Update on my update on the Hutt River

Yesterday I wrote an update on the state of the Hutt RIver.
I finished with the following question:
I ask our negligent authorities and media - what has changed since this was written 2 months ago and why have there been no updates?
It seems that I have my answer but it was not the answer I would have expected!

will be allowed to turn their sprinklers on for the first time in
more than two months, with restrictions to be lifted on Friday.
while sprinklers and irrigation bans have been lifted, other
restrictions remain.
use will still only be permitted at odd-numbered houses on odd dates,
and even-numbered houses on even dates, and only between the hours of
6-8am and 7-9pm.
remaining restrictions would stay in place until April 1, except in
Upper Hutt, where restriction remains in place year-round.
sprinkler ban was imposed in late November after unusually low
rainfall, but with emergency storage lakes at Te Marua, north of
Upper Hutt, refilled to 90 per cent capacity, Wellington Water said
there was enough in reserve to see out the summer.
to the response from the community, and in spite of a record hot
January, the region's storage lakes are now in good shape to last for
the remainder of summer," a spokesman said.
is a good position to be in, but it's important that people keep
being responsible with water usage. Sprinklers are actually a
relatively wasteful way to water plants, and their use is limited by
the garden watering restrictions still in place."
restrictions easing it was a good time to check and refill emergency
water supplies, he said.
Wanting a response from the Regional Council on why they might want to lift restrictions on using sprinkers - there has been NO indication of any restrictions on corporate use of water - Ihave to assume there is none - I rang and got a prompt response from M.H who was very helpful in providing me with the information.
The next bit is mind-blowing.
When I told him that I was "perplexed" as to why the restrictions might be lifted when we are still in drought and the water levels are low he said, so are we!
He went on to explain that it is Wellington Water that is reponsible for these decisions and people in the Regional Council are "in the dark" and often talk about it at morning tea time!!
I was flabbergasted.
The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing - or at least the functions are kept quite separate and I wouldn't mind betting this is to stop the greater good from prevailing.
I am unsure of the background of Wellington Water except for the following:
I am unsure of the background of Wellington Water except for the following:
Water was established in September 2014 as a result of a merger
between Capacity Infrastructure Services and Greater Wellington
Regional Council's water supply group.
owned by the Hutt, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Wellington city councils
and Greater Wellington Regional Council. The councils are all equal
role is to manage the drinking water, wastewater and stormwater
services of our council owners.
I suspect it was set up to keep functions seperate and to be operated along commercial lines to cater primarliy for the commercial sector.
I managed to get hold of a spokesperson from Wellington Water who told me that they have a consent to extract water for commercial and domestic use until the flow rate upstream at the Kaitoke weir reaches 600 lit/sec.
Current flow rates are now about 1700 m3/second. If I do what I was told to do and multiply by 1000 that's 1,700,00 litres /second
He did not send me the document, but a short note confrming what he told me:
again for getting in touch. The river certainly looks low from time
to time, but it looks like it will get a top up this weekend.
consent condition requires us to leave a minimum flow of 600 litres a
second over the weir in Kaitoke river, from where we extract water.
measure point is the Hutt river at Birchville, where when the flow
gets below 1600 l/s for 20 days, or 1300 l/s for five days
(consecutive), we need to discuss garden watering restriction levels
with Greater Wellington.
that clears things up a bit for you
As I have previously pointed out, statistics come in two forms - cubic meters/second and litres/second.
Converting from one to the other should be a simple matter of dividing (or multiplying) by 1,000. However, if I do this the results that don't make any sense at all.
Using this method to calculate the equivalent of 600 litres/second minimum flow in Wellington Water's consent I get the result of 0.6 cubic metres!!
Instead I will compare both sets of figures separately.
The following figures are in cubic metres/second:
Site | Description | Average flow for Feb 1st 2015 (litres/second) | Average flow for January 2015 (litres/second) | Average flow for January 2013 (litres/second) | Longterm average flow for January (litres/second) | Average flow (litres/second) |
River at Kaitoke (NIWA site)
of water supply weir at Kaitoke
River at Birchville (NIWA site)
just upstream of Totara Park footbridge
River at Taita Gorge
site in catchment. Opposite Manor Park golf course
Greater Wellington Regional Council
These were the comments I made at the time:
What this indicates is the river flows at Kaitoke where water is extracted for water supply, on February 1 2015 stood at 1215 litres/ second - 22% of the January average of 6710 litres/second.
The figures were similar further downstream.
Although river levels have not yet reached the low levels of 2013, it is unprecedented for levels to be so low so early in the season (mid-summer).
Clearly there is a problem, especially if we look at the wider global situation.
However no one, at the official level at least, wants to see the bigger picture or to acknowledge there is a problem at all, although several people we have spoken to (as private individuals), acknowledge that this is an unusual situation.
