War Breaks Out Between "Russian Asset" Tulsi Gabbard And
"Warmongering Queen" Hillary Clinton
18 October, 2019
Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard - who like Trump was quickly put in the crosshairs of the military industrial complex, the deep state and the pro-war Atlantic Council for her de-interventionist foreign policy - fired back at Hillary Clinton, accusing her of being behind a "concerted campaign" to destroy her reputation and challenged her to stop hiding and enter the 2020 presidential race. Earlier in the day, Hillary Clinton floated a conspiracy theory that the Russians are "grooming" the Hawaii congresswoman to be a third-party candidate in 2020, while claiming 2016 Green Party nominee Jill Stein is "also" a Russian asset.
“Great! Thank you Hillary Clinton,” Gabbard tweeted late on Friday afternoon. "You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain."
“From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose." Gabbard added.
Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ...
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... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and ...
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... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.
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“Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly,” Gabbard called out Clinton, who has dropped hints that she might run again in 2020 as a rematch for her 2016 humiliation.
During this week’s Democratic debate, Gabbard blasted debate co-sponsors CNN and the New York Times for "smearing" her along similar lines. CNN commentator Bakari Sellers called her a "puppet" for the Russian government and the Times reported on her “frequent” mentions in Russian state news media.
"Just two days ago, The New York Times put out an article saying that I'm a Russian asset and an Assad apologist and all these different smears,” Gabbard said. "This morning, a CNN commentator said on national television that I'm an asset of Russia — completely despicable."
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Clinton, who has blamed everyone - from the FBI to Russia - except herself for her 2016 loss to Donald Trump, said in a Thursday interview on President Obama aide David Plouffe’s “Campaign HQ” podcast that "Russians" were "grooming" someone in the Democrat primary field to run as a third-party candidate.
“I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton said, in apparent reference to Gabbard, a Hawaii Army National Guard major who served in Iraq. "She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far."
While not calling out Gabbard by name, her spokesperson later told CNN, “if the nesting doll fits,” leaving no room for doubt.
And just to make sure she finds yet another scapegoat for her loss, Clinton also accused 2016 Green Party nominee, Jill Stein, who ran against her and Donald Trump in 2016, of also being an asset of Russia: "That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset."
Earlier in the interview, Clinton hinted that the Trump 2020 campaign is still in "contact with the Russians," and that "we have to assume that since it worked for them, why would they quit?"
"Donald Trump is Vladimir Putin's dream," Clinton added. "I don't know what Putin has on him - whether its both personal and financial, I assume it is. But more than that, there's this bizarre adulation Trump has for dictators."
Clinton also insisted that Russia "did affect the outcome of the election" in 2016, despite the DOJ concluding otherwise.
Of all the candidates in the crowded Democrat primary field, Gabbard has been under the heaviest fire from journalists who previously boosted Clinton, accused of being an “Assad apologist” over a fact-finding trip she took to Syria years ago.
During the 2016 campaign, Gabbard resigned as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee after endorsing Bernie Sanders for the party’s presidential nomination. Clinton beat Sanders out for the nomination largely due to support from the unaccountable “superdelegates,” and thanks to Wikileaks, it later emerged that her campaign had taken over the DNC entirely, a discovery that led to the resignation of then-DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, which might help explain Gabbard’s line about “the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”
Shortly after Gabbard's tweets, the Clinton campaign promptly responded, in what now appears will be a lengthy war of words between the two women as Hillary prepares to unveil her final presidential campaign. As CNN reporter, Dan Merica tweeted, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill has responded to Gabbard’s response, saying: "Divisive language filled with vitriol and conspiracy theories? Can’t imagine a better proof point than this," although it wasn't quite clear how Gabbard's response to Clinton's original conspiracy theories was proof of anything besides defense against unsubstantiated allegations.
