Friday 11 December 2020

Kerry Mullis - the inventor of the PCR test

Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Challenges The Myths About AIDS - Narrated by Gary Null Ph.D

Here is a video made by Gary Null

LISTEN CLOSELY! California microbiologist Kary Mullis, Ph.D. on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS. He was the scientist that created the PCR technique, a brilliant method, unfortunately, all too often used to mislead the public. Created and narrated by Gary Null, Ph.D. Here are two great minds in 1 video. EAR CANDY FOR THE AWAKENED. There is NO evidence that HIV causes AIDS. NONE. Firstly, HIV as a pathogenic retrovirus doesn't viruses or retroviruses cause disease. PERIOD. These micro-organisms are involved with CLEANING the body and REMOVING WASTES. It's time we stop being manipulated by a LONG LIE, just because egos are committed to it, that is not enough rationale to fake science. "The way to cure aids is to stop funding it." The scientists that you think are so smart, running the test, writing papers, ARE IDIOTS. Sorry, but what you think is some sort of hallmark of knowledge is GARBAGE. The FDA, WHO, and CDC are SCAM organizations and should be shut down and many of them put in prison. Currently, the head of the WHO is a literal Ethiopean terrorist! Kari Mullis died last year at the age of 74...if only he knew about the falsity of the germ theory and how to treat the body naturally, he would have still been with us

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