Tuesday, 10 November 2020

How they cheated the election

 The mechanism of electoral fraud

You cannot ford to miss this!

Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud

CD Media

Host L Todd Wood reveals the mechanics behind the electronic vote steal operation in an interview with powerful source.

ALL Media Outlets PULL Live Voting Total Update Feeds - Too Many Americans Watching Vote-Switching

Hal Turner,

9 November, 2020

The entirety of the U.S. mass-media suddenly and inexplicably PULLED all their live voting total feeds from both TV and Internet this morning.  It seems too many Americans were recording the LIVE (Criminal) vote-switching taking place.

In the photo above taken from video of CNN, President Trump is shown at left with 1.69 Million votes to Joe Biden's 1.252 Million in Pennsylvania on election night.   Within one second, the tally changed:

Trump LOST 20,000 votes at the precise second Boden GAINED 20,000 votes!

An analysis of a small segment of Pennsylvania's Mail-In Ballot voting system shows Ballots were recorded as having been "Received" ***BEFORE*** the County Election Board mailed them to the voter!

Put simply, these mail-in Ballots were filled-out and recorded as received before they were even placed in the US Mail to be sent to the voters.

Ballots appearing in red are the ones received before they were even mailed.

Something . . . likely malicious computer activity . . . stole 20,000 votes from Trump and gave the exact same number to Biden.

FRAUD. Plain and simple.

Americans are now going over ALL their recordings of election night media coverage and they're finding even MORE occurrences, in many other states!

Some shenanigans were clearly taking place; the question is: Who dunnit?

The Presidential election has been STOLEN from President Trump by covert illegal means.

The brief video below shows another glaring example

This has the computer software called "Hammer" and "Scorecard" written all over it.

Those two software programs were developed for the CIA to alter foreign elections.

But the Obama regime took the software away from the Intelligence community and farmed it out to private industry; ALLEGEDLY a company created by James Clapper and former CIA DIrector John Brennan.  This allegation is not yet confirmed.

If the allegation can be confirmed, then it is beginning to appear that the former Obama officials may be involved in the theft of the 2020 Presidential Election.

More details as they become available.

 As this information continues to unfold, the meme below explains what Americans are now seeing in a broad sense

An analysis of a small segment of Pennsylvania's Mail-In Ballot voting system shows Ballots were recorded as having been "Received" ***BEFORE*** the County Election Board mailed them to the voter!

Put simply, these mail-in Ballots were filled-out and recorded as received before they were even placed in the US Mail to be sent to the voters.

Ballots appearing in red are the ones received before they were even mailed.


There is Breaking News out of Nevada this Monday morning: The Trump campaign has confirmed that there are at least six-hundred-thousand (600,000) votes which were cast via the Mail-in voting system, and they have not observed a single voter signature on ANY of them!

Absent a signature, the ballots are VOID.

Six-hundred thousand ballots would change the outcome of the election.


Some of the most anti-Trump news media outlets, which gleefully proclaimed that Joe Biden had "won" the election, are now PULLING BACK their claims!

RealClearPolitics, which has been rabidly anti-Trump, has PULLED BACK  AZ, PA, and GA from their reporting of a Biden "win."

Even CNN . . .  perhaps the most virulently anti-Trump media in existence, has now PULLED BACK on their claim of a Biden "win" in Arizona:

MORE . . .

Pennsylvania is prepping for recount, Georgia has announced a recount, the Wisconsin legislature was starting to dig into the shenanigans this morning.

Michigan legislature started investigating on Saturday.

I believe those 4 states will be turned upside down.

Democrats must be panicking: Both New Jersey and Minnesota today revealed they are suddenly having to reinstate COVID-19 lock-downs effective this Friday.   

Could it be they know that by Friday, it will be over for them and their thieving candidate, Joe Biden?  Do they want everyone locked-in and afraid as the reality they've lost comes into public view?

Stay tuned.



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