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Shortly thereafter, Democratic candidate Cory Booker, whose odds of winning the nomination, decided to join in the catfight, reacting to Gabbard with a GIF:
And since, at its core this is a feud between the military industrial complex at the heart of the US government, and those who would rather not send the stock price of Lockheed, Raytheon and Boeing to new all time highs in exchange for the mass murder of innocent civilians, the neocons were not far behind with former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power quickly tweeting in response to Clinton’s comments: "If @TulsiGabbard runs, it wd be a huge windfall for Trump, Assad, Putin, Xi”

2016 election was won by 78,000 votes spread among 3 states. Absent 3rd party candidates, @HillaryClinton wd have won & @realDonaldTrump wld not now be harming Americans(& our friends) & aiding autocrats. If @TulsiGabbard runs, it wd be a huge windfall for Trump, Assad, Putin, Xi …

"I Stand Against Everything She Represents" - Gabbard Hammers Tired, Sick, Fragile Hillary
18 October, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard has stones. She has the kind of stones born of a life dedicated to the cause of serving others.
She is the direct opposite of Hillary Clinton, for whom all causes serve herself and her enormous narcissism and pathology.
So seeing Gabbard go directly after Hillary Clinton after her debate performance the other evening where she explicitly called out both the New York Times and CNN (the hosts of the debate) for the hit jobs on her puts to rest any idea she’s someone else’s stalking horse.
Two weeks ago I asked if five tweets from President Trump changed U.S. foreign policy for good, Gabbard does him two better with these three tweets of absolute, Oscar Wilde-like beauty.
Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ...
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... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and ...
26.7K people are talking about this
... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.
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There is so much goodness to unpack in these tweets it is almost beyond my ability to do so.
Clearly, Gabbard may have real problems with Donald Trump as president but she’s learned very quickly from him that the best way to deal with Hillary and her media quislings is to attack them without mercy.
Gabbard throws down the gauntlet here outing Hillary as the mastermind behind the DNC strategy of allowing the current crop of future losers to fall all over themselves to alienate as many centrist voters as possible.
This paves the way for Hillary to swoop in on her broom, pointed hat in hand, and declare herself the savior of the Democratic Party’s chances to defeat Donald Trump next November.
Remember that leading up to the debate Gabbard was going to boycott the event because it was such a corrupted event and stage-managed to showcase the chosen ‘front-runners’ — Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren.
It makes sense to me that she decided at the last minute to join the debate after the Times piece just to ensure she got the national platform to openly call out the corruption in the same breath as attacking Trump for his, to this point, disastrous foreign policy mistakes.
She emerged from that debate as the only candidate with any moral compass capable of pointing in a single direction. Warren made a fool of herself responding with bromides about leaving in the ‘rightt way’ indistinguishable from any other presidential puppet of the last twenty years.
This is two debates in a row where Gabbard came out blazing at the front-runner, claiming a moral and ethical high ground on foreign policy that, at just over half the age of her rivals, that shows a maturity well beyond her years.
Her calling Hillary the “Queen of Warmongers” is so self-evidently true that it will reverberate far beyond Twitter into votes.
And it tells Hillary that Gabbard has zero fear of her and her political machine.
You can’t cow a person without fear who has nothing to lose.
[ZH: And Gabbard was not done - she ripped into Hillary's terrible legacy in a Friday night “Tucker Carlson Tonight” interview.]
During her discussion with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Gabbard framed Clinton’s opposition as being not only against her candidacy, but against “every veteran in this country, every service member, every American, anyone watching at home fighting for peace and who was calling for an end to these regime change wars.”