I went back to the Council to ask for comparative figures for 2013 and 2014.
What this indicates is the river flows at Kaitoke where water is extracted for water supply, on February 1 2015 stood at 1215 litres/ second - 22% of the January average of 6710 litres/second.
The figures were similar further downstream.
Although river levels have not yet reached the low levels of 2013, it is unprecedented for levels to be so low so early in the season (mid-summer).
Clearly there is a problem, especially if we look at the wider global situation.
However no one, at the official level at least, wants to see the bigger picture or to acknowledge there is a problem at all, although several people we have spoken to (as private individuals), acknowledge that this is an unusual situation.
I went back to the Council to ask for comparative figures for 2013 and 2014.
Site | Description | Average flow for February 2013 (litres/second) | Average flow for February 2014 (litres/second) | Longterm average flow for February (litres/second) |
Hutt River at Kaitoke (NIWA site) | Upstream of water supply weir at Kaitoke |
Hutt River at Birchville (NIWA site) | Mid-catchment just upstream of Totara Park footbridge |
Hutt River at Taita Gorge | Lowest site in catchment. Opposite Manor Park golf course |
From these figures, the average flow for February 2014 (another drought year) was 2832 litres/sec while the long- term average for the month was 4818 litres/sec
If Wellington Water are mandated to extract water to a minimum of 600 litres/second this means they are allowed to extract to a point that is 21% of the February average for 2014 (roughly equivalent to the situation now) and only 12% of the average flow for the month.
If Wellington Water are mandated to extract water to a minimum of 600 litres/second this means they are allowed to extract to a point that is 21% of the February average for 2014 (roughly equivalent to the situation now) and only 12% of the average flow for the month.
To get a sense of the situation as it is now, I have compared the figures for the flow in cubic metres/second on one day (9 February) in successive years:
DATE | FLOW RATE m3/sec |
9 February, 2013 | 2794 |
9 February, 2014 | 1659 |
9 February, 2015 | 1270 |
9 February, 2016 | 1272 |
9 February, 2017 | 8832 |
9 February, 2018 | 1250 |
The following are figures were provided to me by Wellington Regional Council.
They are mean figures, so are affected by the one rain event which makes it looks as if there is more water in the river than there actually is.
"The flows are in cubic metres per second so multiply by 1000 to convert to litres per second if needed."
They are mean figures, so are affected by the one rain event which makes it looks as if there is more water in the river than there actually is.
"The flows are in cubic metres per second so multiply by 1000 to convert to litres per second if needed."
River at Kaitoke – mean February flow
2015 1.409 m3/s
2016 2.697 m3/s
2017 11.593 m3/s
(up to 9th) 2018 3.695 m3/s
River at Birchville – mean February flow
2015 2.957 m3/s
2016 6.069 m3/s
2017 36.474 m3/s
(up to 9th) 2018 7.506 m3/s
River at Taita Gorge – mean February flow
2015 3.467 m3/s
2016 8.802 m3/s
2017 41.054 m3/s
(up to 9th) 2018 8.252 m3/s
all of this means is that the river is in a parlous state and has
been for a few years now.
at 1250 litres/second we have a situation with toxic algal blooms
that are occasionally flushed out by a rain event but are a more or
less permanent feature. Gone are the days when someone could canoe
the river.
then a situation where due to drought and the authorities drawing off
water from the river the flow rate drops to 600 litres/second.
is a mandate to destroy a river to provide water to corporates as
well as to the community.
Water say there is nothing to worry about because they have NIWA’s
forecasts of “ample rain”, when the same NIWA failed miserably to
predict this situation and only talked about the ‘hot blob’ well
after I had noticed it by simply following Climate Reanalyzer. They
say that if the river fails they have other rivers (in a similar,if
not worse state), and the aquifer.
mandate is a largely commercial one – of providing their
mostly-commercial customers with water – and devising strategies to
do this.
do not appear to care about the state of the river and fail to see that
a day might come when, due to their profligate policies, they
are unable to deliver their mandate.
there are people in Greater Wellington Regional Council who have
a genuine concern for the conservation of the river.
In my mind, it is the very reason why this
company was set up – to keep the commercial … paramount.
I will finish off with this article which reveals something that stopped me in my tracks.
In the case of earthquake or other disaster which takes out the water supply Wellington has only enough reserves to supply the city for 19 hours at normal usage.
In the case of earthquake or other disaster which takes out the water supply Wellington has only enough reserves to supply the city for 19 hours at normal usage.
majority of the city's water is supplied via a pipe running along
State Highway 2, which lies right on a faultline.
this line were severed, it is predicted the city and eastern suburbs
could be without water for up to 100 days.....Wellington has only
enough reserves to supply the city for 19 hours at normal usage.
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