The following is unapologetically from a Christian source; they stand for the sanctity of Life.
I suppose, if you are a heathen you could reject the message and just take your chances.
I won't be.
The Culling of the Human
Race Begins: See the
Horrifying Ingredients
Altering DNA – Luciferase Biogel – Implantable Biochip to be Tracked by 5G Technology- It Isn’t a Conspiracy Theory When They Are Openly Telling You What They Want To Do
Brethren, even though this article is quite long, believe it or not, I trimmed about 3/4 of it so that you would be getting the most important information about this insane world in which we are living.
First and foremost, I encourage the reader to watch this short video, in which Dr. Carrie Madej explains the mRNA Vaccine in terms that we can understand. She is a brave woman to openly expose the dangerous, DNA-changing vaccine.
DARPA funded implantable biochip can potentially be used to deploy Moderna’s mRNA vaccine
In a bid to try to battle the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-10) pandemic, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency( DARPA) is funding the development of an implantable biochip that could be deployed as soon as next year. The chip is said to be able to deploy an experimental new vaccine, developed jointly by Moderna and U.S government, that could change human DNA.
The chip and the vaccine built on a breakthrough made by then-Harvard University professor and eventual Moderna co-founder Derek Rossi in 2010. In his discovery, which the now-retired scientist says came about purely by accident, Rossi claimed that he found a way to “reprogram” messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) – the molecules that carry genetic instructions for cell development in the human body.
The promise provided by Rossi’s breakthrough was such that it allowed him to co-found Moderna with private equity firm Flagship Pioneering. The company then attracted almost half a billion dollars from the federal government to begin developing vaccines using the new technology.
In a preliminary report last July funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine was found to have “induced anti–SARS-CoV-2 immune responses in all participants and no trial-limiting safety concerns were identified.”
Despite this, however, one obstacle to the deployment of Moderna’s vaccine is the method of delivery. While Moderna is developing its own system, it’s unlikely to get Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval any time soon. Enter Profusa, which is developing a nanoscale biochip that can detect symptoms of an infection.
Profusa’s biochip is made using a technology called “hydrogels” that were a product of the “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program that DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO) launched in 2014 to develop implantable nanotechnologies.
These hydrogels are soft, flexible nanomachines that are injected beneath the skin to perform monitoring. This hydrogel includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside the body when it begins to fight infection. This signal can then be detected by a sensor attached to the skin that can then be sent to an app or even to a doctor’s website.
When it was first tested in 2018, this hydrogel was being used to measure glucose, oxygen and lactate levels. However, this past March, the company quietly announcedthat it was conducting a study to see if the technology could be used to detect respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
More importantly, Profusa’s biochip is expected to receive fast-track authorization from the FDA by early 2021. With this in mind, some are speculating that the biochip will more than likely be the candidate for the mRNA vaccine’s delivery.
![COVID-19 BioChip](
The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS’ BARDA.
The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an interview with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms.
These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.”
It was so big that by 2014, Rossi was able to retire after the company he co-founded with Flagship Pioneering private equity firm to exploit his innovation, – Moderna Inc., attracted almost a half billion dollars in federal award monies to begin developing vaccines using the technology. No longer affiliated with Moderna beyond his stock holdings, Rossi is just “watching for what happens next” and if he’s anything like the doting “hockey dad” he is portrayed to be, he must be horrified.
Remote control biology
As early as 2006, DARPA was already researching how to identify viral, upper respiratory pathogens through its Predicting Health and Disease (PHD) program, which led to the creation of the agency’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO), as reported by Whitney Webb in a May article for The Last American Vagabond. In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’.
Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.
Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism; a “philosophy” that is in vogue with many powerful and influential people, such as Google’s Ray Kurzweil and Eric Schmidt and whose proponents see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.
The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses and, ultimately, our entire existence, is called Profusa Inc and its operations are funded with millions from NIH and DARPA. In March, the company was quietly inserted into the crowded COVID-19 bazaar in March 2020, when it announced an injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Read rest of article HERE
This next article REALLY caught my attention. These bad actors on the world stage are not even trying to hide anything from the public. I believe that this has happened because of the FEAR TACTIC. Many people who have given up their liberties and have cloistered themselves in their homes are TERRIFIED. Klaus Schwab is the head of the WEF (World Economic Forum). This man is salivating over the coming New World Order.
Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity”
Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.
As we highlighted earlier, “The Great Reset” is attracting a deluge of fresh attention in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said was an “opportunity for a reset.”
The agenda is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized technocrat rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties and the accelerated automation of jobs.
However, another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine.
“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Schwab went on to explain how his book, ‘Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, was particularly popular in China, South Korea and Japan, with the South Korean military alone purchasing 16,000 copies.
In the book, Schwab explains with excitement how upcoming technology will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”
He goes on to predict that this will provide an incentive for law enforcement to implement Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.
“As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” writes Schwab. “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”
Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs.
“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab.
“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”
Schwab also openly endorses something the media still claims is solely a domain of discussion for conspiracy theorists, namely “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.”
The globalist hails the arrival of “implanted devices (that) will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”
So in other words, the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip.
It isn’t a “conspiracy theory” when they’re openly telling you what they want to do. source
I want to say something very important to the brethren. The Cov-19 vaccine is NOT the Mark of the beast!
Why? Because he has not yet been revealed to the world.
“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13: 11-18)
I used the New King James Version for this passage. The KJV states that the mark will be in the hand or in the forehead which is more accurate.
Brethren, do you see that this Vaccine cannot be the mark of the beast?
But please hear me: I believe that although the vaccine is NOT the dreaded mark of the beast – IT IS the technology for the mark.
I believe that when that wicked one demands worship from the people on the earth – and remember that believers will be safely in heaven with our Lord Jesus – the mechanism is already in place in most of those who go through the Tribulation to receive the Mark (666). It will be programmed into the chip which is already there.
I believe that the 666 which is programmed into the Chip in the right hands of the people (or in their foreheads) – those people will receive the 666 gladly and will express their worship of Satan by doing so.
Those on the earth during this time who come to the realization that Christ is Lord – they will refuse to take the mark. They will also be hunted down by the armies of Antichrist and will be beheaded. But their souls will be in heaven with our Precious Lord Jesus.
Remember this passage of Scripture?
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10).
These were those who were slaughtered for their faith by Antichrist. They are asking the Lord “How long before He will judge and avenge their blood?”
Brethren, I hope that this has helped some who worry about the vaccine being the actual mark of the beast.
But I still say DO NOT GET THE VACCINE!! It changes our DNA which is God-given!
![COVID-19 BioChip](
The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS’ BARDA.
The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an interview with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms.
These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.”
It was so big that by 2014, Rossi was able to retire after the company he co-founded with Flagship Pioneering private equity firm to exploit his innovation, – Moderna Inc., attracted almost a half billion dollars in federal award monies to begin developing vaccines using the technology. No longer affiliated with Moderna beyond his stock holdings, Rossi is just “watching for what happens next” and if he’s anything like the doting “hockey dad” he is portrayed to be, he must be horrified.
Remote control biology
As early as 2006, DARPA was already researching how to identify viral, upper respiratory pathogens through its Predicting Health and Disease (PHD) program, which led to the creation of the agency’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO), as reported by Whitney Webb in a May article for The Last American Vagabond. In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’.
Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.
Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism; a “philosophy” that is in vogue with many powerful and influential people, such as Google’s Ray Kurzweil and Eric Schmidt and whose proponents see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.
The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses and, ultimately, our entire existence, is called Profusa Inc and its operations are funded with millions from NIH and DARPA. In March, the company was quietly inserted into the crowded COVID-19 bazaar in March 2020, when it announced an injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Read rest of article HERE
This next article REALLY caught my attention. These bad actors on the world stage are not even trying to hide anything from the public. I believe that this has happened because of the FEAR TACTIC. Many people who have given up their liberties and have cloistered themselves in their homes are TERRIFIED. Klaus Schwab is the head of the WEF (World Economic Forum). This man is salivating over the coming New World Order.
Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity”
Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.
As we highlighted earlier, “The Great Reset” is attracting a deluge of fresh attention in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said was an “opportunity for a reset.”
The agenda is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized technocrat rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties and the accelerated automation of jobs.
However, another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine.
“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Schwab went on to explain how his book, ‘Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, was particularly popular in China, South Korea and Japan, with the South Korean military alone purchasing 16,000 copies.
