Wednesday 2 December 2020

Statement by Sidney Powell and Lin Wood

 #Kraken Release to Dominion 

Systems Statement on Massive 

Election Fraud Charged by 

Sidney Powell

Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to  lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia. Dominion is lying. This is a  massive fraud that has infected the voting system across this country.  Evidence continues to pour in on behalf of all the Plaintiffs. Legal votes  cast nationwide created a historic landslide for Donald Trump. 

Dominion contends that it is impossible for any tampering of the  votes on its machines to have occurred. Our evidence proves otherwise.  Prior analysis of server logs on Dominion’s machines in Georgia primary  elections has shown remote access into those servers in the middle of the  night when no election workers were around, possibly by Dominion  employees overseas or on behalf of adverse nation-states such as Iran and  China. Witnesses have observed what appeared to be Dominion technical  support staff connecting remotely to election servers during tabulation of  the primary and runoff elections in Georgia to resolve “technical  problems” with uploading memory cards. That action violated Georgia  and federal law that required certification of the machines and no  manipulations. 

Dominion also contends that any such tampering would have been  revealed by the hand count audit conducted in Georgia. This is not true.  The ballots marked by the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) do not record  the vote in a software-independent way. Instead, Dominion’s software is  responsible for taking the voter’s machine input and printing it on the  paper ballot in a QR code that contains the vote that is read by the  scanner, but cannot be read by humans, and a text summary that can be  read by humans. 

Robust and repeatedly confirmed behavioral research shows that only around 6.5% of voters actually bother to scrutinize the human readable text summary. Thus, more than 93% of these allegedly “voter verifiable ballots” are not in fact “voter-verified” at all. See Exhibit 7 to  

the Georgia complaint, Appel, DeMillo & Stark, Ballot Marking Devices  (“BMDs) Cannot Assure the Will of the Voters (February 14 2020), p. 11. The authors of this study are highly distinguished professors of computer 

science, including Richard A. DeMillo of Georgia Tech. Simply put, the  BMD ballots are not “voter-verified” because 93.5% of the time voters do  not actually “verify” them. 

Further, it has been repeatedly established that Dominion’s BMDs  are vulnerable to hacking. Substantial evidence of this vulnerability was  discussed in Judge Amy Totenberg’s October 11, 2020 Order in the USDC  N.D. Ga. case of Curling, et al. v. Kemp, et. al, Case No. 1:17-cv-02989  Doc. No. 964. See, p. 22-23 (“This array of experts and subject matter  specialists provided a huge volume of significant evidence regarding the  security risks and deficits in the system as implemented in both witness  declarations and live testimony at the preliminary injunction hearing.”);  p. 25 (“In particular, Dr. Halderman’s testing indicated the practical  feasibility of a cyber-attack that could cause votes to be swapped or deleted and the compromise of the system through different cyber-attack  strategies, including through access to and alteration or manipulation of  the QR barcode.”) The full order refutes many of Dominion’s erroneous  claims and talking points. As Judge Totenberg held,  

Georgia’s Election Code mandates the use of the BMD  system as the uniform mode of voting for all in-person voters  in federal and statewide elections. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-300(a)(2).  The statutory provisions mandate voting on “electronic ballot  markers” that: (1) use “electronic technology to  independently and privately mark a paper ballot at the  direction of an elector, interpret ballot selections,  communicate such interpretation for elector verification,  and print an elector verifiable paper ballot;” and (2)  “produce paper ballots which are marked with the elector’s  choices in a format readable by the elector” O.C.G.A. §  21-2-2(7.1); O.C.G.A. § 21-2-300(a)(2). 

Plaintiffs and other voters who wish to vote in-person are  required to vote on a system that does none of those  things. Rather, the evidence shows that the Dominion BMD  system does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot  or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a  format readable by the voter because the votes are  tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code.

Order, pp. 81-82. (Emphasis added). 

In other words, Dominion’s BMD ballots are not voter verifiable,  and they cannot be audited in a software independent way. The  credibility of a BMD ballot can be no greater than the credibility of  Dominion’s systems, which copious expert analysis has shown is deeply  compromised. The system has no verifiable audit trail. 

Dominion’s claim that its code and systems have been verified and  certified to be secure against malicious actors is comprehensively refuted  by the copious expert testimony presented in Curling v. Kemp and recited  in Judge Totenberg’s 147-page order analyzing that evidence. It is also  refuted by the company’s own manual. 

In addition, their claims to have secure systems have been refuted  by the expert affidavits submitted with our complaint, the “Spider”  affidavit, and the Ramsland affidavit, which found that Dominion’s  networks were easily penetrated and had been penetrated by hostile  foreign actors, including Iran and China. Moreover, our mathematical  and statistical experts have shown anomalies and patterns in the  database transaction logs and in the election results in multiple states  that strain credulity well past the breaking point. In fact, this year’s vote  in multiple states produced mathematical and statistical impossibilities. 

