Monday 21 October 2019

Paul Craig Roberts: "the oligarchs will crash the system to boot Trump"

Paul Craig Roberts: "Oligarchs Will Crash The System To Boot Trump"

Via Greg Hunter’s,
Economic expert and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicts that the oligarchs of the New World Order (NWO) will do anything to boot President Trump out of office.
Dr. Roberts, who has a PhD in Economics and is a former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, predicts the NWO will take down the financial system as a last resort if all else fails. Dr. Roberts explains, “Now, if they can’t get Trump out, they will crash it..."
"There will be a big crash before the election, and people will blame Trump. That’s about how smart Americans are. Now, there is one constraint for the Fed doing that because the Fed is a tool of the New York banks. If they crash the economy, they are going to crash those New York banks. That’s the only restraint on the elites. That’s their ultimate nuke. If they can’t get him out, they will say, okay, we are going to bring down the economy and too bad for the New York Banks, or they will find some special way to bail them out while everything else goes: the pension funds, the hedge funds, the mutual funds. They will wipe us out in order to get rid of Trump.
Dr. Roberts says forget about the Left/Right Democrat and Republican paradigm. Dr. Roberts explains, “This isn’t a Democrat vs. Republican thing..."
"This is the elite, the establishment, the oligarchs and the people who rule the country. They are defending their power. Trump was elected by the people. Remember, Hillary called people who voted for Trump ‘deplorables.’ So, the people who go against the elite candidate are ‘deplorable.’ The voters are ‘deplorable.’ That’s what this is about. They have to get him out for that reason. They also know if they get him out for that reason, every other person that would step forward and actually try to lead the country rather than serve the ruling class, that person will know that he hasn’t a chance. Even if he gets into office, he’s going to be excoriated, framed up, lied about and driven out. Nobody will want that grief.”
Dr. Roberts points out, “Where is William Barr?"
"We already know Russia-gate, the Steel Dossier, the deception of the FISA Court, we know all of these were felonies. Indeed, I consider it treason, and there is nothing? There is no action? Nothing, and that’s the most amazing thing to me when every legitimate whistleblower has been destroyed. Now, we have a fake one, a CIA operation against the President, and nobody even knows who the whistleblower is? It’s so transparent. If the American people fall for this they, will go down in history as the most utterly stupid people who have ever walked the earth, and they will deserve the consequences. It will be the end of America.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with award winning journalist and former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

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