Tuesday 15 December 2020

What next?

Hal Turner on the day's events

After listening to the first part of this I was going to take this down but have decided to leave it up.

When Hal Turner started to talk about the leak of the 2 million members of the CCP he said this was hacked during the weekend: this information has been known to Chinese dissidents for many months but only just made public in the weekend by Australian media. He failed to mention any of these facts.

Then he read out the lists of US governors who he said were MEMBERS of the Chinese Communist Party.  This cannot be true - he must surely mean that these governors are COMPROMISED by the infiltration of Chinese members of the Party.

A small difference, some may say but accuracy is important and Mr. Turner is not one to 'dot his i's and cross his t's'

This is from Natural News. I am reporting this but am becoming more dubious every day that anything is going to happen.

Rumored “10-day lockdown” for Special Forces operations may be imminent, warn sources

As all this is happening, Monkey Werx, a well-known analyst of military flight activities and someone with an extensive list of contacts inside the US military, warns that a 10-day lockdown may be imminent. Here’s a rough transcription of what he relayed to the public in a recent “Overwatch” video from the Monkey Werx video channel:

Word from the active SF guys in the field is that we need to all prepare for a 10 day lockdown soon. I am told it could be shorter, could be longer – just depends on how bad the opposition is. I have been told this will be global. I don’t have dates; but is was said with a sense of urgency. As a Christian, I pay attention when I start to get things independently from multiple sources. That same messaging came through three different people that I personally know and trust.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is constitutional and has been invoked over 20 times by previous presidents. It reads, in part:

“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

Notice that the Insurrection Act allows the President to invoke the militia as well as armed forces, meaning Trump could call up the militia to arrest all the traitors who tried to rig this election.

At the same time, the patience of patriots is growing short, with many new calls for citizens’ arrests of traitors (in Big Tech, the fake news media, elections officials, etc.) now being aired across the ‘net.

One such article is found on the StateOfTheNation.co website, which states:

The American people will now arrest all the traitors who are complicit in stealing the election.

We have the numbers, we have the power, we have the weapons. It is an easy task for us to arrest all the traitors, dead or alive and seize all the corporations who are complicit in this coup against the American Republic, against us, the American people.

We are declaring all these traitors, who own and run Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, Apple, Microsoft, New York Times, Washington Post as well as Democrat and Republican politicians, governors, mayors, congressmen etc who are complicit in this treason against our Republic under citizen’s arrest and order them to give themselves in to nearest police station within 24 hours. If not, they will be hunted down and captured, dead or alive.


The American people will arrest them as traitors and save our republic.

This acceleration of rhetoric among patriots would seemingly provide additional pressure for President Trump to act quickly, knowing that if he fails to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy the military, America will soon collapse into widespread civil war. The only way for Trump to control the situation us to deploy the military, which will likely put patriots back into a standby mode to see how things unfold.

In possible support for the expected domestic wars that seem likely to take place in 2021, a company known as “Global Ordnance” has been awarded a contract to provide the US military with one million pounds of high explosive TNTVia PR Newswire:

Global Ordnance LLC, (GO) has been awarded an Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract number W52P1J-21-D-0001, on the U.S. Army’s Bulk Explosives Program for the supply of new production Type 1 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) to the U.S. Army.  The Bulk Explosives Program IDIQ contract is for five years and has a ceiling value of $188,170,265.00, considering all IDIQ awards. As part of the initial award, Global Ordnance will deliver 1,000,000 pounds of TNT in 2021 to the U.S Army.

Interestingly, once Trump orders ballots and voting machines seized under military authority, he can use the science of “kinematics” to investigate the ballots and easily filter out fraudulent ones.

From Principia-Scientific.com:

Under law the physical ballot papers used in the 2020 general election must be retained for 22 months. The significance of this preservation of physical evidence becomes crucial when considering how kinematic identification can be used forensically to expose ballot fraud, not just in this election but all future elections worldwide.

Watch my important interview with the founder of the We the People Convention below, where he calls for Trump to declare “limited martial law” and hold a new election under military authority:

This is Mike Adams' overview;

Overview of the Dec. 14th Situation Update:

  • Increasing calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, coming from attorney Lin Wood, The Epoch Times, Gen. McInerney and many others.
  • Sidney Powell says clear evidence of foreign interference allows Trump to invoke his 2018 EO and seize all the assets of corporations and individuals who were complicit in the election rigging.
  • Gen. Flynn calls for Trump to invoke the 2018 Executive Order on foreign interference.
  • President Trump declares any swing state electoral votes cast today are cast under conditions of vote fraud.
  • Pennsylvania chooses alternate electors, putting election into contention until at least Jan. 6th.
  • Sources warn of coming “10-day lockdown” with window of likely action appearing to be Dec. 18th – 24th. The next window is right after Jan. 6th, if all other efforts fail.
  • CCP infiltration of Big Pharma, Big Tech, the legacy media, election voting machines, lawmakers, regulators, universities and more. We are living under enemy occupation.
  • Patriots growing restless, about to initiate their own action to defend the republic.
  • Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy the troops, and arrest the traitors.

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