In October of this year, CISA released a Joint Report with the FBI  finding that Iranian cyber spies had penetrated voter registration  databases in several states.  

Moreover, our experts have analyzed the Edison Research database  transaction logs for the election and found extreme mathematical and  statistical anomalies that should concern every American. 

Those who downplay the risk of foreign cyber-attack on our  elections, or the risk of insider manipulation of election results through  the security weaknesses in the Dominion system are denying the painful  reality of this evidence. We must face this hideous crime right now and  take immediate and decisive action to protect and restore the integrity of  our votes in this precious Republic.

Dominion also claims that the hand count audit confirmed the  accuracy of their systems and makes the testimony and findings of our  experts not worthy of serious consideration. This is a fallacy for the  reasons stated above. Ballots voted on the BMD’s are not software  independent and as a matter of simple logic cannot validly be used to  establish the accuracy of the software from which they emerge – only  evidence of voter intent that is completely independent from the software  can be used to prove this. Finally, the audit report summary issued by  the Secretary of State, shows numerous concerning margin differences  between President Trump and Vice-President Biden by county.  Additional analysis at a more granular level and by ballot type has yet to  be performed but will surely be revealing. Significant differences in the  vote count are being revealed daily in Georgia and Michigan. Other  states will follow suit. 

Lastly, since the election we have learned that one of Dominion’s  top technical officers, Dr. Eric Coomer, whose name is on multiple  Dominion patents, has participated in Antifa conference calls and has an  intense loathing of President Trump. It is a free country, and Dr. Coomer  has the right to think what he will about President Trump. However, on  on an Antifa conference, Dr. Coomer admitted he had made sure that  President Trump would not win. Dominion appears not to have protected  itself or us against hostile threats from either inside or outside the  company. Neither did our government institutions into which we placed  our trust. All the corruption in federal and state governments across the  country must be rooted out now. These actions constitute multiple  egregious federal and state crimes. 

Dominion does not even address the reality that there are many  ways to compromise its systems that are undetectable under the current  election security regime of logic and accuracy testing, software  validation, and certification. The sophistication of malicious cyber-actors  is more than sufficient to overcome these measures and penetrate the  Dominion system, as our evidence shows. 

Dominion claims there are no “glitches” in its software. Dominion  is correct—these means of cheating are features built into  Dominion/Smartmatic systems to facilitate the cheating. But  there is evidence in a Hursti Declaration in the Curling v. Kemp case that 

we filed in our case that the memory card upload process is afflicted by  serious “glitches.” Election and tech support personnel struggled repeatedly with uploads that failed to complete and were attempted over  and over again before they were finally uploaded. Tech support personnel  in the tabulation centers applied ad hoc settings adjustments in an effort  to fix the problem, and even allowed other Dominion support personnel  to remote into the servers in an effort to fix these memory upload  “glitches.”  

Dominion tries to distance itself from the manufacturer of the  electronic poll books. These devices were included in the package  Dominion sold to the State of Georgia. They are partners, and their  devices and systems interact. Dominion cannot claim to be a bystander  with respect to the electronic pollbooks or the software. 

Issues with the poll books have caused an erosion of the  reconciliation of the number of voters and the number of ballots—a fundamental safeguard against election fraud. We see this in the  discovery of thousands of missing ballots in two Georgia counties during  the hand count audit–something that should have been identified on  election night with proper reconciliation. The failure of the reconciliation  process was also documented in the Georgia primary and runoff in  Curling v. Kemp

Dominion also contends that its machines are run by county  election officials and not Dominion employees. In fact, Dominion tech  support people were present in precincts and key tabulation centers.  They effectively ran the election for Georgia counties, whose employees  lacked sufficient proficiency on the system to run the election by  themselves. One ran the import Detroit facility throughout election  night, and there was massive fraud there. Dominion dispatched  employees to multiple locations to run this election, and even worse, it  was also accessed by Iran and China—among many others. This is one  of the greatest national security failures in the history of the country—if  not THE worst. 

Dominion claims there were no last-minute changes to their  software. In fact, there were. In the Curling v. Kemp case, it was  undisputed that a last-minute update was applied. The only issue was 

whether it was de minimis as Dominion and the State claimed, or more  substantial. Dominion’s remote access to the machines and its allowance  of “backdoor” VPN access to foreign actors invalidates the results for  Biden in multiple states. Many down-ballot candidates were robbed of  their seats also—and American citizens robbed of their lawful choices. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Under no circumstances will we tolerate  further harassment of election officials, Dominion employees, lawyers  challenging the election results, or our witnesses. Any threats or  attempts to intimidate will be referred for vigorous federal and state  prosecutions. Know this: Any effort to hide the truth or suppress our  investigation by these means will only invigorate our efforts  exponentially. The Truth will come out.  

L. Lin Wood Sidney Powell 


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