Wednesday 17 June 2015

Russian and Ukrainian news - 06/16/2015

Brothers in Arms: Two Kiev Officials Defect to Fight for Lugansk

Two brothers claiming to have worked for the Ukrainian state apparatus, one of them for the foreign intelligence service, and the other for the Foreign Ministry, held a press conference in Lugansk on Monday after switching sides to fight for the fledgling Lugansk People's Republic, Russia's RIA Novosti reports

16 June, 2015

Alexei Miroshnichenko and Yuri Miroshnichenko, the former stating that he had worked in the Foreign Intelligence Service and the latter that he had worked in Ukraine's embassy in France, declared their unwillingness to continue working for Kiev, saying that they could no longer tolerate what was happening to their country.

"We decided to return to our hometown," the brothers stated. "We made the decision voluntarily; we were not compelled to do so. We can no longer put up with what is happening in Ukraine. Traitors, fascists, various intelligence agents have taken up the reins of the country, and are leading it to ruin."

Alexei explained that for him, "the turning point was [finding out] that the people of Donetsk and Lugansk are being deliberately exterminated. They [Kiev authorities] do not pay attention to how many children will die. No one could have thought that such a thing could happen to our country. This is a clear policy of genocide against the people of Donbass. I consider this to be morally unacceptable, and I am not the only one."

The alleged former intelligence officer told reporters that the brothers did not transmit any intelligence-related data to LPR authorities.

Commenting on who is responsible for what they call genocide, the brothers noted that "the crimes against civilians are being committed mainly by representatives of the territorial battalions. This includes Aidar, Azov and Tornado. Innocent people are summarily shot, demeaned, and have their property taken from them. Women are raped en masse, including minors. There have been instances reported of conscripts who fled the battlefield being shot. Local branches of the 'Nova Poshta' [a Ukrainian delivery service] are crammed with property stolen from civilians."

Claiming to have witnessed some of the carnage with his own eyes, Alexei commented on the battalions' anarchic, completely unregulated behavior, noting that he personally had to avoid being hit by Aidar battalion vehicles three times, and on one occasion was forced into a game of chicken with one of their jeeps.

The believed former intelligence officer added that under foreign guidance, the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service has worked to "develop all sorts of reports for media consumption aimed at compromising Russia, blaming the tragedy that occurred in Ukraine on the Russian Federation. There was only one theme –that Russia is to blame for everything. The whole service was devoted to working in this direction –toward compromising the Russian side. We did not have any real hard data, but worked to ensure that in the informational sphere, Russia was displayed as the culprit."

The brothers warned that the Ukrainian Armed Forces is presently consolidating their positions, preparing for an offensive, and deliberately provoking Lugansk and Donetsk militia to return fire, in order to blame them for violating the truce.

The brothers also alleged that the Ukrainian army is being supported by mercenaries from Europe and elsewhere. "Most frequently I met people from Poland, Lithuania and Romania; they are fighting on the Ukrainian side for the money; very few of them came here with some ideas in their heads," Alexei noted.

The brothers also revealed that the Ukrainian Armed Forces leadership has deliberately understated its losses over the past year of fighting with Donbass militia, stating that in the Ilovaisk pincer, where the army claimed publically to have lost over 100 personnel, the actual figures were at least 2,600, and that at Debaltseve, the true losses were between 6,000-7,000 killed, and not the 210-260 killed or missing claimed by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

Ukraine has yet to confirm or deny whether the Miroshnichenko brothers have served for the Ukrainian state apparatus

Ukraine SITREP June 16th, by Raskolnikova

16 March, 2015

1 ) In Minsk began meeting of the contact group on Ukraine 
The contact group on conflict settlement in the South-East of Ukraine began the discussion of the work of thematic subgroups, meetings of which were held in Minsk
Meetings of sub-working groups were completed. The contact group had begun to discuss the results of their work”, — said the Agency interlocutor.
The meeting will hear reports from focal points from OSCE sub-groups on security and on humanitarian and political issues,” wrote Olifer on his page Facebook
2) Military events in NovoRussia for 15.06.15 (Russian)
3) Military events in NovoRussia for 16.06.15 (Russian)
4) Avakov appointed chief of the Crimean militia” 
The Department of MIA of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea will operate in Odessa and Kherson
I form a new project, the essence of which is quite unusual — we formed the office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea taking into account the special features that this administration will lie in connection with the ongoing occupation by Russia”, — said Avakov.
5) Every day the number of Ukrainians is reduced to 650 people 
According to the state statistics Committee of Ukraine, for April, the population decreased by 19 400 people
The number of inhabitants of Ukraine on may 1 of the current year amounted to 42 854 106.
The state notes that on may 1, 2010 the population was $ 43.5 million (the data are already excluding the Crimea and the area of the so-called special operation in the Donbass)
6) Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Expresses Protest Over Russian PM’s Crimea Visit
7) UN Role in Ukraine Unlikely Due to Divisions in UNSC – Chief of Staff
8)Residents of Donbas appeal to the World (VIDEO + English Subtitles)
9) Expert: the peace is pushing Ukraine into Russia’s embrace 
Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko said that Russia had allegedly developed plans to capture the left-Bank Ukraine
Putin has absolutely devastating weapon against the junta is the peace. She (the junta) is no longer able to hold on, because people see what all has come to. So why do we need this war and why we left-Bank Ukraine, if the peace in our embrace will throw all of Ukraine, even the Western,” says Zhilin.
10) In Kyiv region somebody was shooting at the children with a shotgun 
Children of 8-12 years were fired for bathing near the residence of one “oligarch”
They conducted aimed fire. One got shot in the ass, the other two (including the son) miraculously survived, bullets flew near the neck and chest. Children in shock, parents in horror, until the police wrote the paper,” wrote the woman.
Given the possible oligarchical owner, we are afraid that the man who shot the children will be left without punishment. In the future our children will always be under the gun, and tired oligarch at any time may order his guards to fire on children?” — sums up the mother of one of the affected children.
11) Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance
12) Saakashvili: Ukraine Will Return to Pre-Maidan GDP Level…IN 20 YEARS
13) Energizer Bunny Saakashvili Has Already Promised Odessans Heaven on Earth
14) Fights In Donbass 15.06.2015 (English)
15) Fights In Donbass 16.06.2015 (English)
16) My Plan for Peace in Ukraine
17) Dnepropetrovsk demands resignation of Poroshenko (VIDEO)
Activists of the public movement “Civil patrol Dnepropetrovsk” held a protest March along one of the Central streets of the city, blocking traffic
Destructive politics of Poroshenko threw back the development of Ukraine’s 20 years ago. This was said even by Saakashvili. Who will compensate our young generation the lost time and opportunities? We demand the resignation of the President,” said one of the organizers of the March Yevgeny Palamarchuk.
18) Poroshenko Calls Russia’s $3 Billion Loan A ‘Bribe’
19) McCain: Not Arming Ukraine ‘One of the Most Shameful Chapters in American History’. Really?
20) Patience of Ukrainians will burst in a year 
Two thirds of Ukrainians believe that the situation in the country is going in the wrong direction
No wonder about the future of the country to the expectations of the people of Ukraine were not very bright. Every fifth sure that the country has never been able to overcome the existing problems, 41% said that if it happens, it happens only in the long run. And only a quarter of respondents hope that the situation will improve in the next few years.
21) If You’ll Believe Russia Is the Aggressor in Ukraine You’ll Believe Anything
22) Ukrainian military firing artillery against the rebels  p>

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