Reflections and speculation on the Saudi connection with the Las Vegas shooting
Part one
You will all probably be aware that my energies have been failing in recent times. I still give most of my available energy to this endeavour of over 6 years.
First-and-foremost has been and will be climate disruption and the move towards, at the very least the near-term ending of human civilisation, more probably the extinction of all species on the planet, first and foremost the smart ape, homo sapiens.
Gaia (the "tough old bitch" as James Lovelock once called Her) is hitting back with full force and maximum speed. However shocking Gaia cannot keep up with the actions of human beings that are doing everything possible to hasten this process - first by denying any possibility of mitigating or slowing down the process - not least by ensuring that the satellites that measure Arctic ice go dark.

only that but the Empire is ensuring that it doubles down on the very
process that is leading to our imminent demise. We are also hell-bent
on moving towards a war that may be over in an hour-and-a-half
whereby the survivors will wish they hadn't.
United States is going down as a world power and may well, especially
under its incumbent and the Deep State that pulls the strings, decide
to take the rest of the world with them thereby forestalling the
slower process of Abrupt Climate Change.
the information that is needed to make up one's mind about this is
out there. If anyone has failed to be convinced by now then they are
likely never get it.
just leaves the process of chronicling our Demise.
that we do not need every headline that is written about this -
especially the half-truths of the mass media and scientists too
frightened of speaking the whole truth (often to themselves)
that reason I am changing my emphasis a little, to deal with all the
shenanigans that goes with the process of Collapse and the insanity
of politics and geopolitics as they are now.
simply put we are moving to war.
is this that concerns me.
The Other is simply a given for me.
The Other is simply a given for me.
A priority for me over recent days has been to try and make sense of overlapping events in the Middle East.
First-and-foremost we have the coup that turns out to be a purge in Riyadh which coincided with the unbelievable spectacle of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri reading out a statement of resignation over Arab TV and then, for now, disappearing.
It is amazing to see the richest man in Saudi Arabia, Prince Alwaheed bin Talal, who just two weeks ago was feted on American cable TV just two weeks ago now under arrest and held in a luxury hotel and forced to sleep on a mattress on the floor while his billions in assets have been seized by the Saudi state.
If you think that this is a "corruption scandal" then I think I can arrange a bridge to sell you!
The details of all this are obscure, not least because everyone is lying and the international media has, for all intents and purposes has blacked out the story.
So we are left to put together the various pieces - and this is something, amidst all the 'click-bait' and misinformation nonsense - something the alternative media and social media community does very well
It turns out that there is some very strange links between Prince bin - Talal who has major stakes in US-based businesses such as Fox News and recent events in the United States.
It turns out, for instance, that he owns the Four Season Hotel that sits on top of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, well-known because of the mass shooting in Las Vegas last month.
Readers of this blog will be more than aware that from time-to-time I use material from the Hal Turner Show and on occasion (mostly on Facebook) I get attacked for using the material. Usually I am pointed to a Wikipedia item which says clearly that Hal Turner is a "white-supremacist", "neo-nazi".
As if that should be enough to warn one off.
If you are prone to taking Wikipedia or Snopes at face value I suggest you look at the Wikepedia item on Guy McPherson to see what unwarranted personal attack means.

Just in the last 24 hours our very sane Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, has been denounced in an scurrilous article in the Washington Post as "far-Right".

