Wednesday, 20 March 2019

A picture is worth a thousand words

This is making its rounds on the internet. The above photo, which I have not seen before looks like what you would expect if 5 a large number of people were slaughtered.

People are saying that it is not the same floor but that might be the same people who are saying there were no victims - something that I find as disrespectful as I find it incredible.

The bottom photo shows the scene from the "livestream" that has been banned by the authorities. You can see that the floor is pristine and all the "bodies" are all together at the end of the room.

I can only conclude this video was banned to stop people from analysing it and seeing for themselves that it can't be what it purports to be.


  1. the pattern is different, the 'columns' in the top photo are solid, ?

  2. sorry other way around, the bottom ones are filled in. And the top one has a tiled pattern in front of each arch.

  3. We know that one image is fake (the video). We do not know if the other image is real or not but it does corellate with what you would expect - lots of blood.


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