather jacket and jeans, was harassing a black man during his commute. The picture shows the man listening to music on giant headphones.

View image on Twitter

Nazi shit head seen on D line headed to downtown 

Submitter said they were harassing a black man on the bus
Another Twitter user, by the name @teethinclaws, then sent out a tweet asking Seattle Antifa members to track down the Nazi and for any information from other Twitter users on the man or his whereabouts.
Not long after, the Antifa group posted video of themselves confronting and sucker-punching the man, knocking him out, and leaving him on the street. They cross-posted the video to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to lavish praise.
Fair warning: the video does contain a lot of profanity and some violence (as well as what appears to be a Nazi), so you may not want to watch it at work.
The original Tweeter, @teethinclaws, spoke to Buzzfeed. “I would say that we successfully identified, tracked, and coordinated to neutralize a clear and present danger to Seattle,” @teethinclaws said. “I, for one, applaud the anonymous hero.”
When asked if the group of assailants had identified the apparent Nazi, @teethinclaws said the next mission for Antifa is to dox the man and publicize his identity.
It is, of course, hard to feel sorry for the guy wearing the Nazi armband. It's pretty clear he ascribes to a reprehensible set of values and ideals, and if he's really displaying the swastika out in public, he's definitely proud of his disgusting beliefs.
But that doesn't mean he deserved to be tracked down and punched in the face while unarmed; he has a First Amendment right to sport that swastika armband, even if Antifa believes the symbol is "hate speech" and constitutes a "threat" — an interpretation of the Bill of Rights that decades of Supreme Court precedent simply doesn't support.
As for doxing him, well, it doesn't seem like the guy is hiding that he's a fan of Hitler. But Antifa doesn't discern between people sporting actual swastika armbands and literally anyone who disagrees with their progressive political platform — a point they've driven home time and again.
Commentator Megan McCardle called Antifa's values into question over the attack.

Look, you want to defend antifa? Say "I don't believe in free speech, and I'm okay with violence against unarmed civilians I disagree with"
Look, you want to defend antifa? Say "I don't believe in free speech, and I'm okay with violence against unarmed civilians I disagree with"
Don't tell me that they're actually the Red Cross. Don't point at the folks on the other side. Don't give me word salad about oppression.

Don't tell me that they're actually the Red Cross. Don't point at the folks on the other side. Don't give me word salad about oppression.
Just say "It is all right to attack unarmed civilians for political ends, if the ends are just."

Just say "It is all right to attack unarmed civilians for political ends, if the ends are just."
Otherwise all you're really saying is "I have no principles except 'My tribe good, other tribe bad'"
Social media, not typically made up of First Amendment scholars, despite the nature of the medium, went wild for the video, making the "Nazi punchers" viral, though a handful of people on Facebook and Twitter questioned Antifa's actions — and even the validity of the video.

A very interesting video has been REMOVED. 

It was talking about a Melbourne Antifa site identifying Paddock as Antifa but that this is a false site used by security forces to put out disinformation. 

Someone WANTS people to believe that he was Antifa to divide-and-rule Soros style and to force people away from the middle ground to the extreme. 

It made sense to me.

I'm sorry it is gone and I'm wondering who pulled it and why.

Meanwhile this is from Antifa Melbourne

This bears repeating

1 comment:

  1. Antifa is more about staged indignation and sucker punches than opposing fascism. You want to protest against fascism, picket the nearest police station, get involved in local politics for candidates you can support, and by all means counter-protest any hate group. Beating up confused young men only supports their view that the world is against them, and makes them embrace fascism all the more.


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