It is partially for that reason that I rarely reject material, even from the likes of Alex Jones who produces mostly fake news but occasionally comes out with a gem that you will not find elsewhere.
I try to avoid taking an ideological point-of-view and to use my own process of deductive logic to try and get as close to the truth as I can.
It is for this reason that I sometime use the material of Mr. Turner because he comes often comes up with intelligence that is hard to find elsewhere.
Listening to Mr. Turner his mind-boggling biases are clear to see but, as I have pointed out bias is NOT the same thing as disinformation.
That brings me back to events in Saudi and the Las Vegas shooting.
I listened to Hal Turner's radio program yesterday and found it, I must admit, quite impressive. He engaged in what he admitted several times is speculation which is really is a best guess based on intelligence passed on to him by his former colleagues in US Intelligence.
If you think after this that he is just making the whole thing up simply forget it and move on to something else.
In essence he is postulating (not exactly, alleging) that the Las Vegas shorting was an arm deal with terrorists involving Stephen Paddock that went badly wrong. Not only that but the shooting was a false flag to hide the reality of what was essentially an assassination attempt on King Salman by rogue elements in the Saudi royal family. He contends that Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner travelled to Saudi Arabia to warn (possibly threaten the Saudis. The inexplicable purge of some of the richest and powerful men in the world came just 72 hours later.
What is of course missing from this is the geopolitics.
Turner is a Donald Trump man through-and-through and he takes for granted the anti-Iranian rhetoric about the missile attack and he completely fails to leave out of the picture the situation relating to Lebanon and the threats that have been made
For all that I think that he is talking about a particular aspects and I do not think you have to agree with someone totally to listen to what he is saying with a critical ear.
I think that, in the total absence of reliable information his hypothesis (replicated elsewhere) has some merit so suggest you listen to the following two segments ( the first couple of minutes are missing)
Part two
In the second segment he talks about "Zac" who rang into the Alex Jones Show warning of a Yemeni-based False Flag by rogue elements in the CIA.
2 hours later he was picked up and detained by the FBI
The details (for your interest) are here:
A former military and intelligence operative who called into The Alex Jones Show on numerous occasions has been picked up by the FBI after his shocking public warning that the United States was about to fall victim to a false flag terror attack, according to a report by
The caller, identified only as Zach, warned yesterday that the Saudi civil war was about to “spill over” into terror attacks within the United States that would be blamed on Yemeni nationals but actually carried out by deep state agents within the CIA.
“There are going to be attacks, by what will be described as Yemeni nationals in the United States but I’m just going to put this out there, these are CIA operatives, CIA proxies who are rogue at this point because their entire infrastructure has been dissolved by the Trump Administration,” the source warned.“I’m just going to say it right now, during this week there is an attempt by Yemeni nationals inside the United States… false flag,” he continued after discussing who really launched the ICBM from Yemen.
Sometime after the insider revealed this bombshell information he was apparently picked up by the FBI, despite the fact that he had not revealed any classified information.
In other words, the source was seemingly taken into custody because of his false flag warning.
“We have a source who got picked up by the FBI last night, I know who the source is, and he has actually been in the news before and is a prominent member of the military and intelligence community,” Jones revealed in an update.
“The FBI came and picked him up two hours after he was on as a caller, took him in to a military facility and hes there… hes even still got his phone, they took it away and downloaded it. Took his laptop and home computer. He has a lawyer now. Over what he said on air.”
To recap, a high-level military and intelligence source not only revealed a Saudi connection to the Las Vegas Massacre, he then went on to warn about what he believed to be an upcoming false flag terror attack that would be blamed on the Middle East but actually carried out by the deep state.
He was taken into custody shortly after.
“The word is [from the source] that Yemeni terrorists are getting ready to strike in Europe and the United States as part of this civil war,” Jones continued. “Within two hours of him saying that, the FBI was at his house, had transcripts and recordings of his last 7 or 8 phone calls here.”
Stay tuned as this is a developing story that will be updated as additional information comes in.
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ReplyDeleteI first became aware of Guy’s work through a man called Dane Wigington who runs a site called
Dane has been going on about geoengineering – what you might call “chemtrails” – pointing to those ubiquitous white trails in the sky (at least here in Britain and America) and how they match up perfectly with patents for causing global dimming and blocking the sun by reflecting light back into space through aerial spraying.
Dane stopped referring to Guy after Guy apparently rebuffed him at some conference. It may be that Guy thought geoengineering (chemtrails) might discredit his message. Be that as it may, you should take a look at Dane’s work. Many of those who talk about “chemtrails” don’t believe in global warming but Mr Wigington says that’s foolish and things are far worse than anybody imagines (just like Guy). He also talks regularly of planetary omnicide and, just like Guy, has had friends and family reject him.
Dane’s been suggesting that the ozone layer is in danger for some years due to geoengineering. He has been in contact with an engineer who used to be an employee for NASA. Here is a video put on youtube in the last few hours discussing measurements suggesting that UVC is reaching the ground (the ozone layer lets in some UVA, a little less UVB bit is supposed to completely block UVC). Basically, UVC sterilises.
If this is true, and I can’t confirm this because I have no way of measuring this, we are in an even worse situation than anybody thinks.
Keep up the good work!
With all due respect Guy is not interested in his work and neither am I
DeleteI dislike anonymous comments aka. trolling) and gave ny considered opinion. I have removed the comments.