In the book, Schwab explains with excitement how upcoming technology will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”
He goes on to predict that this will provide an incentive for law enforcement to implement Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.
“As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” writes Schwab. “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”
Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs.
“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab.
“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”
Schwab also openly endorses something the media still claims is solely a domain of discussion for conspiracy theorists, namely “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.”
The globalist hails the arrival of “implanted devices (that) will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”
So in other words, the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip.
It isn’t a “conspiracy theory” when they’re openly telling you what they want to do. source
I want to say something very important to the brethren. The Cov-19 vaccine is NOT the Mark of the beast!
Why? Because he has not yet been revealed to the world.
“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13: 11-18)
I used the New King James Version for this passage. The KJV states that the mark will be in the hand or in the forehead which is more accurate.
Brethren, do you see that this Vaccine cannot be the mark of the beast?
But please hear me: I believe that although the vaccine is NOT the dreaded mark of the beast – IT IS the technology for the mark.
I believe that when that wicked one demands worship from the people on the earth – and remember that believers will be safely in heaven with our Lord Jesus – the mechanism is already in place in most of those who go through the Tribulation to receive the Mark (666). It will be programmed into the chip which is already there.
I believe that the 666 which is programmed into the Chip in the right hands of the people (or in their foreheads) – those people will receive the 666 gladly and will express their worship of Satan by doing so.
Those on the earth during this time who come to the realization that Christ is Lord – they will refuse to take the mark. They will also be hunted down by the armies of Antichrist and will be beheaded. But their souls will be in heaven with our Precious Lord Jesus.
Remember this passage of Scripture?
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10).
These were those who were slaughtered for their faith by Antichrist. They are asking the Lord “How long before He will judge and avenge their blood?”
Brethren, I hope that this has helped some who worry about the vaccine being the actual mark of the beast.
But I still say DO NOT GET THE VACCINE!! It changes our DNA which is God-given!
In AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine…
Packaging of AstraZeneca Covid 19 Vaccine states that the Vaccine contains the cells of aborted male Caucasian babies: Also there is an admission that the vaccine may be harmful or even fatal to humans.
Now, can you imagine if the packaging said that the aborted fetal cells were from a “black” male baby? Need I say more about that? But the fact that any aborted cells from babies are in this vaccine should be an outrage to anyone with a conscience!!
The person who made the video embedded below explains that we must read the packaging of this vaccine, and although many words are beyond our vocabulary (Scientific) that we must research each word we read which we do not understand.
I encourage the readers to watch this very short video and then share what you have found with friends, neighbors and relatives.
Stop the video periodically to write down the terms which the woman is exposing. The Big Pharma Cabal are not even secretive about this. They assume that we are complete idiots, so they place the “scientific” words in plain site, not realizing that many of us use the internet to look up verbiage which is not familiar to us.
Terms on packaging of Covid 19 Vaccine:
What is ChAdOx1? It is the number of AstraZeneca Vaccine
Definition of Recombinant:
Recombinant DNA
The word recombinant refers to the DNA which is formed by combining DNA from multiple sources. It is a result of genetic recombination. Two different DNA are combined with each other to create a new DNA molecule which is not found in the original genome. It is known as recombinant DNA or chimeric DNA. Foreign DNA can be easily inserted into another organism genome to create a recombinant DNA molecule. The creation of recombinant DNA is done by genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology. Recombinant DNA is formed in laboratories by bringing together genetic material from different sources.
MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus. [1][2] The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 from the seventh population doubling of the original strain, and MRC-5 cells themselves are known to reach senescence in around 45 population doublings. source (emphasis added)
Big Pharma is expecting a high volume of adverse reactions to the vaccine. Here is what is written on the packaging of the AstraZeneca Vaccine:
Short Description:
The MHRA Urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software tool to process the EXPECTED HIGH VOLUME of Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and insure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction tests are missed.
Brethren, I believe that you know that Pharmaceutical companies are protected by indemnity – they cannot be sued for malpractice – not even if the person dies.
How convenient for them.
This has always been the dream of Eugenicist Bill Gates. I have written so many articles about this mad man. Here are just a few:
Bill Gates’ Insane Question to Sterilize and Depopulate the World
Documented Proof That Bill Gates Is An International Bio-Terrorist
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