Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Miscellaneous headlines towards the US election


Biden Car Parade Just Lone 

Prius Driving Down 

Abandoned Highway

Babylon Bee,

November 2nd, 2020

COLUMBUS, OH—A rowdy crowd of Biden supporters all turned out to show their support for the presidential candidate today with a car parade on Interstate 75. According to sources, all 6 of them crammed into a 2015 Toyota Prius and barreled down the highway to rally voters to go to the polls.

"I've never seen this kind of enthusiasm for a presidential candidate," said Sadie Trollop, who led the caravan and also drove the lone car participating in it. "I'm thrilled to be able to bring 5 of my friends with me on this exciting caravan to show Trump supporters they aren't the only ones on the roads!"

The little hybrid car puttered down an empty highway, making noise with the dainty little Prius horn as the Biden supporters waved and cheered from the backseat. 

"Love is love! No human is illegal! We believe in SCIENCE!" they all shouted in unison, but nobody noticed because there was no one else on the highway and Toyota Priuses are so quiet that no one could hear it driving by. 

The caravan was cut short when they were pulled over by police for driving on a highway that had been closed due to construction.

Joe Biden’s campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon has asserted that, “Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night.”

The quote was tweeted by New York Times national political reporter Shane Goldmacher.

The comment was made shortly after the Trump campaign issued a mass email asserting that the Biden campaign was planning to rig the election by not accepting defeat.

“They have no say in that process,” commented Jack Posobiec. “It is not ok for a campaign to delegitimize election results like this, regardless of which party is doing it.”

Meanwhile, Twitter has also reiterated that it will place warning labels on tweets that “make claims about election results before they’re officially called.”

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro also publicly indicated that his state won’t be releasing final election results until three days after election day.

“I could care less what Donald Trump says, we will count these ballots in a proper way to be certified,” said Shapiro.

As we previously highlighted, pro-Biden analytics firm Hawkfish previously asserted that it’s likely President Trump will appear to have won in a landslide on election night but may lose after mail in ballots are counted, which “will take days if not weeks to tally.”

Big Tech, Democrats and the mass media have all repeatedly insisted that Trump will not be allowed to declare victory on the night, regardless of the Electoral College count.



Resistance Democrats want you to be worried about voter intimidation. They also want you to know that they will not be going gently into that good election night if President Trump wins again.

It seems like threats of “creating serious disruption,” as one Resistance group expressed plans to do if Trump wins, might be a worrisome voter intimidation tactic. (If someone told me he would bring mass chaos to the streets if I voted for a particular candidate, I’d feel intimidated.) But the media and Twitter establishments are a lot more interested in a narrative where voter intimidation comes from the right.


From the NY Times.


Hal Turner has made his radio show available HERE.  I cannot condone the language but I understand the sentiments.

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