Monday 14 December 2020

More on an F-16 jet downed in Michigan ALLEGEDLY by Chinese troops

What is happening at the US-

Canadian border?

I reported on the situation at the Canadian border on the 10th December.

Hal Turner reports on an F-16 jet downed in Michigan ALLEGEDLY by Chinese troops

Since then Steve Quayle appeared on the Dave Hagmann Show talking about the same story.

I have recorded the following audio taken from both the Hal Turner Show on 9 December and the Dave Hagmann Show on 10 December.

Here is the complete show where Steve Quayle explains what he thinks is happening from a Christian perspective.

Even if this story is apocryphal (as well it might) there is still this which comes with documentary proof.

As I was preparing this this video from Trumpet News was playing so I decided to include it although I have not heard what he is talking about. 

On the record, I agree that the Russians have their own difficulties with the Chinese and distrust any narrative that paints a picture of the Russians being part of this - something for which there is no proof.

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