Tuesday 26 December 2017

16-year-old Ahed Tamimi under deterntion in zionist state

Israel has transferred Ahed Tamimi to three different detention facilities in the last five days even though she has not yet been charged with a crime

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24 December, 2017

The recent arrest of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi by Israeli soldiers from her family home in the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh has sparked protest around the world and refocused light on Israel’s unjust treatment of Palestinian children.

In the five days since her arrest, Israeli authorities have attempted to coerce confession from Ahed, a minor, without access to a lawyer or a parent (her mother Nariman was herself arrested when she arrived to accompany her daughter during questioning); moved her from the occupied West Bank across the 1949 armistice line, also known as the “Green Line,” in contravention of international law; and transferred the sleep deprived teenager between at least three different detention centers and prisons.

All of this and Ahed has not yet been charged with a crime.

Ahed’s father Bassem Tamimi spoke about his daughter’s current situation to Palestinian human rights defenders Manal Tamimi of the Nabi Saleh Popular Committee, Issa Amro of Youth Against Settlements and Ariel Gold, of U.S.-based social justice organization CODEPINK; who conveyed the information to Mondoweiss.

Upon her arrest, she was held in an Israeli police station in the West Bank, where according to a Facebook post from her father, she refused to cooperate with interrogators.

From there, Ahed was moved to the infamous Moscobiyeh detention center in West Jerusalem, at which point Israeli authorities violated multiple statutes of the Fourth Geneva Convention which clearly characterizes deportation of protected persons from occupied territory into the occupying state as “unlawful deportation” — though this practice is typical in Israel’s handling of prisoners.

Today when she appeared at Ofer military court for a hearing on her release, it was revealed that Ahed’s night at Moscobiyeh was spent in total isolation inside a cold cell.

This interrogation center and prison is notorious for its underground dungeon cells and torture techniques, including against children,” Ariel Gold of CODEPINK told Mondoweiss.

The horrors of this prison were recently portrayed in depth in the film Ghost Hunting by Palestinian-French director Raed Andoni — where sexual harassment, abuse and torture are staples of the interrogation process.

Ahed was then moved to Hasharon prison in northern Israel, which consists of three sections, according to prisoner solidarity organization Addameer.

A section for children designated security prisoners, another for children designated criminal prisoners and a section for Palestinian women prisoners. It previously included a section that housed a large number of Palestinian children 16 years and under together, in the same population, with Jewish Israeli criminal prisoners. The children were in such constant danger of violation and harassment by the adult prisoners that eventually this section was closed.

Currently Ahed is being held in the Ramlah prison outside Jaffa, and at her court appearance today it was revealed that her cell has cameras pointed at it constantly, day and night. Ramlah prison is generally considered a transfer point for Palestinian detainees, suggesting Tamimi may be moved yet again before her next court appearance tomorrow on December 25.

Based on her physical appearance in court, her family and supporters believe she has “not been allowed sunshine, a shower or proper food during her detention” at any of the facilities.

She looks tired and worn out from the constant transfers, a technique often used by Israel to break down prisoners.

There already exists a global movement that is infuriated by the detention of Ahed, but more so as her treatment by Israeli prison authorities worsens.

Israel’s actions against a 16-year-old girl amount to torture under international law. Ahed, Nariman and Nour are a specific threat to Israel because they are strong women and girls leading a popular uprising against a military occupation. It is a movement that is supported around the world and cannot be stopped,” CODEPINK’s Ariel Gold told Mondoweiss. Nour Tamimi is Ahed’s 21-year-old cousin, arrested by the Israeli military the day following Ahed’s arrest.

Palestinian human rights defender Issa Amro said in a statement to Mondoweiss: “The Israeli occupation arrested Ahed Tamimi and her mother and cousin to revenge the soldiers’ pride and honor and masculinity.”

Arrests and detention will not make Palestinians, especially the women of Nabi Saleh, give up,” Amro added.

Ahed is expected to appear again in court tomorrow, December 25.

Israeli journalist calls for raping Palestinian minor female prisoner

It is the Israeli mindset. During Israeli offensive on Gaza in 2014, an Israeli soldier called on Netanyahu to rape all Palestinian mothers in Gaza.

Prominent Israeli journalist called for raping the Palestinian minor female prisoner inside Israeli jails Ahed al-Tamimi, 16, over slapping an Israeli soldier who shot her 15-year-old cousin in the head.

In the case of the girls [Ahed al-Tamimi], we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras,” journalist Ben Caspit wrote in an article published by the Hebron Maariv newspaper.

What might this price exactly be, considering that he is referring specifically to teenage girls? We are left to wonder. Perhaps he wishes to leave it to the imagination of the soldiers who would invade the home at night, ensuring that no cameras are filming.

Ben Caspit’s suggestion is a sly and wretched one, and it comes with the smugness of congratulating the soldiers for their moral strength, as it were, for not having acted back with force against the girls – on film, that is.

There is no stomach which does not turn when witnessing this clip,” Caspit says, referring to Zionist stomachs, that is. “I, for example, if I were to encounter that situation, I would have long ago been in detention until end of procedures.”

In other words, Caspit is saying he would run amok on the girls to a degree that would get him arrested. That’s what he’s indirectly suggesting would be ‘normal,’ because he would do it.

Caspit’s suggestion resembles that of the Israeli Defence Minister Lieberman, who also said on Tuesday that “whoever goes wild during the day, will be arrested at night,” adding that “everyone involved, not only the girl but also her parents and those around them will not escape from what they deserve.”

The soldiers were repeatedly being called “gays” and “trannies” because they were not seduced by this little girl and did not rape her.

Elor Azarya, the Israeli soldier who killed a motionless Palestinian in Al-Khalil last year, wrote in July 2014, near the beginning of the onslaught on Gaza: “Bibi, you are transvestite. What a ceasefire? Penetrate their mothers!”

Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev described the unwillingness of the Israeli soldiers to rape the little girls as “damaging of the honour of the Israeli army.”

Israel Extends 16-year-old Palestinian Girl's Detention Because She Could 'Pose a Danger'

Ahed Tamimi, who was recently filmed slapping Israeli soldiers, gets four more days as judges say she might obstruct investigation, with one saying she could endanger soldiers

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