Sunday 24 March 2019

Kiwi guy claims to have "orchestrated"the Christchurch shooiting . and blames Hillary Clinton

This is making the rounds on social media.
I have no way of determinng if this guy is for real or if he is mentally balanced (or what drugs he's on)

 He is very angry.

"I orchestrated the Christchurch shooting. By order of the highest in command at the time. CLINTON."

Under CIA instruction, dutifully to the FBI, with permission of the highest of my command, President Obama, I David Anthony Ruck orchestrated the mass shooting in Christchurch killing, 50 Muslims at prayer, in order to create "social unrest" for the "better future" of the American people. God forgive me. I give up all personal rights of privacy and demand all declassification of all documentation from all time withheld by all agencies on me to be made public and accept all arguments from any entity to the access of all documents and information on me in any format.

THIS appears to be his website


  1. Check out for more information about the Christchurch mass slaughter shootings.

    Why I Now Believe the New Zealand Event Was a Complete Hoax With Zero Dead by Anonymous

    New Zealand Shooting Slaughter – The Story So Far…

    Is Elliot Dawson a Reliable Witness or a Mental Retard?

    At least 20 kindergarten children in the US to be killed – for real – in a New False Flag Event Coming Soon.

    Ex CIA Spy Confirms New Zealand False Flag Event

    Matt Taylor & Elliot Dawson Separated at Birth Part 1

    Matt Taylor & Elliot Dawson Separated at Birth Part 2

    Matt Taylor & Elliot Dawson Separated at Birth Part 3

    Elliot Dawson’s Facebook Videos all in one place

    Elliot Dawson – Satanic Super Soldier (SSS)

    Breaking News: Al Linwood Shooting Witness is a Mental Retard

    Liam Power is a Fucking ‘Mental’ Retard

    Giant Satanic Super Soldier Sails into Britain

    New Zealand Mass Shooting Slaughter

  2. Sniper: Thomas Beckett to Richard Miller: Fighting a war no army can win, but a single bullet can One shot, one kill. 74 kills. Its not about numbers. The only one that really mattered was the first one. You put their faces in the back of your mind, and you just keep on going. Sitting in an office, giving other men orders to kill [with your breeding / consuming above carrying capacity voter demands for resource thieving from other tribes] ain't no different than putting a bullet in a man's heart. Let me tell you something. Its the same goddamn thing. ……. … Andrew Holland: The military has been concerned about oil dependence for decades. This isn’t some newly green military. When they do have to fight a war, they want to mitigate risks to their personnel & equipment. Eight presidents have declared addiction to foreign oil a threat to national security. That would mean anyone using foreign oil is aiding & abetting an enemy. Anyone, who doesn’t aggressively cut consumption [and procreation to below ecological carrying capacity limits] is technically committing treason. – Sniper: Trailer; Yes: The Real Reason the Military is Going Green.
    » EoP Leg Sub: 13 Oct: EoP TRC Info Re: NO v Anders Breivik; EoP Obs: 22 July, Salisbury, Bourne, Khashoggi, Banksy, Georgetown Prep et al; EoP NWO SCO: Veto Swamp Elections.


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