Thursday, 5 November 2020

The mountain of evidence of electoral fraud in the US election

I am throwing this out but expect the real analyisis to come in the Tru News podcast (and possibly from Hal Turner


This is the bullshit coming from mainstream media putting its weight behind a coup - here from the Guardian

Here is some of the evidence of electoral fraud - first from yesterday

Here is some of the mountain of evidence, in no particular order

Our source inside the TCF Center in Detroit, Michigan continues to send us updates.

From earlier reporting —
State election leadership are preventing GOP poll watchers in downtown Detroit at the TCF Center from entering the former Cobo Center due to claims of COVID.

There was a GOP watcher at nearly each table in the center.

TRENDING: SEVEN Milwaukee Wards Report More Presidential Votes than Registered Voters -- State Voter Turnout Is Nearly 90% Which Is Virtually Impossible

The Detroit officials are now blocking GOP poll workers after they went to lunch.

Police were called.

They are blocking GOP watchers from entering the room after lunch!

Our contact says the Democrat operatives are very hostile and threatening.

Vote counters with BLM masks and racial justice clothing are allowed into the center.

Police are locking the poll watchers out!

Update— The Democrats are screaming at GOP watchers.

The police are guarding the doors to prevent the GOP workers from entering the center.

We now have a video of a poll watcher unable to obtain the COVID requirements the Democrats are relying on to prevent Republican poll watchers in the room where the ballots are being counted:

No one knows what the COVID capacity is.  They won’t allow Republicans to view the ballot counting.  They won’t allow Republicans from reentering the hall.

I've taken this from one source

A video is making the rounds on social media of a man claiming to be burning a pile of stolen Trump ballots, but nobody seems to know where it came from.

In the footage, the man claims to have stolen around 80 ballots, before pouring fuel on them and lighting them ablaze.

The video quickly amassed over 160,000 views in about an hour — but nobody seems to know where it came from or what state it took place in.

TRENDING: SEVEN Milwaukee Wards Report More Presidential Votes than Registered Voters -- State Voter Turnout Is Nearly 90% Which Is Virtually Impossible

None of the people who have tweeted the video seem to know where the video came from to confirm its authenticity. One of the early posters told TGP that it was sent to them in a group chat.

Republicans started off this morning with a few dozen GOP poll watchers in downtown Detroit at the TCF Center, the former Cobo Center.
The party called in more workers.
The number of GOP poll workers then climbed to several hundred by noon.

There was a GOP watcher at nearly each table in the center.

Now this…

From our source inside—-

TRENDING: SEVEN Milwaukee Wards Report More Presidential Votes than Registered Voters -- State Voter Turnout Is Nearly 90% Which Is Virtually Impossible

The Detroit officials are now blocking GOP poll workers after they went to lunch.

Police were called.

100 poll workers

They are blocking GOP watchers from entering the room after lunch!

Our contact says the Democrat operatives are very hostile and threatening.

Vote counters with BLM masks and racial justice clothing are allowed into the center.

Police are locking the poll watchers out!

Update— The Democrats are screaming at GOP watchers.

The police are guarding the doors to prevent the GOP workers from entering the center.

From a leaked email from the Trump campaign

**Okay, this came, (I believe) from a leaked email. I can't seem to find it now again. Take it for what you will... Still digging though

Statement from the Trump Campaign

Let me make something crystal clear:

No one is trying to undue the just results of a fair & impartial election, regardless of its winner.


However, this is not simply about "every vote being counted."
While that makes for a great sound bite, this is about HOW those votes were securely RECEIVED.

How they were STORED.

How they were COUNTED.

Whether SIGNATURES should match or POSTMARKS should be legible.

Our legal team is fighting to ensure that ALL legal ballots – and ONLY legal ballots – are tallied.

And if we count all legal ballots, President Trump wins.


But these are not determinations to be made by the State, but rather by the Courts.
Here is where we stand:

Facebook & Twitter have rightly removed Arizona from Biden’s electorate column on their official election map(s) and CNN never called it.
Countless heavily Republican remain in play and will break in Trump’s favor.
Maricopa County overnight was a pickup of +50,000 votes for Trump.
Biden lead is now 90k with 520k ballots remaining.
We expect to win 70% of these ballots.
We are now confident we will now win AZ by 30,000 votes.

President Trump has built an insurmountable lead of over 100,000 votes that the Democrats cannot beat. Period.

President Trump has built an insurmountable lead of over 76,000 votes that the Democrats cannot beat. Period.

President Trump has formally petitioned for a state recount, as the current results fall within the 1% legal margin of error.
Several outlying counties are leaning heavily Republican, including Kenosha, Green Bay, Pierce & Richland.

President Trump believes we will win this state outright, as several outlying GOP counties have yet to be counted & we will sue to stop any declaration of a winner until they are duly amended.

Trump is up in PA by nearly 700,000 votes with over 3/4 of the votes tallied.
outstanding, along with 5 heavily Republican leaning counties.
Even if 95% of the mail-in ballots go to Biden, Trump still wins the state by over 40,000 votes.
The campaign will be making a public statement about evidence of ballot fraud shortly.

Late breaking mail gets Trump a win by a margin of over 5,500 votes.

Lastly, anyone who thinks that a 270 declaration in the next 24 hours by the mainstream media for a specific candidate to deliberately sway public opinion is going to derail our determination to protect the legal integrity of this election - or deter us from its ultimate victory - is not only naive, but hypocritical.

After all, we’re still waiting for a “peaceful transfer of power” from 2016.
Today’s actions are not only within the President’s legal rights.

They are his responsibility.

Michigan USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors To Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots Nov 3

Judicial Watch has released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity. The watch dog group is now warning of potential voter fraud and “dirty” voter rolls.

The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.

“In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont,” reported Tom Fitton, president of the watchdog group.

Some of that excess ran as high as 187% in Texas, 177% in New Mexico and 171% in South Dakota.

“The new study of excess — or ghost voters — highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections,” Mr. Fitton noted.

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