“Ultimately she knows she can’t control me,” Gabbard said, responding to Carlson’s question about why Clinton is taking aim at her. “I stand against everything that she represents and if I’m elected president, if I’m the Democratic nominee and elected president she will not be able to control me. She won’t be able to manipulate me. She won’t be able to continue to work from behind the curtains, to continue these regime change wars that have been so costly.”The Democratic presidential candidate said the blood of her “brothers and sisters in uniform” killed in Iraq, a “war she championed,” is “on her hands.”“I am calling for an end to these regime change wars. This is why she’s speaking out strongly and smearing my character and trying to undermine my campaign,” she said.“Just as she is doing this to me, this is what will happen to anybody who is doing the same.”Responding to a question from the Fox News host about the massive media and political opposition from both parties to her foreign policy positions, Gabbard noted that it happened as soon as she announced her candidacy." And now we know exactly why. It’s because I am standing up and speaking out strongly against the Hillary Clinton legacy, the warmongering legacy of waging these regime change wars, continuing to escalate these tensions between the United States, nuclear armed countries like Russia, China, this nuclear arms race bringing more profits to the military-industrial complex. "
Bullies like Hillary never learn that lesson until they are humiliated beyond recognition.
Moreover, when you look at this sequence of events it’s clear that the DNC, Hillary and everyone else close to the corridors of power fear Gabbard’s rise. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be putting out smears in the New York Times.
They wouldn’t be spending millions on social media trolls to discredit her in the public fora.
The first rule of politics is “You never attack down.”
Well, Hillary attacked down. The Times attacked down. The DNC, by gaming the debate rules, attacked down. And that spells disaster for anyone who does it.
Just ask Rudy Guiliani.
This was the exchange that ended Rudy’s political career. 150 seconds of truth-telling that ignited a movement which culminated in the election of Donald Trump.
Gabbard is following that same course. The difference between her and Dr. Paul is that she’s less polite. But as to their moral clarity there is little difference. And she shouldn’t be polite. The stakes are higher today than they were in 2008.
The people Gabbard is up against are even more ruthless since Hillary intends to win, whereas the Republicans in 2008 were fighting for the right to lose to her at the time.
Gabbard’s rise in popularity among Trump voters and centrists is born of the same exhaustion the American people have with endless wars for globalism. She is Trump’s Kryptonite.
The party she represents is irrelevant. By wrapping herself in the mantle of the front-runner for the nomination is not delusional, it’s the most strategic thing she’s done to date.
It’s also becoming more and more realistic as the days go on.
Because by responding to Hillary’s ham-fisted attempts to position herself as the voice of reason, Gabbard clarifies for everyone just how sick and bile-filled Hillary is by outing her as the delusional one.
And reminding everyone that Hillary is the architect of the very policies in the Middle East that Trump is now taking heat for trying to unwind.
Gabbard knows what the plan is. She was there in 2016 when Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and quit her position in the DNC because of it.
Even Trump knows that foreign policy and foreign entanglements will be the big ticket issue for this election cycle.
Because Gabbard has single-handedly made it so.
Trump is already running against her by pulling back from Syria, looking for peace options in Afghanistan, firing John Bolton while using proxies and, yes, Vladimir Putin to assist him in fixing his myriad mistakes of the first thirty months of his presidency.
Hillary trying to position herself as the one who can save the Middle East from Trump’s bumbling is laughable and Gabbard just laughed in Hillary’s face.
Calling everyone who voices any dissent from foreign or domestic policy orthodoxy a Russian agent is a losing proposition. It belies reality and what people see with their own eyes.
Americans want better relations with Russia now World War III. Trump’s popularity has risen since he backed off on starting a war with Iran.
The media spent four years marginalizing Dr. Paul. The RNC stole the nomination from him just as surely as the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie. As the people in the U.K. are finding out, their votes don’t matter.
Democracy doesn’t matter, only the fever dreams of the soulless and the power mad who think they run the world. Look at what Hillary has become, not what you remember her to be.
She’s a tired, sick, fragile woman whose bitterness and evil is literally eating her up from the inside out. Have you noticed that she hasn’t been photographed standing up for months?
She’s the epitome of everything wrong with America and, in fact, the world and Tulsi Gabbard just stood up and laughed at her for still thinking she was the Emperor when in reality she’s The Joker.
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